Merged Pitch Histograms and Pitch-duration Histograms
Hui Liu
, Tingting Xue
and Tanja Schultz
Cognitive Systems Lab, University of Bremen, Germany
Pitch Statistics, Pitch Histogram, Merged Pitch Histogram, Pitch-duration Histogram, Pitch-related Features,
Music Computing, Music Information Retrieval.
The traditional pitch histogram and various features extracted from it play a pivotal role in music information
retrieval. In the research on songs, especially applying pitch statistics to investigate the main melody, we found
that the pitch histogram may not necessarily reflect the notes’ pitch characteristic of the whole song perfectly.
Therefore, we took the note duration into account to propose two advanced versions of pitch histograms and
validated their applicability. This paper introduces these two novel histograms: the merged pitch histogram
by merging consecutively repeated pitches and the pitch-duration histogram by utilizing each pitch’s duration
information. Complemented by the description of their calculation algorithms, the discussion of their advan-
tages and limitations, the analysis of their application to songs from various languages and cultures, and the
demonstration of their use cases in state-of-the-art research works, the proposed histograms’ characteristics
and usefulness are intuitively revealed.
In (Tzanetakis et al., 2003), the authors first propose
the concept of pitch histogram that reflects the pitch
content of notes in music pieces. Due to the normal-
ization, pitch histogram is also called pitch-frequency
histogram (Gedik and Bozkurt, 2010), but the essence
is the same. A variation of the basic pitch histogram
based on music theory is the pitch class histogram,
which counts only twelve pitch classes, and the var-
ious octaves of each pitch are grouped into the same
bin. Derived from the pitch class histogram, a folded
fifths pitch class histogram is calculated by reorder-
ing the bins of the original unordered histogram such
that perfect fifths rather than semitones separate ad-
jacent bins. The pitch histogram also has successors
for different occasions, such as a melodic interval his-
togram that counts the distances between two consec-
utive pitches rather than the individual pitches them-
selves. A variety of features can be extracted from
the pitch histogram and its derivatives, such as range,
mean, variability, skewness, and kurtosis (McKay,
2010), applied to various machine learning-based mu-
sic research aspects like genre classification and cul-
tural diversity analysis.
As another musical characteristic alongside the
pitch, the note duration and the rhythm resulting from
it are also important research material. A rhythmic
value histogram is a normalized histogram, where the
value of each bin specifies the fraction of all notes
in the piece with a quantized rhythmic value corre-
sponding to that of the given bin (McKay, 2010).
Not similarly, a beat histogram, first applied to Mu-
sic Information Retrieval (MIR) research in (Brown,
1993), emphasizes note onsets rather than durations,
and is also utilized for genre classification (Tzanetakis
et al., 2001) (Tzanetakis and Cook, 2002) (Tzane-
takis, 2002) (Lykartsis and Lerch, 2015). From a
simplistic perspective, rhythm can be perceived as the
number of notes played at a specific tempo within a
bin, initiating a (normalized) duration histogram in
(Karydis, 2006).
Although the pitch sequence and the duration se-
quence of music are widely used to generate various
kinds of histograms and features, each note’s pitch
and duration information are rarely used together. For
example, (Karydis, 2006) used both pitch histograms
and (normalized) note duration histograms to gener-
ate their series of features, respectively, for the ac-
curacy improvement of symbolic music genre clas-
sification, but each note’s pitch and duration infor-
mation was not co-analyzed. As stated in (Adams
et al., 2004), while a transcription into a sequence
Liu, H., Xue, T. and Schultz, T.
Merged Pitch Histograms and Pitch-duration Histograms.
DOI: 10.5220/0011310300003289
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP 2022), pages 32-39
ISBN: 978-989-758-591-3; ISSN: 2184-9471
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of (pitch, duration) pairs is convenient and musically
intuitive, no evidence shows that it is an optimal rep-
resentation (at that time).
In the study of songs’ main melody scores, we
found that the pitch histogram and the features it pro-
duces do n¡t necessarily depict the pitch distribution
of the whole song perfectly. For instance, the center
pitch of the whole song’s main melody, also called the
melody center in the automatic singing key estimation
research (Liu et al., 2022b), is often not perfectly re-
flected by the mean pitch or the median pitch features
extracted from the pitch histogram. More reasonable
descriptions can be achieved by applying each note’s
pitch and duration information together. Another typ-
ical example is that jointly considering consecutive
identical pitches can, to some extent, provide a bet-
ter representation of the particular pitch distribution
of traditional Han anhemitonic pentatonic folk songs
(Liu et al., 2022a). Based on a series of experimental
verification, we put forward and instantiate two novel
types of pitch histograms, the merged pitch histogram
and the pitch-duration histogram, combined with note
duration in some or full measure, hoping that they can
benefit various aspects of music research.
The vertical axes of the three pitch histograms (ba-
sic, merged, pitch-duration) in all figures of this paper
are normalized, respectively, for a better comparison.
As introduced above, because of the normalization,
pitch histograms can be called pitch-frequency his-
tograms (Gedik and Bozkurt, 2010). Therefore, with
normalization, the two proposed histograms can be
similarly named merged pitch-frequency histograms
and pitch-duration-frequency histograms.
The instances illustrated in this paper apply the
notation-based symbolic pitch statistics instead of the
calculation of audio data. For the latter, (Tolonen and
Karjalainen, 2000) proposed a multiple pitch detec-
tion algorithm, on which the two novel histograms
proposed in this paper are also applicable without ob-
2.1 Merged Pitch Histogram
Consecutive notes of the same pitch in instrumen-
tal performance should be counted reasonably repeat-
edly, as the player needs to use the organ repeatedly
and proficiently to play these notes. For the perfor-
mance or research of songs, whether the pitch’s con-
tinuous repetition should be counted repeatedly de-
serves further investigation.
Figure 1: The first phrase of The Sound of Silences main
For songs in polysyllabic languages, a word is
sometimes split into consecutive identical pitches.
The words “hello” and ”darkness” in the first phase
of The Sound of Silence are examples (see Figure 1).
However, this is not the case for songs in monosyl-
labic languages. Therefore, it may cause problems
in calculating the pitch histogram-based features for
a music research work containing songs of both lan-
guage types.
In addition, the basic pitch histogram is not
well compatible with differences in melodic details,
including symbolic-symbolic, symbolic-audio, and
audio-audio divergences, which will be detailed in
Section 4.1.
As a modification of the basic pitch histogram that
considers pitches’ temporal information in a simple
way, a merged pitch histogram counts consecutive
notes of the same pitch only once. If there is a rest
among a series of consecutive identical pitches, the
first pitch after the rest should be counted again.
The red histogram in Figure 2 illustrates an exam-
ple of a merged pitch histogram representing the first
phrase of the song That’s Why (You Go Away).
2.2 Pitch-Duration Histogram
The merged pitch histogram considers pitches’ tem-
poral information in some measure (from the perspec-
tive of continuity) to make decrements on the cor-
responding bins; In contrast, the pitch-duration his-
togram makes information increments on the bins uti-
lizing each pitch’s temporal information in full mea-
sures (from the perspective of weighting). Each bin in
the pitch-duration histogram responds to the total du-
ration of the corresponding pitch in the music piece,
instead of its number of occurrences.
The green histogram in Figure 2 displays a pitch-
duration histogram containing only the first phrase in
the song That’s Why (You Go Away).
2.3 Comparison
Figure 2 clearly demonstrates the differences between
the two proposed novel histograms and the basic pitch
Merged Pitch Histograms and Pitch-duration Histograms
Ba by won’t you tell me why,
Figure 2: The basic pitch histogram and its two novel vari-
ants for the first phrase of That’s Why (You Go Away)s main
melody. Colored down arrows mark the mean pitch features
(“melody centers”) for each type of histograms.
The basic pitch histogram in blue emphasizes the
note C5 due to considering only the number of oc-
currences. The corresponding mean pitch (A4#) is
relatively high, close to C5.
By merging consecutive identical pitches, the
merged pitch histogram in red presents the phrase
as an even distribution, while its mean pitch (G4)
is skewed towards the lower two pitches.
The pitch-duration histogram in green elevates the
importance of F4# to the same level as C5 regard-
ing the entire note duration. The calculated mean
pitch (A4) is between the above two.
As a side note, the median pitch calculated by
the average of the entire phrase’s highest and lowest
pitches is G4#, different from all the mean pitches.
2.4 Histogram Calculation
For the calculation of the basic symbolic pitch his-
togram using notation-based formats, as (Tzanetakis
et al., 2003) explains, the algorithm increments the
corresponding pitch’s counter. The value in each his-
togram bin is normalized in the last stage of the cal-
culation by dividing it by the total number of pitches
of the whole piece, in order to account the variabil-
ity in the average number of pitches per unit time be-
tween different pieces of music. Because of the nor-
malization step, in some literature, like (Gedik and
Bozkurt, 2010), a pitch histogram is also called a
pitch-frequency histogram.
The merged pitch histogram is generated based
on the above basic pitch histogram calculation with
a slight modification: if a series of consecutive notes
have an identical pitch, and there are no rests between
them, the corresponding pitch’s counter is added only
Figure 3: The basic pitch histogram and the merged pitch
histogram for the first phrase of That’s Why (You Go
Away)s main melody without normalization.
by one. Such a calculation is straightforward to
implement with a standard loop: the current note’s
pitch is compared with the previous one (a rest is
also counted as a note, but only for comparison). If
the same, the pitch corresponding to the note is not
counted; otherwise, add one to the pitch’s counter.
Note that the denominator in the final normalization
process is not the same as in the basic pitch histogram.
It is worth pointing out that without normalization,
we can directly observe which pitches are merged
and how much is the quantity of notes being merged
by comparing the merged pitch histogram to the ba-
sic pitch histogram, as Figure 3 evidences. After
normalization, the conclusion drawn by height com-
parison changes slightly. First, we exclude the easy
case where no merging happens in the whole melody.
The pitch bins that do not have merged notes must
be higher in the normalized merged pitch histogram
than in the normalized basic pitch histogram (see the
pitches E4 and F4# in Figure 2) due to the fact that the
numerators of the two calculations are identical and
the former’s denominator is less than the latter’s. The
contrapositive conclusion is that a pitch must con-
tain merged notes if its bin’s normalized height in
the merged pitch histogram is shorter than or equal to
its corresponding normalized height in the basic pitch
histogram (see the pitch C5 in Figure 2).
The construction process of the pitch-duration his-
togram can go simply through a traversal of the notes
in the piece. For each note, its duration is accumu-
lated over the bin of the corresponding pitch. After
processing all notes, the histogram is normalized by
dividing by the sum of the durations of all pitches.
For intuitive analysis, we apply the basic pitch his-
togram, the merged pitch histogram, and the pitch-
duration histogram to a set of folk songs from differ-
SIGMAP 2022 - 19th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Table 1: Information on all songs analyzed in this paper.
Song Lyricist Composer Language/Country Pitch range
The Sound of Silence Paul Simon English/USA 18 semitones
That’s Why (You Go Away) Jascha Richter English/Denmark 21 semitones
Auld Lang Syne Robert Burns Scottish/UK 18 semitones
Vo Luzern/Luz
arn auf/uf W
aggis zue Johann L
uthi German/Switzerland 18 semitones
Bella Ciao Italian 14 semitones
Arirang Korean 13 semitones
Anile Anile Vaa Vaa Vaa Tamil/India 13 semitones
Troika Pochtovaya Russian 16 semitones
Sakura Sakura Japanese 14 semitones
The Green Poplar and Willow Mandarin 15 semitones
Figure 4: Three types of pitch histograms for Bella ciaos
main melody with Movable-Do. The score segment below
indicates the phrases where E4 and F4 are repeated.
ent languages and cultures. Since most of them do
not have original definite keys, they are all notated
using Movable-Do. Table 1 lists the information on
the songs, including the three exemplified in Sections
2 and 4.
Bella Ciao
The merged pitch histogram of the Italian folk song
Bella Ciao illustrated in Figure 4 has shorter bins for
E4 and F4 (in Movable-Do) compared to the basic
pitch histogram, resulting in correspondingly longer
bins for all other pitches. Such a phenomenon mir-
rors the fact that only E4 and F4 are repeated succes-
sively in Bella Ciaos main melody, the former four
times and the latter twice (see the score segment be-
low in Figure 4). In contrast, the importance of E4 and
F4, together with A3, is lifted in the pitch-duration
histogram, highlighting the fact that these pitches are
sung for extended periods throughout the whole song.
It is well understood that the pitch-duration his-
togram generates the same mean pitch (C4) as the ba-
sic pitch histogram, while the merged pitch histogram
gives one-semitone lower mean pitch (B3). The me-
dian pitch, generated by the average of the highest and
Figure 5: Three types of pitch histograms for Arirangs
main melody with Movable-Do.
lowest pitches of the song, lies between A3# and B3
and is evidently not comprehensive in reflecting the
melody center.
As shown in Figure 5, the mergeability of the pitches
C4 and G4 (Movable-Do) is witnessed in the Korean
anhemitonic pentatonic folk song Arirang. Mean-
while, the pitch-duration histogram exchanges the im-
portance of G3 and A3 while emphasizing C4’s sig-
nificance, strongly reflecting this song’s major penta-
tonic scale mode.
Auld Lang Syne
Among the main melody histograms for the Scot-
tish ballad Auld Lang Syne exhibited in Figure 6, the
merged pitch histogram reverses the importance of
G3 and A3 compared to the basic pitch histogram,
while the pitch-duration histogram acts significantly
on A4. This anhemitonic pentatonic song’s basic and
merged histograms have been employed recently in
a new research topic of computational ethnomusicol-
ogy, of which more introduction will be provided in
Section 4.2.
Merged Pitch Histograms and Pitch-duration Histograms
Figure 6: Three types of pitch histograms for Auld Lang
Synes main melody with Movable-Do.
More Instances
Further examples of folk songs in various languages
and cultures are given in Figure 7. Most folk songs
lack the original scores and are more likely to have
divergent details of symbolic melodies than modern
songs, which will be detailed in Section 4.1. Apply-
ing the merged pitch histogram and the pitch-duration
histogram will help dilute these divergences’ effects.
Figure 7: Three types of pitch histograms for Anile Anile
Vaa Vaa Vaa (top), Troika Pochtovaya (middle), and Sakura
Sakura (bottom) with Movable-Do.
4.1 Advantages and Limitations
The potential advantages of merged pitch histograms
and pitch-duration histograms are (1) bridging the in-
fluence of different linguistic characteristics, which is
already explained in Section 2.1; (2) helping down-
play differences in melodic details of a song’s various
versions, which, in MIR studies, can be divided into
three types of divergence:
Symbolic-symbolic divergences usually occur
when the song or music does not have an original
score. Many traditional folk songs have been cre-
ated by local people’s improvisation and handed
down orally among the people, then notated by
several individuals. Hence, the scores of each ver-
sion may differ in many details.
Singers sing, and musicians play the same piece
with their characteristics, leading to symbolic-
audio divergences.
For the same reasons as the previous one, the
melodies that different singers and musicians
eventually produce differ from each other, caus-
ing audio-audio divergences.
A typical instance is the yodels, where it can be
noticed that many songs’ scores differ in melodic de-
tails (e.g., whether some parts use syncopation or not)
in different collections, causing a symbolic-symbolic
divergence. When sung, the yodeling part often uses
a series of successive identical pitches, which usually
do not appear on the score, creating a symbolic-audio
divergence. The audio-audio divergence is easy to
imagine and does not need to be elaborated on. Both
merged pitch histograms and pitch-duration pitch his-
tograms eliminate the effect that makes the yodeling
pitches’ bins in unnecessarily high counts produced
by repeatedly being sung, thus providing a reasonable
de-peaking of the song’s overall pitch distribution.
Figure 8 conveys an example of the symbolic-
symbolic divergence (marked in red). Its symbolic-
audio divergence and audio-audio divergence can be
reflected in each singer’s yodeling parts. All the di-
vergences can be addressed by the merged pitch his-
togram and the pitch-duration histogram.
The pitch-duration histogram is an improvement
that reflects as comprehensively as possible the im-
portance of each pitch in the piece. However, from a
melodic divergence perspective, the basic pitch his-
togram and the merged pitch histogram are some-
times more advantageous for pitch statistics than the
pitch-duration histogram, especially in cases where
the pitch duration can be arbitrarily prolonged. For
SIGMAP 2022 - 19th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
Figure 8: Top: one version of the scores for the Swiss yo-
del Vo Luzern/Luz
arn auf/uf W
aggis zue generated using
the XML file downloaded from the Alojado Lieder Archiv
. The score fragment below shows the divergence
marked in red that often occurs in other sources. The
merged pitch histogram can eliminate the divergence.
example, for the same position of one phrase’s end,
some scores extend the beat to the end of the bar,
while some give a rest. The basic and the merged
pitch histograms count such a pitch once, making
more sense than fully considering its duration in the
pitch-duration histogram.
4.2 Progressing Cultural Diversity in
Computational Ethnomusicology/
MIR with Merged Pitch Histograms
Recent studies have found that the vast majority of
traditional Han anhemitonic pentatonic folk songs can
be identified intuitively according to their distinctive
bell-shaped pitch distribution in pitch histograms, re-
flecting the Chinese characteristics of Zhongyong (the
doctrine of the mean) and following the trend from
an ethnocultural perspective (Liu et al., 2022a). The
bell-shaped basic/merged pitch histograms are also
witnessed in some anhemitonic pentatonic folk songs
of other East Asian ethnic groups, such as Japanese
and Korean (exemplified in Figure 5), indicating the
exchange between countries, peoples, and cultures
throughout history, although they also have unique
musical systems of their own.
As one of the study’s results, the bins produced in
the basic pitch histogram that violate the bell shape
can be improved by the merged pitch histogram to a
great extent.
Take Figure 9 as an example. This song’s basic
pitch histogram generates significant exceptions at the
lowest pitch that violate the bell-shaped curve. It is
interesting to note that the “Do Do Do” is frequently
repeated at several phrase ends of this song to ex-
Figure 9: Three types of pitch histograms for The Green
Poplar and Willows main melody with Movable-Do.
press an upbeat rhythm, causing this pitch to have a
higher count number (Liu et al., 2022a). By utilizing
the merged pitch histogram, the pitch statistics show
a perfect bell shape.
For comparison, the Scottish folk song Auld Lang
Syne is also anhemitonic pentatonic (see Figure 6),
but its pitch histogram is far from perfect bell-shaped.
Its merged pitch histogram is even less bell-shaped.
The merged pitch histogram were applied together
with the anhemitonic pentatonic pitch histogram pro-
posed in (Liu et al., 2022a) to create a merged anhemi-
tonic pentatonic pitch histogram, playing a helpful
role in the feature design and genre classification re-
search. In addition, an existing feature from the Time
Series Feature Extraction Library (TSFEL) (Baran-
das et al., 2020), Negative Turning, and a designed
novel feature, Degree of Bell Shape (DoBell), are ex-
tracted from various types of histograms to describe
to which extent a pitch distribution approximates a
bell shape. The preliminary classifiers built with these
features performed well, indicating that lightweight
machine learning applying only pitch histograms and
merged pitch histograms can promote cultural diver-
sity in MIR.
4.3 Automatic Singing Key Estimation
Applying New Histogram Variants
The mean pitch features derived from the three types
of histograms involved in this paper play an essential
role in the recent study of automatic singing key esti-
mation (Liu et al., 2022b).
Compared to the simple median pitch feature that
is calculated as the average of the lowest and highest
pitches, the mean pitch features generated from the
three pitch histograms are more amenable for suggest-
ing the appropriate keys for individuals, among which
the mean pitch of the pitch-duration histogram is the
most reliable.
Figure 10 gives a running interface screenshot
of the software Automatic Singing Key Estimator
(ASKE, pronounced as Ask-key”) presented in (Liu
Merged Pitch Histograms and Pitch-duration Histograms
Figure 10: Screenshot of the software Automatic Singing
Key Estimator (ASKE).
et al., 2022b). For Auld Lang Syne, only one key was
automatically calculated for each amateur singer us-
ing a merged pitch histogram or a pitch-duration his-
togram, and the resulted key was scored satisfactorily
by the subjects in the singing experiment.
This paper introduces two novel variants of the basic
pitch histogram, the merged pitch histogram and the
pitch-duration histogram, which consider each pitch’s
temporal information in the entire melody, the for-
mer in some measure (from the perspective of con-
tinuity) and the latter in full measure (from the per-
spective of weighting). Complemented by the anal-
ysis of song examples and the comparison between
histograms, the characteristics of the proposed his-
tograms are visually expounded. Furthermore, the
proposed histograms’ computational algorithms, ad-
vantages, limitations, and use cases in the latest re-
search works are exhibited in detail.
We believe that the merged pitch histogram and
the pitch-duration histogram are meaningful and help-
ful for music research, especially for the informa-
tion retrieval of songs’ main melody, as exemplified
in Sections 4.2 and 4.3. We expect the two intro-
duced histograms to be extensively applied in vari-
ous research aspects. Future work includes investi-
gating abundant new features extracted from the two
novel pitch histograms and applying these features to
various machine learning-based music research fields.
Besides, diverse transformation approaches of the ba-
sic pitch histogram, such as pitch class, folded fifths,
and melodic interval, can be practiced on the two
novel variants to generate more varied histograms
and new features, like the kurtosis of the pitch-class-
duration histogram.
Moving from overall pitch statistics to segment-
based features, windowing/framing the song’s
(pair, duration) sequence to generate time series
of merged pitch histograms and pitch-duration
histograms deserves further investigating, e.g., uti-
lizing the Time Series Subsequence Search Library
(TSSEARCH) (Folgado et al., 2022) to conduct a
subsequence similarity analysis on the melody.
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Merged Pitch Histograms and Pitch-duration Histograms