The context is to identify and summarize
knowledge about the application of advanced analyt-
ics in central banks. A presentation of this knowledge
in the sense of a consolidation of the “body of
knowledge” can provide an overview of existing
work, stimulate own projects, and promote exchange
and cooperation among data scientists and developers
in central banks.
Our work also consists in a (methodological)
combination of DS and review research, as the result
should not only bring a progress of knowledge and
insight but also a very practical progress in the sense
of a case study database that should promote the ex-
change of interested organizations and participants.
In this position paper, only the basic idea has been
presented due to the fact that the methodological ap-
proach has not yet been fully defined and established,
and also in the sense that only preliminary results are
available so far. Reflections on the research process
have been presented above and it has already been
gone through several times. It is founded on estab-
lished work on review research and established ap-
proaches to design science. Against the background
of the special question pursued, a combination is
aimed at, which currently cannot yet be regarded as
well-founded in every respect. Further methodologi-
cal work is needed here. It is possible that the combi-
nation of design science and review research may
prove fruitful beyond the domain under considera-
Furthermore, beyond the still small-scale “proto-
types”, which each covers quite delimited thematic
areas, larger-scale reviews of studies and use cases
need to be carried out, so that not only the feasibility
is demonstrated, but also a concrete practical benefit.
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