Table 3: Average Precision AP per class.
Category AP Category AP
power supply 80.18 working area 90.18
oscilloscope 90.12 welder base 88.82
welder station 89.87 socket 90.27
electric screwdriver 81.45 left red button 100
screwdriver 58.73 left green button 100
pliers 79.18 right red button 81.82
welder probe tip 50.63 right green button 90.91
oscilloscope probe tip 51.72 power supply cables 41.34
low voltage board 88.53 ground clip 44.84
high voltage board 61.44 battery charger connector 15.91
register 71.07 panel A 89.77
electric screwdriver battery 51.72
We presented HERO, a Conversational Intelligent As-
sistant able to support workers using the natural lan-
guage and observing the surrounding environment to
avoid natural language ambiguity. Experiments high-
light the good performance on the considered indus-
trial laboratory used to evaluate HERO’s ability of
intent-entity prediction considering both text and vi-
sual inputs. Future works will consider the integration
of wearable devices such as Microsoft Hololens2 and
a speech-to-text module to leave the human hands-
free during their work.
This research is supported by Next Vision
s.r.l. and
by the project MEGABIT - PIAno di inCEntivi per la
RIcerca di Ateneo 2020/2022 (PIACERI) – linea di
intervento 2, DMI - University of Catania.
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