We have presented an extension of a proposal for pro-
cess and organizational data integration from BPMS
and relational/NoSQL DB sources to provide the ba-
sis for business process execution evaluation with pro-
cess mining. The general proposal defines an inte-
grated metamodel as a target of the ETL process to
collect process and organizational data that is then in-
tegrated using a matching algorithm. The extension
we proposed in this paper includes changes in the
metamodel to adapt the data concepts to other data
models, i.e., NoSQL. We also define the joint use of a
generic API for BPMS and a generic API for organi-
zational data that allows us to decouple the ETL pro-
cess both from the BPMS and DB sources. In partic-
ular, we have defined a generic API for organizational
data from scratch. We implemented three prototypes
considering different settings of BPMS and process
engine DBs, in combination with organizational DBs
of different types, that allowed us to probe the feasi-
bility of our approach.
We have defined a model-driven approach from
the metamodel with the integrated process and orga-
nizational data to automatically generate an extended
event log that includes the corresponding organiza-
tional data for each event (activity) of the process.
This extended event log can be used as input in pro-
cess mining tools. It can also be used for integrated
process and data mining analysis, crossing the process
view with the associated organizational data view. As
future work we plan on continue applying the ap-
proach within other domains (e.g. e-Government), in
heterogeneous scenarios with other BPMS and DBs.
Supported by project “Miner
ıa de procesos y datos
para la mejora de procesos colaborativos aplicada a
e-Government” funded by Agencia Nacional de In-
on e Innovaci
on (ANII), Fondo Mar
ıa Vi
(FMV) ”Proyecto ANII N° FMV 1 2021 1 167483”,
Uruguay. We would like to thank students: Alexis
Artus, Andr
es Borges, Santiago Sosa, Germ
alez, Alvaro Vallv
e, Yonathan Benelli, Rafael
opez and St
efano Pesamosca, for their work in the
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ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies