assess the usefulness and reliability of the data.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. The
second chapter provides an overview of related work.
The third chapter presents the process of creating the
database. The fourth chapter focuses on presenting
the results of our work and the fifth chapter describes
the variotdbs.pl (NASK, 2022) website, where the re-
sults of our work are published and which anyone can
use for their own applications. The sixth chapter fo-
cuses on the summary and presents our ideas for fur-
ther work.
IoT security is a major focus of research programs
and plans at many levels, including the ”Input to
the Horizon Europe Programme 2021-2027 Priori-
ties for the definition of a Strategic Research and In-
novation Agenda in Cybersecurity” (ECSO WG 6 –
SRIA and Cybersecurity Technologies, 2020). Na-
tional strategies are even more focused on the topic
and explicit on this issue. In the document (Felkner
et al., 2021), which presents an analysis on the Euro-
pean and Japanese side, it is shown that the Internet of
Things is one of the most frequently addressed issues
in European national cybersecurity strategies and is
also one of the areas of common interest between the
European Union and Japan, indicating that this issue
is globally relevant.
Having information about IoT devices vulnerabil-
ities is critical from the perspective of device own-
ers, service providers, network owners, and device
producers. Obtaining this information is also critical
from national and sector CSIRTs perspective. Vul-
nerability management is one of the key aspects of
security in both the IT and IoT or IIoT (industrial
IoT) worlds. Risk assessment at different levels can
also be done on the basis of vulnerability manage-
ment, as shown for example in the article (Janiszewski
et al., 2019). The survey of IoT vulnerability data
sources was described in (Rytel et al., 2020), while
in (Janiszewski et al., 2021) you can find out how the
process of creating database was performed.
Building such a database is definitely a non-trivial
task. This can be seen from the few attempts that
have been made to build such databases. One example
was a small-scale attempt to create such a database,
which was undertaken at the University of Central
Florida, but unfortunately this database is not cur-
rently available. Its description can be found here
(Ling et al., 2017), but its dataset was not publicly
available. A second promising approach was the de-
sign of a database of vulnerabilities and attacks on IoT
infrastructure, presented by researchers at the Univer-
sity of New South Wales in Australia (Nerwich et al.,
2020). According to the creators, this database sup-
ported integration with other vulnerability databases
such as the National Vulnerability Database (NVD)
and provided an API to access the data for integra-
tion with other applications. Its goal was to serve as
a knowledge base for IoT application developers and
security researchers. Unfortunately, the database has
not been made public anywhere and the only infor-
mation about it can be found in the above-mentioned
article, which allows us to conclude that the work on
the database is not continued, but was only a Proof of
Concept. This still leaves a gap that those responsible
for the security of IoT devices should fill. Therefore,
this article presents the whole process of creating and
publishing such a database.
This paper is written based on the results ob-
tained during the work performed in the Vulnerabil-
ity and Attack Repository for IoT project (VARIoT,
2022). The objective of the project is to provide ac-
tionable information about Internet of Things devices
that can be processed manually or automatically to
ensure the cybersecurity of these devices. This in-
volves not only creating and presenting a database of
information about exploits and vulnerabilities in the
Internet of Things, but also, among other things, scan-
ning the Internet to identify vulnerable, publicly avail-
able IoT devices. Laboratories have also been built
to test both legitimate and malicious IoT traffic, IoT
artifacts, and IoT anomaly models. Aggregated and
anonymous statistics on infected and vulnerable IoT
devices will also be prepared in the near future. All
these tasks are carried out in collaboration with our
partners, namely Stichting The Shadowserver Foun-
dation Europe, Security Made In Letzebuerg G.I.E.,
Institut Mines-T
ecom and Mondragon Goi Eskola
Politeknikoa Jose Maria Arizmendiarrieta S COOP.
In our work, we only analyse publicly available, free
sources of information, which excludes paid services
such as Vulners vulnerability and exploit aggregator
(Vulners, nd), among others. In addition to the entries
collected from structured sources listed in Table 1, we
also look for recent posts and articles found over the
Internet. For these, the relevant metadata can be ex-
tracted from the raw text. One of the unique features
of the built VARIoT vulnerability database is the cor-
relation and aggregation of vulnerability information
from various publicly available sources.
As mentioned earlier, there are many publicly
WINSYS 2022 - 19th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems