sure to cyber-attacks. First, industrial equipment de-
signers, industrial solution integrators and operators
are still not very aware of cybersecurity, which is why
there are rarely effective protection measures against
cybersecurity risks. Secondly, ICS are often designed
for a much longer lifespan than in IT. It is common
to still find ICS in operation 20 to 30 years after their
initial setup. However, cybersecurity evolves quickly
and requires regular software and hardware updates.
But the availability of ICS is often a more impor-
tant criterion than for IT, the updates of ICS are of-
ten grouped during the planned maintenance opera-
tions. Thus, a critical vulnerability on a system can
sometimes be fixed several months, or even years, af-
ter the publication of a patch. This is even more true
for critical ICS where a hardware or software update
can jeopardize safety qualifications. In these cases,
operational safety has priority over cybersecurity, and
operators are reluctant to perform updates. Finally, at-
tacks on ICS and especially critical ICS, due to their
interaction with the physical world, can have finan-
cial, environmental and even human impacts that are
much more significant than in IT. All these elements
imply that the need for monitoring ICS is probably
more important than for IT.
2.3.2 Effective Monitoring
On another level, some specificities about ICS seem
favorable to monitoring solutions. Indeed, compared
to IT systems, ICS do not evolve much. They have
equipment, especially Programmable Logic Con-
trollers (PLC), that are deterministic in their opera-
tions. This provides industrial communication proto-
cols with interesting properties for network monitor-
ing (Mitchell and Chen, 2014):
• relatively simple protocols;
• deterministic communication, based on iterative
and continuous polling between, for example, a
PLC and its sensors/actuators or between a super-
visory console and its PLCs;
• strict timing requirement.
These properties make industrial communications
easier and more efficient to monitor than IT com-
munications which are often more complex, evolve
rapidly and have a high variability due to human ac-
tivities (Cheung et al., 2006). This facilitates the cre-
ation of anomaly detection models.
2.3.3 Network-protocol-based Intrusion
Detection System and Modbus
The two aforementioned points about ICS when com-
paring it to IT (i.e., higher cybersecurity risks and ef-
fective monitoring), are complementary and make the
use of IDSs even more important. However, the het-
erogeneity of industrial solutions, their low hardware
resources and their closed (proprietary) aspects limit
the possibilities for an HIDS. That is why we focus
our work on Network-based Intrusion Detection on
ICS and we propose to add stateful monitoring sup-
port in industrial protocols.
Modbus TCP is a simple, open specification in-
dustrial communication protocol. It has been widely
used for several years in ICS. It is supported by the
majority of devices and is often the only protocol of-
fering interoperability between devices of different
technologies. Moreover, it is probably the most stud-
ied industrial protocol in the scientific literature. For
these reasons, Modbus will be the use case of this ar-
Stateful monitoring of communication protocols
within NIDS is not new, the first NIDS performing
this date back to before 2002 (Kruegel et al., 2002).
After Behavior-statistical-based NIDS, Stateful NIDS
was probably one of the first behavioral models. The
number of articles on this subject being relatively
high, we will focus on those dealing with ICS and,
in particular, the Protocol-Specification-based NIDS
and those whose work is close to our work.
Tidjon et al. (Tidjon et al., 2020) notes the current
shortcoming of NIDS in not having a dynamic vision
of network data exchanges. They proposed a state-
ful modeling method based on an algebraic language,
to overcome this shortcoming. However, the method
suggested by Tidjon et al. applies to the rules and sig-
natures engine, rather than the protocols.
Carcano et al. (Carcano et al., 2010) proposes
a modeling of an ICS using a virtual representa-
tion divided between coherent and incoherent states
of the system. The entry in an incoherent state
raises an alert. For this modeling they use standard
Backus-Naur Form (BNF) notation. In a similar way,
Monzer (Monzer, 2020) proposes to model an indus-
trial system using a hybrid automaton for anomaly
detection. Monzer also proposes a methodology to
convert PLC programs from Grafcet language to hy-
brid automata. These two studies are clearly oriented
on detection methods specifically related to use cases
and do not offer model abstraction.
Two studies closely related to ours are Cheung
et al. (Cheung et al., 2006) and Goldenberg and
Wool (Goldenberg and Wool, 2013). They both
propose Protocol-specification-based NIDS. The first
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography