baseline is LDP, since most other definitions, except
DOA, are based on this standard. This makes it clear
that these two standards are the most common ground
to which the use case should be compatible, and there
is even some alignment between them. However, the
baselines do not offer the full requested requirements,
making the extensions worthwhile. Especially, the
extensions of LDP as FactStack and Solid can bring
a lot of wanted functionality in terms of data prove-
nance and access rights which because of the com-
mon ground of being based on LDP is not that big of
an additional overhead to implement and is definitely
something the use case will strive to be compatible
to. Additionally, since FDP extends the LDP to be-
come a metadata access point and extends DCAT with
the part of recognizing metadata as its own entity, this
compliments the final requirements and is therefore
a final piece for achieving the requirements. How-
ever, DOA is not completely out of the picture either,
since especially for DOA, the persistent identifier res-
olution part which DONA (the maintainer of DOA) is
working on is based on the Handle System which the
use case uses as well. There are, therefore, certainly
parallels, so this is something not to disregard and in
future some compatibility is to be expected. Lastly,
FDOF is an interesting current development which
because of the not production readiness just falls short
currently to be implemented. This, however, could
definitely change in a short amount of time, making
this a future candidate to look out for.
This paper discussed the need for standards in a re-
search data management system and presented the use
case of Coscine, which acts as such a platform. Com-
mon architectures and standards are explored and
described, including LDP, FactStack, Solid, DOA,
FDOF, DCAT, and FDP. For evaluating these stan-
dards, the requirements of the use case are dis-
cussed and presented. During the evaluation, the stan-
dards are categorized regarding presented require-
ments. The discussion part clarifies that there is a
baseline which many standards fall back on, which is
LDP and DCAT. They are therefore a definite must for
the use case to be compatible to. To fulfill the require-
ments, FactStack, Solid, and FDP are discussed to ful-
fill the missing parts from the baseline. Therefore, af-
ter evaluation, work on implementing these standards
in the use case can start, and it can hopefully become
a fully standard-based research data management sys-
tem in the future.
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DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications