Advancing Security and Data Protection for Smart Home Systems
through Blockchain Technologies
Ciprian Paduraru, Rares Cristea and Alin Stefanescu
University of Bucharest, Romania
Smart Home, IoT, Blockchain, Services, Security, Hyperledger.
Internet of Things (IoT) systems are becoming ever-present in our lives and the demand recently increased
with the explosion of external services offered by healthcare, smart city or smart home providers. How-
ever, the connection of private IoT-driven smart home systems and passing data to these external services can
pose significant privacy issues, such as information theft or attacks to control, monitor, or harm personal re-
sources. In our paper, we address the identified security issues through a comprehensive architecture based
on blockchain technology, namely the Hyperledger Fabric platform. We underscore the value that a permis-
sioned blockchain brings in addressing performance issues both architecturally and through fog computing,
and propose a pipeline to mitigate known security threats through static and live monitoring techniques.
Smart home systems are often defined as a set of in-
terconnected devices in a private home that send and
receive data in real time. Typically, they automate
various household tasks via smart devices such as
TVs, lamps, or fridges. These devices use a dedicated
home communication system between appliances and
other environments, usually wirelessly. Users can ac-
cess these products to monitor, control the device be-
haviour or extract useful information.
Motivation for using a Blockchain Technology.
Due to space constraints, the reader new to the
blockchain field is invited to check the basic techni-
cal aspects in the existing literature (Ma et al., 2019),
(Antwi et al., 2021), (Zhang, 2020). Smart home
systems consist of heterogeneous devices made in-
teroperable by creating gateway connections. In the
absence of security standards for their connection, it
is difficult to assess the security of the network and
whether the privacy of the data collected by the de-
vices is vulnerable to attacks. Centralized architec-
tures (gateways) are vulnerable to data forgery, tam-
pering, denial-of-service attacks, etc. An example of
this is the hacking of toddler surveillance cameras
(Schiefer, 2015). From this type of studies, at secu-
rity level, we identified the following requirements:
Confidentiality: since the networks used in smart
homes could collect and store sensitive informa-
tion, access to this data should be restricted to
authorized individuals. Blockchain is capable of
providing a solution when paired with encryption
algorithms. (Dotan et al., 2021), (Zhang et al.,
2019), (Zou et al., 2020), (Abdelmaboud et al.,
Data integrity: Connected devices communicat-
ing with each other must maintain data integrity
and prevent forged information from flowing
through the network.
Authentication: It is important to prevent attack-
ers from connecting to the network and then act-
ing maliciously.
Contributions of the Paper.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is
the first work that brings together all current
smart home system requirements into a unified
architecture and framework, while proposing a
blockchain-based solution to mitigate security
threats. APIs and infrastructures for data collec-
tion, processing, and collaboration between third
parties such as marketplaces, service providers,
smart cities, and external collaboration in general,
are also discussed.
We propose an open-source full-stack system
based on a customizable permissioned blockchain
solution, i.e., Hyperledger Fabric
. Although
technologies change over time, we still consider it
a novelty, as we believe that the fundamental ideas
behind this solution will be useful over time.
Paduraru, C., Cristea, R. and Stefanescu, A.
Advancing Security and Data Protection for Smart Home Systems through Blockchain Technologies.
DOI: 10.5220/0011310800003266
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2022), pages 492-499
ISBN: 978-989-758-588-3; ISSN: 2184-2833
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
We propose a user-customizable fog computing
method that allows homeowners to select and use
their own devices either in their own homes or
controlled cloud resources for advanced comput-
ing activities.
The work in (Ammi et al., 2021) is closely related to
ours. The purpose is to provide a technical perspec-
tive on how a smart home system having a permis-
sioned blockchain can be deployed on a Hyperledger
Fabric. They use a cloud storage (virtual servers) to
store resources - which we think it is not really suit-
able for real-time computing devices in terms of re-
sponsiveness, as also suggested, for example, by the
work in (Moniruzzaman et al., 2020). Instead, our
solution uses the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)
framework (Steichen et al., 2018) to store only crypto-
graphic hashes of data addresses in the blocks. Then,
the data may physically exist either in a local stor-
age for critical operations or in the cloud for big data
management. Additionally, their work does not take
into account dynamic user management (e.g., vis-
itors, healthcare providers who might ask for trig-
gers), policy and security management, or integra-
tion to various external systems such as application
marketplaces or data services. (Lee et al., 2020) pro-
poses a blockchain-based solution for smart homes at
the gateway level to mitigate security issues. Their
study is based on a decentralized architecture that
uses Ethereum to support the security requirements
of confidentiality, authentication, and data integrity
in the smart home gateway. Overall, their methods
work by analyzing the data flow at the center of the
smart home gateway, including scenario configura-
tions and security considerations for various attacks
on the network. In (Lee et al., 2017), the authors
propose a secure firmware verification for embed-
ded devices to prevent ”patch file forgery” attacks us-
ing a blockchain architecture. Their proposed tech-
nique guarantees that the firmware on embedded de-
vices is not tampered with while being up-to-date. In
(Dorri et al., 2017), the authors propose a blockchain-
based method to define an architectural identification
management system for IoT devices, the FairAccess
Framework. The novelty of the paper is the solu-
tion they use for identity verification when accessing
resources between interconnected devices. The au-
thors use smart contracts to express and verify contex-
tual control policies when making authorization de-
cisions. In (Ouaddah et al., 2017), the authors con-
sider the fact that traditional access control methods
are costly in terms of power consumption and pro-
cessing overhead, which is a problem for embedded
devices. They also believe that public blockchains
are not suitable due to the limited resources of the
devices. As for other implementation platforms and
languages used, the work in (Calo et al., 2018) and its
extension in (Hossain et al., 2020) use Ethereum and
Solidity. They address the use cases of smart home
systems and emergency services. The goal of both pa-
pers is to provide a practical introduction to the use of
Ethereum and smart contracts, without research im-
plications or other contributions. Each IoT device
is registered on the network via the blockchain. As
for the application of Hyperledger Fabric (HF) to our
solution, we were encouraged by the recent applica-
tion of this technology. For example, in (Antwi et al.,
2021), the authors use HF for the healthcare industry.
In (Zhang, 2020) and (Ma et al., 2019), HF is used
as a deployment platform for supply chain financial
management. Some of the benefits are the provision
of a certificate authority and the protection of privacy
and data using the channels concept.
Having gathered the requirements of smart home sys-
tems from literature and industrial applications, in
this section we try to present the basic details about
blockchain technologies that might be suitable for our
targeted application domain.
3.1 Requirements for the Smart Home
Systems and Blockchain Motivation
The application of centralized access control mecha-
nisms in the IoT domain and the ever-increasing num-
ber of connected devices can affect scalability, trust,
and security management. Given the theory and re-
cent applications of blockchains, we believe that in-
corporating blockchains into the architecture of smart
home ecosystems can help in many ways. First, it can
support management and data exchange between de-
vices in a decentralized manner. This is a kind of pre-
requisite for IoT in general, as the goal is to achieve
scalability and security, which is not possible with
centralized architectures where a single server man-
ages user permissions, performs verifications, and
makes various queries from the set of interconnected
devices. The data in the blockchain nodes, which can
be used by different devices, descentralized and en-
crypted, can meet the security requirements of confi-
dentiality, integrity, and authentication in smart home
Advancing Security and Data Protection for Smart Home Systems through Blockchain Technologies
systems. This eliminates the need for an external in-
termediary, which may be vulnerable to attacks.
3.2 Motivations for a Permissioned
Blockchain and Hyperledger
Different open-source platforms are available and
widely used in literature, such as Ethereum (Buterin,
2013), Hyperledger (Cachin, 2016), and Corda R3
(Polge et al., 2021).
Some of the key requirements for a blockchain-
based smart home environment are to share user data
only with a closed list of entities rather than with the
public and to provide different levels of control for
different types of users. Users can be either humans
or IoT-connected devices within the smart home. This
is only possible with an approved framework such as
Hyperledger or Corda. These two also provide fine-
grained access control, meaning participants can be
restricted via policies and channels for reading, creat-
ing or updating data. In addition, the consensus mech-
anisms in Hyperledger Fabric and Corda can be set up
to include only a subset of participants, and this has
two major implications: (a) user privacy can be main-
tained by an approved list of parties and (b) it can be
executed faster than Ethereum’s Proof of Work (PoW)
consensus mechanism, making it impractical for ap-
plications that require rapid response, such as smart
home systems (Xu et al., 2017), (Polge et al., 2021),
(Krishnapriya and Sarath, 2020). These functions can
meet the confidentiality, scalability, and availability
requirements of smart home systems. In light of the
requirements of the GDPR, which are generally diffi-
cult to meet with a blockchain solution, Hyperledger
offers users the right to delete data by creating a trans-
action that simply marks certain data as deleted. This
is an advantage over its peers. This additional feature
and the fact that Corda is more focused on financial
services tipped the scales in our final decision to use
Hyperledger Fabric as the deployment platform for
the proposed solution. On the other hand, one of the
drawbacks of the platform is that, while trying to be
as open as possible, i.e., allowing users to customize
things like credentials, consensus algorithm, private
data and channels, developers need to put more effort
to properly implement and connect interfaces. There-
fore, there is an engineering price to pay.
This section first discusses the basic architectural
principles for connecting smart home systems to
blockchains and how these types of systems can in-
teract with external, i.e., outside their own ecosys-
tem, applications and users. Then, the intricacies of
the different layers that have been shown to help with
computational overhead are presented, as well as the
implementation details of security management and
interactivity methods.
4.1 Key Ideas in Applying Blockchain
Technology for Smart Home
The basic idea of the underlying blockchain technol-
ogy is that users, who can be either people (owners of
the home ecosystem or external), agents, devices, etc.,
create transactions for the operations they perform.
The transaction is approved using miners and consol-
idated into blocks. The purpose and motivation of a
blockchain is to track the operations performed on the
shared ledger so that privacy and other metrics can
be tracked. For example, an automated agent could
query the ledger to understand if the sequence of op-
erations may potentially lead to a data loss of which
the human user (owner) was unaware. Or the agent
could detect the sequence of operations that were ex-
pensive and resulted in poor battery performance of a
set of embedded devices. At this point, one might ask
what is the difference between a classical method of
logging the operations in a file and using the overhead
of a blockchain. We answer this with two main argu-
ments: (a) the transactions are validated by consen-
sus, i.e., multiple parties, using a blockchain, which
prevents the possibility of hacking the log files, (b) the
data is stored in a structured format with timestamps
and sequence of operations, which makes it easy to
track and can be automatically followed by queries.
Our choice for a permissioned blockchain was
also reinforced by arguments given in (Ammi et al.,
2021) and (Moniruzzaman et al., 2020), which we
summarize below:
Sensitive data should be kept private, i.e., the user
does not have to share their data with the public.
Also, third parties should not be trusted without
the user’s explicit permission.
Transaction latency is an important factor, as
confirmation of transactions in the smart home
use case must occur within seconds, not min-
utes. From our evaluation of the HF, the expected
performance in standard production environments
can exceed 100,000 transactions per second (Xu
et al., 2021). In such environments, data is usu-
ally updated by more than one user.
Connecting with smart cities, external applica-
tions and services, other identities in identities in
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 1: The four layers architecture and related en-
tities for fulfilling the requirements of a modern smart
home ecosystem and its interaction with users, vendors,
blockchain technology, and external services.
general requires the use of blockchain solutions in
the form of communities or consortia. This is the
reason for choosing a permissioned blockchain in-
stead of a private one.
After reviewing the literature and requirements, in
Fig. 1 we present an architecture that connects indi-
vidual smart home systems to common ecosystems
as required by industry and users. In the proposed
architecture, we also architecturally link the current
requirements with blockchain mechanisms. Within a
smart home system, user can be understood as either
people, devices, or AI agents.
The base layer consists of the devices and storage
layers that are present in one’s home. These may be
devices in the areas of entertainment, health, sensors,
etc. The data from these devices can be stored either
locally, in the cloud, or on a decentralized platform
based on blockchain technologies. The permissioned
blockchain platform, which is the second layer, con-
tains three main components.
One or more Miners in the user’s house and helps
to keep the shared ledger of operations in a good
state, i.e., checking new transactions from the
connected devices and adding them to blocks by
applying the consensus algorithm. As further ex-
plained in our paper, the set of miner devices can
be adjusted by the user by simulating the capabil-
ities of fog computing.
A framework that enables the use of high-level
blockchain operations and authentication. In our
Table 1: Mapping some of the core blockchain concepts to
smart home use case.
Concept Description Examples
Assets resources and
devices managed
by the blockchain
window sen-
sor, thermostat,
smart TV, wire-
less toothbrush,
vacuum cleaner
/ users
actors who own
the assets or act
on them from
children, visi-
tors, healthcare
providers, data
mining agents
Transactions set of activities
that take place
within the net-
work, managed
by smart con-
tracts (chaincode
in HF terminol-
ogy) that act on
assets or identity
change status
of the lights,
raise temperature,
add or reject a
new user, collect
metrics from the
toothbrush, start
or stop vacuum
case, we used Hyperledger Fabric, but other sys-
tems such as Ethereum can also be used.
A list of smart contracts - chaincodes in the ter-
minology of HF - that can be used to implement
business logic using rules and facilitate the de-
centralization of transactions. Specifically, in our
use case, they define how devices interact and
exchange data with other applications inside and
outside the user home ecosystem.
4.2 Mapping Smart Home Entities to
Blockchain Terminology
Table 1 presents our proposed mapping of the three
main concepts, i.e., assets, participants, and transac-
tions from the blockchain terminology, and in partic-
ular the Hyperledger Fabric Model, to the use cases
needed by the smart home systems.
Fig. 2 shows the proposed blockchain network in-
tegration for our use cases in smart home systems.
.The organizations in our framework are divided into
three main categories:
1. Internal smart home system organization: group-
ing the managers of the home itself and their as-
sets (devices).
2. Marketplaces and external application providers:
Grouping of external applications and interactions
with which a smart home system might inter-
act (e.g., stores, smart cities, intelligent traffic
management, etc.). Currently, these services are
grouped into a single organization, but in a real-
life environment, these could be expanded and
Advancing Security and Data Protection for Smart Home Systems through Blockchain Technologies
split into different organizations.
3. External users, such as visitors or healthcare
providers, who connect to assets in the home to
temporarily use resources or collect metrics.
One of the main ideas to achieve safer and faster
response times in HF technology is to use different
communication channels between groups of entities
and/or organizations. Each of these channels stores
its own ledger and status, can be managed by one or
more organizations, and has its own rules for confirm-
ing activities and membership. Applying this HF con-
cept to smart home systems facilitates the manage-
ment and tracking of communication between groups
with different activities.
Fig. 3 shows the low-level details of how the
blockchain network gets requests approved by the
HF infrastructure. Note that in our proposed frame-
work, administrators have the option to choose differ-
ent computing capacities for processing endorsement
peers (EP), principals (OP), or commit peers (EP). In-
ternal hardware assets such as computers, laptops, cell
phones, smart TVs, etc. (including those that partic-
ipate in the smart home infrastructure as assets) can
be used as physical deployments for these peers. In
addition, a single physical entity can serve multiple
roles, i.e., a computer could be either EP, OP, and CP.
Cloud devices or externally rented devices can also be
assigned as peers. This determination could be made
through the administrators’ UI interface.
Initializing the system from a high-level perspec-
tive within our framework is done as follows. The
configuration of the organization, policies, admin
users, and channels that enable basic communication
and identity management in-house is first created by
a configuration script. This information is added to
the block genesis of the blockchain when it is instan-
tiated. Later, when new assets or users are added to
the smart home environment, change requests are re-
ceived by the admin interface. When approved, they
are recorded as transactions and added to the ledger
in new blocks. Organizations and channels can also
be added on the fly. Similarly, requests must be ap-
proved and executed by administrators, resulting in
transactions, and eventually new blocks are added to
the ledger. This is the case, for example, when a
new health monitoring system is added to the smart
home assets, allowing doctors to monitor some of the
embedded devices monitored in the home. In this
way, a new organization for healthcare providers and
channels for communicating with these devices is cre-
ated at runtime. Other examples include applications
downloaded from a marketplace or external services
related to smart city management.
4.3 Managing the Home Ecosystem
Our framework assumes that owners and administra-
tors have a user interface that is accessible from a
computer, smartphone, or voice control device. This
would be the entry point for controlling permissions,
access, and monitoring of devices and privileges of
other users. Also, through the interface, users can
customize the details of the miners that participate as
resources in the operations of the blockchain infras-
tructure. As shown in Fig. 2, communication between
the interface UI and the devices and other external en-
tities within our framework is handled through REST
API, relying on a central gateway that we refer to as
Central Hub in our framework. If needed, multiple
gateways and hubs can be connected hierarchically to
enable fast transmission and communication. The ex-
ternal users connect to the smart home infrastructure
through the central hub using a communication proxy
For data storage, we found that large files and
data cannot be stored on the blockchain because the
blocks could be bloated with data that needs to be
mined, and this would significantly impact the com-
putational and communication overhead. One solu-
tion mentioned in (Steichen et al., 2018) is to use the
InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) framework. IPFS
is a peer-to-peer file sharing system that could solve
the problem of efficiency in storing and sharing large
data. We also adopt this solution and instead of stor-
ing large amounts of data in transactions and blocks,
we only store references and cryptographic hashes of
data in the blocks. A concrete example could be cam-
era sensors in a smart home system that could poten-
tially send large amounts of data on a regular basis for
automatic analysis by various systems. Rather than
copying this type of data deep into a transaction or
block within the blockchain, our proposed solution
stores the data on the camera device itself or on the
device performing the computational analysis by us-
ing IPFS and creating a reference to it, which is then
used as a hash/reference within the blockchain-based
framework. However, some of the local data storage
is backed up to the cloud if the user chooses so. For
example, it is advisable to store the user identity wal-
lets in a database that is backed up in the cloud.
Our application dataset, source code is open sourced
Since the framework is currently only a prototype
that is not deployed in production environments, it
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
Figure 2: The three main levels of organization we propose: the smart home ecosystem, visitors and facilities that need
to capture certain metrics, smart cities, and vendors. In production, these could be further divided hierarchically into sub-
organizations or grouped into consortia of other organizational levels. Interaction between the smart home organization and
others occurs through channels, each with agreed-upon smart contracts implemented in chaincode and its own ledger of
operations, separated for performance and security reasons. The Certification Authority (CA) component is used to recruit
and enroll new users to the systems. Note also that in our framework, new organizations and communication channels can
be added spontaneously along with the smart contracts. For example, a property manager could install a new application that
performs automatic grocery shopping.
is difficult to evaluate real metrics. We follow the
methodology of evaluation in (Lee et al., 2020) and
(Antwi et al., 2021) and present how our framework
addresses common issues related to performance and
security threats instead of simulated metrics.
A. Applications Dataset and Performance Aspects
The current prototype implementation of the frame-
work has an initial collection of five simulation ap-
plications that are either independent or communi-
cate with each other via a central hub connection: a
smart TV, a smart window and lighting system, an au-
tomatic plant watering system, a smart water heater,
and a wirelessly accessible toothbrush. In the applica-
tion marketplace, we offer two new applications that
can be installed by the user: an entertainment lighting
system and a smart vacuum cleaner connected to the
sensors and cameras of the smart home system. These
applications are created in different languages such as
C++, Rust, or Python. An organization called Den-
talServices can access and monitor the smart tooth-
brush and send notifications to the interface UI, simu-
lating health services. An automatic payment applica-
tion is externally connected to the system to monitor
the power consumption of the applications.
Users with administrative rights (homeowners)
can granularly select which of the devices in the house
are allowed to participate in mining processes within
the blockchain network, i.e., commits, orders, and en-
dorsements from peers, through the UI interface. Ei-
ther personal cell phones, computers or IoT devices
can be part of these processes. We strongly believe
that this access feature can provide vertical scalabil-
ity (i.e., adding new devices at runtime) for the use
case of smart home environments, as operations can
be further partitioned as needed. Performance can be
monitored live via the UI dashboards by integrating
tool, which we describe below.
B. Security Evaluation
To mitigate security threats, we apply protection at
two different levels in our framework:
1. Proactive measures - e.g., automated inspection of
chain codes through static analysis using the work
in (Yamashita et al., 2019).
2. Live monitoring of network performance and se-
curity through automated triggers or visualization
dashboards using Splunk.
As shown below, many of the threads can only be de-
tected by correlating data across the blockchain.
We first describe how to respond to common at-
tacks on distributed systems:
Denial of Service (DoS): can disrupt network
availability by flooding the network with requests,
and is generally difficult to prevent proactively.
Advancing Security and Data Protection for Smart Home Systems through Blockchain Technologies
Figure 3: The processes that take place in an internal smart home organization: New users are registered by requesting access
from an MSP and from an assigned certificate authority (CA), which creates a certificate for the new user. When various
requests are received from external organizations either through the admin UI interface or through the smart home’s proxy,
they are first converted into transaction proposals. The transactions are then endorsed by the assigned endorsement peers (EP),
timestamped by the ordering peers (OP), and finally committed to the general ledger by the committing peers (CP).
This risk can be mitigated by capturing two key
performance metrics: transactions throughput and
latency. Within our framework, we propose auto-
mated triggers using Splunk integration that con-
stantly check these metrics and raise alarms at UI
of homeowners when certain thresholds are ex-
ceeded, such as when the number of transactions
from one of the users or applications has increased
by more than twice the number of operations or
the CPU time it takes to resolve.
Consensus Manipulation: the consensus mecha-
nism can be attacked with classic DoS, but also
with transaction reordering attacks. At the mo-
ment, HF uses only Crash Fault Tolerant (CFT)
consensus algorithms (Liu et al., 2016), so it can-
not detect malicious actors. According to the doc-
umentation of HF, there are plans to add Byzan-
tine Fault Tolerant (BFT) algorithms (Liu et al.,
2016), which should theoretically detect on av-
erage 1/3 of malicious actors. However, at the
moment, the triggers and dashboards provided by
our system and Splunk that query and report lead-
ership election attempts and transaction latencies
are able to detect malicious actors at runtime.
Second, we describe how the framework responds to
common blockchain attacks that we identified in our
use case at HF:
Smart Contract Exploitation: may target and af-
fect business logic and/or network performance.
To mitigate this risk before injecting a new or up-
dated chaincode into the system, our framework
has implemented a system checker chaincode that
launches the Hyperledger Lab Chaincode Ana-
lyzer static analysis tool and uses the work in (Ya-
mashita et al., 2019) to detect some of the po-
tential risks. Runtime monitoring uses metrics,
triggers and dashboards similar to those used in
DDoS attack response. For example, alerts can be
automatically triggered if some of the chaincode
calls take much longer than expected or average,
or if the CPU and memory requirements have un-
expectedly increased.
MSP Compromise: This attack is more of a HF
specific threat, but its roots could be in the other
frameworks as well. To mitigate this risk, our
proposed system provides automatic triggers and
alerts. For example, it would be suspicious if a
particular user attempted to make a high number
of connections to a channel or application within
a certain time period, resulting in latency and/or
throughput issues.
After in-depth analysis, we conclude that permis-
sioned blockchain has the potential to improve se-
curity and trust in such systems. We also found
that some architectural choices could increase per-
formance, security, and tracking capabilities: con-
figurable fog-like computing capabilities, use of the
IPFS protocol as much as possible instead of deep-
copying data, and smart organization of users into
groups as well as private communication channels and
ledgers. As future work, we will contact industrial
partners to apply the concepts and our open source
framework. We plan to further develop the connection
between different smart home providers as a consor-
tium and provide an interface proxy API and generic
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
smart contracts to connect them. As for the security of
smart contracts, we believe that the current state can
be improved through formal verification and fuzzing
techniques before deploying new chain code.
This research was supported by the European Re-
gional Development Fund, Competitiveness Oper-
ational Program 2014-2020 through project IDBC
(code SMIS 2014+: 121512).
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Advancing Security and Data Protection for Smart Home Systems through Blockchain Technologies