Let NT = {F1, F2, ..., Fi, ..., Fy}, where
Fi = {P1, P2, ..., Pi, ..., Px}, where Pi =
{pr1, pr2, ..., pri, pr j, ..., pn}, pri corresponds
to the SCT P protocol, and
pri = {( f d1, value1), ( f d2, value2), ..., (proto_id,60)
, ..., ( f di, valuei)}; pr j corresponds to the NAS_5G
protocol, and
pr j = {( f d1, value1), ( f d2, value2), ..., (amf_UE_id,
93), ..., ( f di, valuei)}. And R = {γ, σ} a mutant op-
erator, according to which a subset of NT will be
filtered, and mutated.
if γ(NT ) == P.NAS_5G.message_type.93 → Pi
⇒ σ = P_MODIFY(Pi, NAS_5G, am f _UE_id,
1234) ◦ P_MODIFY (Pi, SCT P, proto_id, 0)
⇒ NT = {F1, F2, ..., Fi, ..., Fy},
Fi = {P1, P2, ..., Pi
, ..., Px},
Pi = {pr1, pr2, ..., pri
, pr j
, ..., pn},
pri = SCT P = {( f d1, value1), ( f d2, value2), ...,
(proto_id,0), ..., ( f di, valuei)}, and
pr j = NAS_5G = {( f d1, value1), ( f d2, value2), ...,
(amf_UE_id,1234), ..., ( f di, valuei)}.
5.2.2 Experimentation
We implement a mutant operator in 5Greplay with
context: NGAP protocol messages sent by the UE
during the authentication exchange; and action: re-
play them to the AMFs with two modification of the
SCTP and NAS_5G fields. Then, we checked the
AMF logs and we monitored the network to verify
that the AMF actually received the same packet twice.
When replaying against free5GC, we got an AMF
warning, but the simulator keep running and allowed
new UE connections. On the other hand, open5GS
was not able to handle this packet and the simulator
crashed, preventing new connections to the AMF.
In this paper we have defined a formal approach for
network mutation that provides a scientific basis for
research work and application of these techniques.
Based on this formalism, we have designed models
of simple and complex attacks that we have applied
to 5G networks. The proposed approach has been
applied to two use cases that represent different at-
tacks against a 5G network. In future work, we plan
to introduce ML/AI techniques in order to improve
the perform a smart fuzzing.
This research is supported by the H2020 projects
SANCUS N° 952672, INSPIRE-5Gplus N° 871808,
and SPATIAL N° 101021808.
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A Formal Approach for Complex Attacks Generation based on Mutation of 5G Network Traffic