Figure 9: Inputs and velocity state u for the target set
= [0.5,1.5].
Environmental missions were performed on Heron
Lake in Villeneuve d’Ascq, France. The main goal of
the experiment is to construct a temporal water qual-
ity profile of a region of the lake, where there is a sus-
picion of a source of pollution, so more experiments
are expected in the same region. To outperformed the
data collection results, in this paper a nonlinear MPC
for USV for exploration was presented. The strategy
shows that a simple schedule of mission planning can
be obtained, and the simulations proves that large wa-
ter surfaces can be tracked in an optimal and flexible
way. This results are expected to outperformed the
real exploration of large areas targeting data collec-
tion for water quality analysis.
Authors want to thanks the company https:
//www.bathydronesolutions.com/Bathy drone Solu-
tions (BDS) for its participation in the experiments,
and the Department of Economic Transformation,
Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the An-
dalusian Government (PAIDI 2020) [Ampliaci
Aquacollect, ref. P18-HO-4713].
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Nonlinear Set-based Model Predictive Control for Exploration: Application to Environmental Missions