A Two-tire Approach for Organization Name Entity Resolution
Almuth M
and Achim Kuwertz
Fraunhofer IOSB, Fraunhoferstraße 1, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Entity Resolution, Record Linkage, Deduplication, Natural Language Processing, Fuzzy Matching.
This paper presents a concept for a two-tire semi-automated approach for business data entity resolution.
Resolving entity names is generally relevant e.g. in business intelligence. When applied, several difficulties
have to be considered, such as name deviations for an organization. Here, two types of deviations can be
distinguished. First, names can differ due to typos, native special characters or transformation errors. Second,
an organization name can change due to outdated designations or being given in another language. A further
aspect is data sovereignty. Analyzed data sources can be under direct control, e.g. in own data storage systems,
and thus be kept clean. Yet, other sources of relevant data may only be publicly available. It is in general not
recommended to copy such data, due to e.g. its amount and data duplication issues. The proposed two-
tire approach for entity resolution thus not only considers different kinds of name derivations, but also data
sovereignty issues. Being still work in progress, it yet has the potential to reduce the effort required when
compared to manual approaches and can possibly be applied in different areas where there is a significant
need for harmonized data and externally curated systems are not feasible.
Data quality management is a vital aspect of the data
management process. It is a very broad field by it-
self, with data harmonization playing a significant
role. Data harmonization refers to all efforts com-
bining information from diverse sources and provid-
ing analysts with a comparable representation. This
is becoming increasingly important in today’s data-
driven world, where data is frequently distributed
across multiple data sources.
There are many different fields of application,
like data warehouses with extract-transform-load
(ETL) processes, Internet-of-Things (IoT) applica-
tions where data is used for machine learning or the
healthcare domain where patient data is distributed
across different practitioners.
In most cases, non-harmonised data entries result
in an inaccurate analysis. This inevitably has a nega-
tive impact on the development of models, forecasts,
or simulations, leading to a reduction in the analysis
procedure’s reliability, user acceptance, and user sat-
isfaction. Therefore, data harmonization is of interest
to both theoreticians and practitioners.
To harmonize data from different sources and de-
rive meaningful insights, several activities must be
considered. This study focuses on entity recognition
(ER), deduplication, and record linkage (RL).
Record linkage (RL) describes the task of
cleaning and joining different representations
of the same real-world entity across different
datasets (Fellegi and Sunter, 1969, Winkler, 1990,
Mirylenka et al., 2019). Entity resolution (ER)
and deduplication ensure that a real-world ob-
ject is represented by just one single record
(Elmagarmid et al., 2007, Binette and Steorts, 2022).
When record linking, entity resolution, and dedupli-
cation are applied, a single representation of an entity
can be derived that is enriched with information
originally spread across different datasets.
In recent years, significant progress in data
harmonization has been accomplished, primar-
ily through data mining and machine learn-
ing (Gottapu et al., 2016, Mudgal et al., 2018,
Li et al., 2021). Despite the fact that there are nu-
merous commercial systems available, most of them
are ”black box” systems from the user’s perspective.
Often, very superficial information is available about
the methods used. As a result, such systems do not
allow direct insight into the quality of their results,
which would be particularly important in science
and healthcare. Besides their high price, this is
another reason why such systems are not feasible
Müller, A. and Kuwertz, A.
A Two-tire Approach for Organization Name Entity Resolution.
DOI: 10.5220/0011307000003269
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2022), pages 484-491
ISBN: 978-989-758-583-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
for some areas of application. Furthermore, many
of the systems are focused on specific domains with
unique data requirements. Due to the wide range of
applications, none of the existing systems can be used
universally or without adaptation to a new application
domain (K
opcke et al., 2010).
This paper is based on a business intelligence use
case for research institutes. As a result, important data
sources include project partners, patents, and paper
publications. Considering the aforementioned issues,
existing systems could not be adequately adapted.
Instead, a new two-tiered approach is proposed,
based on the latest research on the relevant tasks (ER,
RL, etc.) and tailored to the circumstances and re-
quirements of the use case under consideration.
The paper presents a conceptual architecture with
recommendations of available or experimental meth-
ods for each step of the process. The implementation
of those methods is currently ongoing and will be pre-
sented as future work. The considered use cases in-
cludes datasets with different data schemes and data
Chapter 2 describes the use case on which the pa-
per is based and the properties of the data sources
considered. In chapter 3, the developed concept for
the recognition of organizations across datasets is pre-
sented. The concept addresses the aspects of data
sovereignty by introducing a catalog of name varia-
tions, the Corporation Catalog, as a central part of the
concept. Chapter 4 then describes the construction of
the Corporation Catalog, along with methods for re-
solving the different name variations by which orga-
nizations may be represented. To recognize records
that belong to the same organization Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) and fuzzy logic-based tech-
niques are investigated. Work in progress is discussed
in chapter 5. The paper concludes with a summary in
chapter 6.
The principles mentioned in this paper can be
transferred to other areas that face similar conditions.
The work presented in this paper is based on a need
to gain insights into an organization and its research
partnerships in order to conduct targeted research.
The relevant data about project participations, patents
and publication is spread among different datasets,
both locally and externally stored.
The individual entries do not necessarily have to
be duplicates, in the sense of double, identical en-
tries. More often an entity can have different oc-
currences across multiple data sources, e.g. listing
several patents of an institute in one dataset and the
project participation of the same institute in another
A concept for harmonizing this data must there-
fore be able to deal with three main challenges:
own and third-party data sovereignty,
various data schemes with few common features,
spelling mistakes or variations of organization
The challenges are discussed in more detail below.
2.1 Data Sovereignty
Data sovereignty is an important but often overlooked
factor. Some of the relevant data sources for analysis
are stored locally in the company’s data management
system. Other relevant data sources can be obtained
from externally accessible databases. Diverse sources
of data, including data provided outside the organiza-
tion, can lead to significant insights into new lines of
research (Boscoe et al., 2011).
While locally stored records can be edited directly
and kept clean, this is not feasible with external ones.
Due to the volume of such data sets, it is not recom-
mended to copy external data sources into the orga-
nization’s data storage system. Especially since this
would cause additional problems due to double data
This shows that a concept for data harmonization
must follow different approaches depending on the
underlying data sovereignty.
2.2 Data Schemes
Another challenge to the harmonization process arises
from the very different data schemes of the vari-
ous data sources. The various data schemes are due
to different natures of the data sets, such as patent
databases and project or publication databases.
The only common field among the data schemes
under consideration is usually only the name fea-
ture, which contains the designation of an organi-
zation. It therefore acts as a ”primary key” across
multiple records. Therefore, especially when investi-
gating suitable methods for deduplication and record
linkage, the focus for recognizing an organization in
a dataset is based on the organization designation.
Without the benefit of multiple feature columns, less
information is available and fewer approaches are fea-
sible (Kaufman and Klevs, 2021).
A Two-tire Approach for Organization Name Entity Resolution
2.3 Spelling Mistakes and Deviations
An organization’s designation is prone to misspellings
and other types of deviations. A conceptual distinc-
tion can be made between two types of such name
Spelling mistakes can occur due to e.g. ty-
pos, native special characters or transformation errors
andez and Stolfo, 1998). Spelling mistakes lead
to discrepancies in the designation at the letter level.
Besides that, designations of an organization can
show major deviations. Organizations, for example,
frequently have an official English name in addition
to their domestic one. Furthermore, organizations’
designations may have changed throughout time e.g.
Daimler Benz, Daimler Chrysler, and Mercedes. In
addition, organizations can have subsidiaries that are
to be added to the parent company for the analysis.
Those deviations can lead to completely different des-
Both groups differ significantly in the methods
that can be used to identify them. It is not possible
to handle this task with a single tool, but a more com-
prehensive approach to deal with such different rep-
resentations of organizations is required.
The conceptual architecture for semi-automated data
curation approach for business data derives from two
main challenges: data sovereignty and the two signif-
icant groups of name deviations.
Externally managed data cannot be changed di-
rectly and stored in a harmonized manner. In general,
this can be circumvented by maintaining local lookup
tables referencing IDs in these external records and
flagging duplicates or records from the same organi-
This paper presents a different approach that of-
fers the benefit of a feature store in addition to the
same ease of use as linking to external record IDs.
This approach enables a more efficient harmonization
process in the long term. Instead of cleaning up errors
in organization name features, the presented concept
aims to collect the name deviations of organizations
and store them grouped by organization, as shown in
figure 1.
The collection of such groups of name deviations
is referred to as the Corporation Catalog in this paper.
The Corporation Catalog collects, groups, and man-
ages the name deviations according to the underlying
Figure 1: The Corporation Catalog itself consists of two
components. The first component groups organization
names with fuzzy deviations, e.g. due to typos or pho-
netic shifts. The second component identifies more com-
plex name variations like different languages or historic or-
ganization names.
The Corporation Catalog contains two compo-
nents that are build in two consecutive steps, as shown
in figure 1. Those components correlate with the two
groups of name deviations. The first component deals
with the spelling mistakes at the letter level. This
component is therefore referred to as fuzzy grouping.
The second component deals with the more complex
name deviations, like names in different languages
and is therefore referred to as advanced mapping.
It can be beneficial to keep the result of the second
step separate from the results of the first, especially
when it comes to parent and subsidiary organizations.
Users may want to consider them independently for
some analysis. The concept presented, therefore, sug-
gests storing the result of the second step as an ad-
ditional component in the Corporation Catalog. In
chapter 4, the construction of the Corporation Cata-
log is explained in greater detail.
Technically, the Corporation Catalog represents
another dataset in the organizations data storage sys-
tem. Each group in the Corporation Catalog can be
accessed using a unique identifier. The concept works
best if the identifier can be linked to a master data
record in which the official names of the organizations
are stored.
This master data record then represents an inter-
face. The Corporation Catalog can be used through
this interface to harmonize data. There are two types
of use, depending on the data sovereignty of the target
3.1 Locally Stored Data
Assuming a Corporation Catalog with multiple
spelling errors and name variations for distinct organi-
zations is present. The Corporation Catalog supports
and optimizes the harmonization of datasets stored lo-
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Figure 2: This flowchart shows how the Corporation Cata-
log helps harmonize records stored locally in an organiza-
tion’s data storage system. New data records with common
deviations may already be known to the Corporation Cat-
alog and can therefore be corrected directly. The harmo-
nization pipeline processes unknown deviations only. The
Corporation Catalog grows continuously as new deviations
are fed back into it.
cally in the organization’s data storage system in this
Some organizations’ designation show typical
name deviations that appear in many data sources.
With the classic procedure of cleaning each dataset
separately, such typical deviations would have to be
repeatedly identified and processed. In the case of
the Corporation Catalog, this repetitive work can be
reduced. The flowchart in figure 2 illustrates the pro-
cess. By comparing the characteristics in the dataset
with those in the Corporation Catalog, several en-
tries for one organization can easily be found and har-
monized. The remaining entries can then be further
processed using harmonization methods, described in
chapter 4.
The Corporation Catalog’s database is always in-
creasing since newly discovered name deviations are
submitted back into it. This increases the potential
of the Corporation Catalog. The Corporation Cat-
alog collects a growing number of name deviations
throughout time. This postpones the need to apply
the harmonization pipeline to clean up new items in a
growing database. There is a certain probability that
the newly added entries are already known to the Cor-
poration Catalog.
Figure 3: The Corporation Catalog is used to perform an on-
the-fly data cleaning and linking on externally stored data
sources. Via a master dataset a user starts a query based
on the organizations gold standard name. The Corporation
Catalog supplements this name with the available deviations
and forwards an advanced search to the target data sources.
The retrieved entries are displayed to the user.
3.2 External Data
In addition to the resource-saving cleaning of local
datasets, the Corporation Catalog enables the possi-
bility of viewing external data sources in a similarly
cleaned manner. External datasets do not allow sim-
ple, persistent changes to the data. The Corpora-
tion Catalog can be interposed to enable appropriately
cleaned queries on these data sources as well.
Such a query using the Corporation Catalog is
shown schematically in figure 3. The interface be-
tween the user and the target data source is the master
dataset. The master dataset contains the gold standard
names of the organization. A user can use this mas-
ter dataset as an interface to send queries to other data
The query is forwarded to the Corporation Cata-
log and the corresponding group in the Corporation
Catalog is selected. The user’s query is modified to
include the group’s name deviations, e.g. query chain
with logical OR. After that, the modified query is sent
to the target database. The target database’s entries
are collected and delivered in response to the user’s
request. This method employs on-the-fly processing.
The user receives the result directly from the target
Since this procedure might be associated with in-
creased computing power, it should only be used
where other options are impossible.
As described in chapter 2.3, name deviations of or-
ganizations in datasets are mainly due to spelling er-
A Two-tire Approach for Organization Name Entity Resolution
rors, outdated designations or the use of different lan-
A two-tier approach to constructing the Corpora-
tion Catalog in two steps is proposed to handle those
name deviations. Figure 1 depicts the two compo-
nents that will be discussed here.
4.1 Component One: Fuzzy Groups
The first component of the Corporation Catalog is
dealing with an organization’s ”fuzzy records. Be-
cause the names deviate at the letter level due to ty-
pos or phonetic shifts, these records cannot be directly
linked to a real-world organization.
A group of algorithms that specializes in match-
ing those deviations is called fuzzy string-matching
algorithms (Filipov and Varbanov, 2020). These al-
gorithms calculate the similarity of expressions and
provide a probability that two expressions are iden-
tical, minus the errors. Some of the common
fuzzy matching algorithms are e.g. Levenshtein
Distance (or Edit Distance), Damerau-Levenshtein
Distance, Jaro-Winkler Distance and Jaccard Index
(Jaccard, 1912, Damerau, 1964, Levenshtein, 1965,
Winkler, 1990, Bard, 2007).
Usually, a fuzzy matching algorithm alone does
not provide the best match. As a result, it is com-
mon to use multiple algorithms. The outputs of the
individual algorithms are added together to obtain a
final result. The individual results can be provided
with weights that reflect the reliability of one algo-
rithm for the specific application (Wang et al., 2019,
Gregg and Eder, 2022).
As a result, these methods can be used in ma-
chine learning applications. For example, a sys-
tem can be trained to find the best weights for the
individual fuzzy methods. An implementation for
this component of the Corporation Catalog is cur-
rently being evaluated. The Python library Dedupe
(Gregg and Eder, 2022) is analyzed for its usability
for the discussed use case. First results of the eval-
uation are discussed in chapter 5
The result of the first component, processing only
the fuzzy name deviations, will lead to several groups
for one organization. Those groups could be one
group per language of the organizations name, for
example. This is why a second component is rele-
vant. The advanced mapping collects these individual
groups and combines them into a more unified group.
This new group then can be linked to the correspond-
ing entry from the master database.
4.2 Component Two: Human Machine
Interaction for Advanced Mapping
Multiple records for one organization can result from
foreign-language names, outdated names or hierarchi-
cal company dependencies (see chapter 2.3). Such en-
tries cannot be grouped using fuzzy matching, as they
often differ completely from one another. Therefore,
for some organization, the fuzzy grouping of the Cor-
poration Catalog will contain multiple groups, e.g. a
group with the German name deviations and another
group with the English name deviations. The task of
the second component is to identify and merge these
It is currently not reasonable to assume that these
fuzzy groups can be fully automatically harmonized.
It is very likely that a combination of human input and
machine assistance will be required.
For the extended mapping to provide satisfactory
results under this premise, the performance of the
fuzzy component must meet certain requirements.
It is generally much easier for humans to handle
elements that are correctly grouped. Searching within
one group for a small amount of wrongly added el-
ements is a very tedious task to be done manually.
Especially since the incorrect elements do show a cer-
tain similarity to the correct elements, otherwise they
would not have been grouped by the fuzzy matching
algorithms. It is also quite easy for humans to iden-
tify connections between groups that actually belong
Therefore, it is feasible for the first component to
output several fuzzy-groups for one organization. The
fuzzy-groups do not have to be complete and contain
all entries of one organization. On the other hand,
a fuzzy-group must contain predominantly correctly
grouped entries. As a result, each group does not have
to be checked for incorrect entries in the second com-
ponent. It is then sufficient for the advanced mapping
to look at the groups superficially and to further unite
them accordingly.
At the current time, no method was identified that
could reliably recognize all the very different name
deviations. There are several interesting methods to
support a human-in-the-loop approach for recogniz-
ing and combining the different groups. Methods
for machine translation appear to be a promising ap-
proach to identifying groups with foreign languages
(Xu et al., 2021). However, it still needs to be specif-
ically investigated how such a procedure can be inte-
grated and how much training effort is required. Espe-
cially as organization names might not be direct trans-
lations. Embeddings and word vector similarity met-
rics could be used to identify historical designations
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
or organization hierarchies (Mohammadkhani, 2020,
Chen et al., 2019, Obraczka et al., 2021).
Knowledge graphs are another option. In a graph-
like structure, knowledge graphs integrate entities
with properties and relationships, as well as accom-
panying metadata about entity and connection types.
DBpedia (Auer et al., 2007) is an example of a gen-
eral knowledge database. There are also some knowl-
edge databases, especially for organizations, e.g. Vir-
tual International Authority File (VIAF). Alternative
organization names or dependencies for parent and
subsidiary organizations can be stored in knowledge
databases. Groups belonging to the same organiza-
tion can be recognized in the Corporation Catalog by
extracting this information. Most publicly available
knowledge databases include interfaces for retrieving
data in a targeted manner.
Data harmonization to ensure data quality is an im-
portant part of an overall data management strategy.
Various actions are required, including initial one-
time actions and ongoing activities to maintain data
quality in a growing database. The presented concep-
tual architecture addresses both actions. The Corpora-
tion Catalog supports initial cleaning of new datasets
as well as a repetitive cleaning of new data records.
The feature-memory effect of the Corporation Cata-
log also decreases the workload of the ongoing data
cleaning activities.
An implementation for the first component of the
Corporation Catalog is currently in progress. The use
of the Python library Dedupe (Gregg and Eder, 2022)
is analyzed for its suitability for the discussed use
case. Access to training data poses a challenge
here, which is why the use of synthetically generated
datasets is being investigated.
The Corporation Catalog must meet the two re-
quirements of homogeneity and completeness regard-
ing the fuzzy groups, as mentioned in chapter 4.2.
With appropriate machine support, the user can fur-
ther combine the groupings in the second stage. The
degree of homogeneity and completeness of the fuzzy
groups are used to assess if these requirements have
been met.
The values of both dimensions are represented as
bar charts in figure 4. Dedupe creates groups in which
85 percent of the entries are correct. As a result, the
homogeneity of the established groups can be viewed
as good. Dedupe is meeting the use cases criteria for
Figure 4: The degree of homogeneity and completeness
for the fuzzy groups is shown. The degree of homogene-
ity indicates what percentage of the groups formed are free
of incorrect entries. The degree of completeness indicates
what percentage of the corporations are assigned to just one
Completeness has an even higher value; 94 per-
cent of the corporations are represented by just one
group. It should be noted that the synthetic datasets
only reflect differences in designations caused by
spelling errors. The high value of completeness
means that Dedupe can assign the names resulting
from spelling errors to the same group. This is im-
portant because, in the second stage, the user can then
focus on groups of alternative designations for a cor-
While it is common for deduplication and record
linking methods to require some level of data
sanitation as preprocessing, this may not have
the desired impact on the record linking result
(Randall et al., 2013). Therefore, the approach in this
paper wants to keep preprocessing to a minimum.
Typical deviations, such as umlauts and upper and
lower case letters are automatically corrected in ad-
vance. The rest should be done in the course of the
harmonization process, since the different datasets
generally have large differences in possible cleanup
steps. The feasibility of this approach still needs to
be checked in the future. Instead of the currently
used synthetic datasets, real annotated datasets are
best suited for this.
For the second component, current research ap-
proaches were presented in chapter 4.2, which the au-
thors of this paper consider promising. A deeper eval-
uation of the approaches is necessary. However, the
prerequisite for an evaluation regarding the use in the
application presented here is the performance result
of the first component.
In addition to the name feature, the Corporation
Catalog could also store other feature values, which
help to identify organizations in datasets.
A Two-tire Approach for Organization Name Entity Resolution
Although the paper focused on business data, the
problem of duplicate or unrecognized entries for the
same entities is evident in all types of stored data.
The application of the presented concept should thus
be checked for other areas of application and investi-
gated accordingly.
A semi-automatic two-tiered approach for record
linkage and entity resolution of business data was pre-
sented in this paper. The approach considers the data
sovereignty of different data sets as well as different
reasons for organization name variations. The topic
of data sovereignty is often neglected in current re-
search, although it is becoming increasingly impor-
tant in practice.
The paper presents a conceptual architecture. The
chapters 4.1 and 4.2 discuss recommendations of
available or experimental methods for each step of
the conceptual process. The implementation of these
methods is currently in progress and as such has been
discussed in chapter 5.
This approach is specially designed for the case
where only the company name is available as a data
set spanning feature for deduplication and entity res-
olution of organization data. Therefore, a two-tire ap-
proach was considered using fuzzy logic and NLP-
based deep learning techniques.
The first component of the approach is designed
to handle character-based name variations and thus
fuzzy logic-based techniques can be used. First re-
sults show that homogeneous and complete groups,
regarding name deviations at the letter level, can be
The second component of the approach deals with
more complex deviations that have few similarities.
While the first component can be fully automated, the
second requires human-machine interaction.
Overall this approach has the potential to reduce
the effort required compared to a mostly entirely man-
ual data curation. In addition, the use of computa-
tionally expensive record linkage and entity resolu-
tion methods can be minimized by using the Corpora-
tion Catalog. The potential of such an approach could
be realized in different areas where there is a signifi-
cant need for harmonized data and externally curated
systems are not feasible.
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