Figure 7: Experimental Robotarium platform with 6 robots.
This work has proposed a novel control strategy to
solve a rendezvous problem for a network of mobile
wheeled robots. The proposed approach is based on a
CLF suitably designed relying on a switched formula-
tion of the robot model with two modes. A centralized
control architecture allows to retrieve the robot loca-
tion in the environment, and to generate the best se-
quence of modes capable of making the robot aggre-
gate without colliding among each other. Simulation
and experimental results have shown the effectiveness
of the proposed approach. Future works could be de-
voted to the extension of the proposal to predictive
control and distributed control methods, and to the
case of more than two modes and more complex sce-
narios, for example, with communications delays.
This work has been partially supported by the Italian
Ministry for Research in the framework of the 2017
PRIN, Grant no. 2017YKXYXJ.
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Design of a Switched Control Lyapunov Function for Mobile Robots Aggregation