development might result in a lot of rework and
irritation. (Käpyaho & Kauppinen, 2015).
11. Lack of requirements traceability:
The absence of requirement traceability is a con-
cern with ASD. The proposed is provide methods
to enable adequate requirements traceability (In-
ayat, Moraes, et al., 2015).
12. Contractual limitations:
Fixed-price contracts don’t allow changes during
the software’s development cycle (Inayat, Salim,
et al., 2015).
13. Customer’s knowledge and agreement:
The challenge is that customer has incomplete
knowledge of the domain and therefore incom-
plete consensus among customer groups (Sunner
& Bajaj, 2016).
There are many different challenges in requirements
engineering in Agile software development. Each
challenge comes with its impact. In conclusion,
neglecting non-functional requirements and minimal
documentation are two main challenges in Agile. This
requires further research to minimize the impact of
those two challenges without breaking the values and
principles of the Agile Manifesto.
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