spectrum sensing and sharing problems between the
U2U pair and the cellular user. Zhang et al. (Zhang
et al., 2019) proposed a cooperative UAV sense-and-
send protocol for cellular UAVs, and formulated a
subchannel allocation and UAV speed optimization
problem to maximize the uplink sum-rate. Though,
the above schemes do not consider or optimize the
UAVs’ positions, which however constitute one of the
key issues in the context of swarm-based U2U com-
munication systems.
Then, other researchers start to consider U2U so-
lutions involving the UAV’s position or trajectory. For
example, Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2020) attempted
to minimize the U2U mission completion time by
jointly optimizing the UAVs’ trajectories and trans-
mit power using the successive convex approxima-
tion (SCA) algorithm. Nevertheless, their approach
ignores the quality-of-service (QoS) constraints. Fur-
thermore, note that the techniques of (Zhang et al.,
2019) and (Wang et al., 2020) rely on the comput-
ing facilities of ground base stations. Thus, they can-
not be applied to the so-called out-of-coverage (OOC)
scenario defined by the third generation partnership
project (3GPP), where terrestrial communication in-
frastructure is not available. Examples of the OOC
scenario can be the cases that when the UAV travels
through a humanless area, such as mountains, oceans,
deserts and forests.
Noting the representativeness and significance of
the OOC scenario for UAV-oriented applications,
Chen et al. (Chen, 2020) suggested that UAVs may
act as relay nodes to assist data communication be-
tween terrestrial UEs. They studied a few aspects, for
instance the UAVs’ positions, transmission power and
bandwidth allocation, such that the system transmis-
sion rate can be maximized. However, they only fo-
cused on the UAVs’ individual hovering positions and
ignored their interactions as a swarm, thus limiting
the potential applications to scenarios without intra-
swarm collaborations. Then, realizing the importance
of UAV swarming, Hong et al. (Hong et al., 2020)
proposed a proactive topology-aware routing scheme
for the OOC scenario, where the routing is dynami-
cally adjusted based on the swarm’s mobility. Nev-
ertheless, they assumed that the relative positions of
UAVs change only when the swarm travels close to
an obstacle. In other words, the impact on U2U com-
munication from the UAVs’ relative positions was ig-
nored (Hong et al., 2020). Moreover, all the afore-
mentioned schemes neglect the PP of UAVs. How-
ever, this is among the most critical issues of prac-
tical U2U systems, especially in many typical OOC
scenarios, where power charging stations are usually
unavailable. To address the PP issue in OOC scenar-
ios, it would be beneficial to design an efficient U2U
communication mechanism by taking into account the
UAVs’ energy aspect.
Under the above background, we propose a new
scheme for intra-swarm U2U (IaS-U2U) communica-
tion in the OOC scenario. The main contributions of
our work include:
• Different from many approaches (Zhang et al.,
2019; Wang et al., 2020; Chen, 2020) which ei-
ther assume the support from ground base sta-
tions or consider non-swarming UAVs only, we
propose a new swarm-based IaS-U2U communi-
cation mechanism particularly targeting the OOC
• To our best knowledge, we appear to be the first
to investigate the joint optimization problem of
the single-pair transmission rate (STR) and the
PP of UAVs under QoS constraints in the OOC
scenario. This is different from many existing
schemes (Zhang et al., 2019; Hong et al., 2020),
where one of or both the STR and PP aspects
are not considered. Furthermore, while existing
methods such as (Hong et al., 2020) only focus on
the UAVs’ trajectory, we cast important insights
into the impact from the position optimization on
the system’s attainable performance under a given
swarm velocity.
• To solve the joint optimization problem, we first
decompose it and then construct an SCA-based
relative position optimization (RPO) algorithm,
which can provide an initial solution satisfying
the complicated QoS constraints, such that the de-
composed problem can be iteratively solved.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The
system model is presented in Section 2. In Section 3,
we introduce the proposed IaS-U2U communication
mechanism and formulate the joint optimization prob-
lem constrained by the QoS requirements. Then in
Section 4, the details of the proposed RPO algorithm
are provided for solving the target problem. Simula-
tion results and discussions are offered in Section 5,
and our conclusions are outlined in Section 6.
In this work, we focus on the transmission issue be-
tween the UAVs in the same travelling swarm. Fig-
ure 1 shows a UAV swarm deployed in an OOC sce-
nario, where three types of UAVs co-exist. More
specifically, the central UAV (C-UAV) is located at
the virtual relative center of the swarm with a radius
Position Optimization for Swarm-based UAV-to-UAV Communication Systems