Side-channel Analysis and Countermeasure for Implementation of
Lattice-based Signature
Kazuhide Fukushima
1 a
, Hiroki Okada
1 b
, Sofiane Takarabt
, Amina Korchi
, Meziane Hamoud
Khaled Karray
, Youssef Souissy
and Sylvain Guilley
KDDI Research, Inc., 2-1-15 Ohara, Fujimino-shi, Saitama, 356–8502, Japan
Secure-IC, Z.A.C des Champs Blancs, 15 rue Claude Chappe, B
at. B, 35510, Cesson-S
e, France
Post-quantum Cryptography, Lattice-based Cryptography, MLWRSign, Side-channel Analysis.
Lattice-based cryptography is believed to be a promising candidate for post-quantum cryptography (PQC).
The NIST announced that the third-round finalists in the standardization project of PQC (NIST-PQC) and
four out of seven finalists are lattice-based cryptography. An implementation is desired that is resistant to
side-channel analysis for the widespread use of lattice-based cryptography. This paper studies possible side-
channel analysis on the signature scheme MLWRSign, a lattice-based signature scheme. We apply differential
power analysis to the implementation of MLWRSign to specify all the sensitive parts. The experimental results
show that only Karatsuba and Toom-Cook multiplications can be vulnerable to DPA with the Hamming weight
power consumption model. Furthermore, we propose masking countermeasures for multiplication: inter-
functional and intra-functional masking. Our lightweight countermeasure is beneficial to further enhance the
security of post-quantum cryptography, which is naturally resistant to side-channel attacks.
Recently, there has been substantial research on quan-
tum computers that potentially provides the power
to break (Shor, 1994; Shor, 1997) current public-
key cryptography such as RSA and ECC in a feasi-
ble time. The NIST called for proposals to standard-
ize post-quantum cryptography (PQC) and public-key
cryptography registrant to quantum computers. There
are two categories in the NIST-PQC standardization
project: public-key encryption/KEMs and digital sig-
In addition to quantum computer threats, PQC
should protect against side-channel analysis. Cryp-
tographic algorithms are considered mathematically
robust; however, their implementation might leak sen-
sitive information through physical leakage. Physical
leakage is no more or less than an exhibited physical
property, such as power, electromagnetic emanation
(EM) (Huang et al., 2019), acoustic vibration, and
time computation.
Some attacks against PQC have already been pub-
lished; thus, designers should also consider these at-
tacks and implement countermeasures. Vulnerabili-
ties against timing attacks and differential power anal-
ysis (DPA) should be considered at an early stage
of conception by making the execution time constant
and the power consumption independent of secret
data. A masking scheme is the most studied coun-
termeasure in the state-of-the-art to defeat DPA. The
most important PQC algorithms families are lattice-
based, code-based, multivariate-based, hash-based,
and isogeny-based.
In this paper, we studied possible side-channel
analysis on the signature scheme MLWRSign, an
LWR variant of CRYSTALS-Dilithium that is one
of the finalists in the NIST-PQC competition. We
applied DPA to the implementation of MLWRSign
to specify all the sensitive parts. We found that
only Karatsuba and Toom-Cook multiplications can
be vulnerable to DPA with the Hamming weight
power consumption model. Furthermore, we pro-
posed masking countermeasures for multiplication:
inter-functional and intra-functional masking. Our
lightweight countermeasure is beneficial to further
enhance the security of post-quantum cryptography,
which is naturally resistant to side-channel attacks.
Fukushima, K., Okada, H., Takarabt, S., Korchi, A., Hamoud, M., Karray, K., Souissy, Y. and Guilley, S.
Side-channel Analysis and Countermeasure for Implementation of Lattice-based Signature.
DOI: 10.5220/0011328400003283
In Proceedings of the 19th Inter national Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022), pages 701-706
ISBN: 978-989-758-590-6; ISSN: 2184-7711
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Cryptographic implementations can be vulnerable to
side-channel attacks. The different attacks studied
in the literature, such as DPA and template attacks,
can be transposed to the post-quantum implementa-
tions. Some publications have already addressed the
side-channel threats against post-quantum cryptogra-
phy. From a side-channel analysis viewpoint, the
critical parts are very similar since those algorithms
are based on the same specific problems (code-based
and lattice-based). The differences in algorithms do
not provide more resistance. A cautionary counter-
measure should be implemented to protect the criti-
cal parts of the algorithm. The private parts, includ-
ing key generation, signature, and decryption, should
implement countermeasures against side-channel at-
Timing Attack. The first timing attack, introduced
by Kocher, targets RSA implementations (Kocher,
1996). It takes advantage of the non-constant exe-
cution timing of modular multiplication. Other tim-
ing attacks (Dhem et al., 2000; Schindler, 2000;
Schindler, 2002) also take advantage of the non-
constant execution timing of the operations.
Cache-timing Attack. A cache is a small mem-
ory used to increase performance in modern pro-
cessors. Bernstein first discovered cache attacks on
AES (Bernstein, 2005). Cache attacks are currently
an important research subject. Critical vulnerabilities
related to cache attacks and, more generally, microar-
chitectural attacks emerged, such as Spectre or Melt-
down (Kocher et al., 2019; Lipp et al., 2018) in 2017
and 2018. The latter is related to the operating system
and the CPU. Specter attacks exploit speculative exe-
cution, whereas meltdown exploits out-of-order exe-
cution. These attacks have several variants.
Simple Power Analysis. Simple power analysis
(SPA) is a visual inspection and analysis of the leak-
age trace. The timing duration and characteristic pat-
terns for each operation can be identified and mapped
to the algorithm.
Differential Power Analysis. The attacker makes
assumptions on intermediate variables during the exe-
cution of the algorithm in classical differential power
analysis (DPA). Several traces are acquired and cor-
related with the intermediate variables.
Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) (Brier et al.,
2004): The CPA computes a leakage model and
correlates with traces vertically for each key hy-
pothesis. The highest peak corresponds to the best
key candidate.
Linear Regression Analysis (LRA) (Lomn
e et al.,
2013): The LRA uses the least square method to
minimize the error (between the estimation and
the observation) and model the leakage trace with
the intermediate value.
Collision Attack (Moradi et al., 2010): The colli-
sion attack builds the leakage model on the traces.
A more generic case of the collision attack is the
template attack (Rechberger and Oswald, 2005).
Fault Injection Attack. The differential fault at-
tack (DFA) exploits an introduced fault when com-
puting a sensitive operation. The fault can be per-
formed on data and instruction and achieved by laser
injection, EM injection, or glitches (on clock or volt-
age). When the signature is deterministic, the couple
(faulted result, correct result) can recover the whole
or partial private information.
Okada et al. (Okada et al., 2020) proposed a
lattice-based digital signature scheme MLWRSign
that is a learning with rounding (LWR) variant in
CRYSTALS-Dilithium third-round finalists of the
standardization project of post-quantum cryptography
by NIST (NIST-PQC). The secret key in MLWR-
Sign is approximately 30% smaller than CRYSTALS-
Dilithium with the same security level due to the sim-
plicity of the LWR. The running time of MLWRSign
is comparable to that of CRYSTALS-Dilithium.
The target of evaluation (ToE) is an STM32 Nucleo-
64 [9] with 32 MHz max CPU frequency. The STM32
Nucleo-64 board provides an affordable and flexible
method for users to try out new concepts and build
prototypes by choosing from various performance and
power consumption features provided by the STM32
microcontroller. The STM32 Nucleo-64 board does
not require any separate probe as it integrates the ST-
LINK debugger/programmer. The STM32 Nucleo-
64 board comes with the STM32 comprehensive free
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 1: Acquisition of one execution of polyvecl mul
Figure 2: Result of the bandpass filter.
software libraries and examples available with the
STM32Cube MCU Package.
4.1 Horizontal Analysis
Figure 1 shows one electromagnetic emanation (EM)
acquisition of the polyvecl
mul function (in green).
The blue curve shows the start and end of the exe-
cution. In particular, we have four large blocks that
correspond to the poly mul function (red rectangle).
In each block, we can distinguish seven patterns
related to the Karatsuba simple four functions (blue
rectangle) inside each poly mul function. We can
perform some processing of the traces to see these op-
erations more clearly. For this purpose, we first per-
form an STFT to locate the interesting bound. The
scope is configured as follows:
Sampling Rate: 31.25 MS/s,
Filter: Low-pass at 20 MHz, and
Impedance: 50.
The duration of each polyvec mul is approxi-
mately 40 ms. Figure 2 shows the result of the band-
pass filter 1–4 MHz applied to the short-time Fourier
transform (STFT) of the leakage traces in Fig. 1. The
Karatsuba multiplications are distinguishable inside
each polynomial multiplication (poly mul).
4.2 Vertical Analysis
The target of evaluation is run with different input
data. Each time, the power consumption or the elec-
tromagnetic radiation is acquired. Statistical analy-
sis is performed on the different traces to deduce the
(a) NICV result of polynomial multiplication
(b) Zoom on the leakage peak in Karatsuba multiplication
Figure 3: NICV result based on 10,000 filtered traces.
manipulated values, hence the secret scalar. We can
cite the different methods as DPA, CPA, or LRA. The
real acquisitions are noisier than the simulated acqui-
sitions. As explained previously, many sensitive oper-
ations (that depend on s1) can be targeted. Hereafter
we perform our evaluation on the polynomial multi-
plication (polyvecl mul) function.
The key generation procedure and the signature
procedure have similar polynomial multiplications:
A ·
· s
and A
A ·
· y
y, respectively. The variable A is a
public parameter; thus, it is known by an attacker.
We acquired 10,000 traces with random s1 and fixed
A to see how much this operation is leaking. Each
trace has 500,000 samples. We located the operations
that manipulate a subpart (nibble by nibble or byte
by byte) of this secret by performing NICV (Bhasin
et al., 2014) using the parameter s
. As the traces
were relatively noisy, we applied a bandpass fre-
quency filter (Fig. 2). We then compute the NICV
on the filtered traces.
Figure 3a shows the raw trace (orange line)
and the NICV results (blue line) based on the
10,000 filtered traces of the polynomical multiplica-
tion (polyvecl
mul function). A significant leakage
can be seen at one Karatsuba multiplication. Fig-
ure 3b focuses on the peak that shows that the leakage
is in the Karatsuba multiplication. More significant
leakage can be obtained with more traces.
Note that the traces are long, and the analysis can
be complex. The accuracy of the measurements is
also a compromise about the number of samples to
be acquired. We thus focused on smaller functions,
i.e., Karatsuba, to overcome these limits.
Side-channel Analysis and Countermeasure for Implementation of Lattice-based Signature
(a) Bandpass filtered trace of Karatsuba multiplication
(b) NICV result of Karatsuba multiplication
Figure 4: Leakage trace of Karatsusba multiplication.
4.3 Analysis of Karatsuba
Most operations in the power traces are linked to
Karatsuba multiplication. We thus focused our anal-
ysis on this part of the algorithm. We select a sin-
gle Karatsuba multiplication to eliminate potential
sources of desynchronization.
The bandpass filtered trace and NICV results of
Karatuba multiplication are shown in Fig. 4, and the
NICV result shows a significant peak (Fig. 4b). How-
ever, this step is relative to the local copy of the inputs
and b
), and no leakage is identified in the com-
putation step.
The traces were not perfectly aligned; thus, we
added an operation to output a trigger signal to an in-
ternal loop in Karatusba multiplication to address the
desynchronization issue. Figure 5 shows that the leak-
age is significant without any post-processing (filter-
ing) of the traces. We confirmed that Karatsuba mul-
tiplication can be sensitive to side-channel analysis.
We first propose inter-functional masking as a pri-
mary countermeasure. The secret key generated in
the key generation algorithm is multiplied by random
values. The masked secret key used in the signing al-
gorithm changes randomly, making it challenging to
Figure 5: Leakage peak in NICV of internally syncronized
Karatsuba multiplication.
apply side-channel analysis.
We then proposed intra-functional masking as a
more sophisticated countermeasure. The intermedi-
ates values in the multiplication function are changed
by random masks and protect against side-channel
5.1 Interfunctional Masking
We apply multiplicative masking to the secret key of
MLWRSign. The idea of multiplicative masking is to
write s as r
×(r ×s). The masking value r is chosen
as a random number in Z
or a random polynomial in
[x]. Our countermeasure uses an odd random inte-
ger r and q that is a power of 2 so that r is invertible in
. A brute force attack can be used to find random
numbers, and template attacks are applicable to reveal
the secret parameter s. We can use a random polyno-
mial to increase the possible polynomial choices to
prevent template attacks.
The parameter s of the secret key is not stored as
the plain form at the end of the key generation af-
ter applying multiplicative masking. The secret pa-
rameter s is stored randomized as described in Al-
gorithm 1. A random mask r is selected uniformly
in Z
The masked secret rs computed as rs = r × s.
The unmasking variable r inv is computed as r invr
mod q. The secret parameter s is stored after the key
generation as (r inv, rs).
The multiplication c × s is performed as c × s =
(r inv × c) × rs. The total overhead is two multipli-
cations in Z
. Algorithm 2 describes multiplicative
masking for the sign algorithm.
The secret key (rs, r inv) can be refreshed to
, r
inv) with the property rs
× r
inv = rs ×
r inv = s. A new random integer r
is selected from
and the new masked secret rs
is computed as
= (r inv × r
) × rs to maintain the property. r
computed as the inverse of r
in Z
. The refresh over-
head is two multiplications in Z
and an inversion in
. Algorithm 3 describes refresh or multiplicative
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Algorithm 1: Multiplicative masking in key generation.
Input : s
Output: (rs, r inv)
1 repeat
2 r
3 until r
is odd;
4 rs r × s mod q;
5 r inv r
mod q;
6 return (rs, r inv);
Algorithm 2: Multiplication in sign.
Input : c, (rs, r inv)
Output: c × s
1 cs (r inv× c) × rs mod q;
2 return cs;
Algorithm 3: Refresh.
Input : (rs, r inv)
Output: (rs
, r
1 repeat
2 r
3 until r
is odd;
4 rs
(r inv × r
) × rs;
5 r
inv r
mod q;
6 return (rs
, r
5.2 Intrafunctional Masking
We can apply additive masking to immediate values
in the multiplication functions to achieve advanced
protection against side-channel analyses. MLWRSign
used Karatsuba and Toom-Cook multiplications. No
masking implementations for Toom-Cook multipli-
cation have been proposed, while masked Karatsuba
multiplication is available (Rebeiro and Mukhopad-
hyay, 2008). We thus propose additive masking for
Toom-Cook multiplication, where additive masking is
applied to points of polynomials, and pointwise mul-
tiplication is executed on masked values.
We show an example for the multiplication of
Q + a
and b
Q + b
where Q is modulo. The
polynomial expressions of the two integers are a(x) =
x + a
and b(x) = b
x + b
. The sample points can
be calculated as
a(1) = a
+ a
, a(0) = a
, a(1) = a
+ a
b(1) = b
+ b
, b(0) = b
, b(1) = b
+ b
for x = 1, 0, 1. We generate additive masks m
, m
, m
, m
, m
for six sample points
and obtain masked values a(1) + m
, a(0) +
, a(1)+m
, b(1)+m
, b(0)+m
, and
b(1) + m
Figure 6: Masked Toom-Cook multiplication.
The masked product is computed from masked
sampled points based on the procedure of the orig-
inal Toom-Cook multiplication. The masking value
for the product is computed from the original sample
points, and masking values for sampling values are:
M =
M(1) 2M(0) + M(1)
M(1) M(1)
Q + M(0),
where M(x) = m
+ m
b(x) + m
a(x) for
x = 1, 0, 1.
We can recover the original product (a
Q + a
) ×
Q + b
) by subtracting the masking value for the
product M from the masked product that is the re-
sult of Toom-Cook multiplication. Figure 6 shows the
masked Toom-Cook multiplication where the newly
added data, procedure, and data flow are highlighted
in red. The overhead of the intra-functional masking
is three multiplications and 13 additions in Z
This paper studied possible side-channel analysis on
signature scheme MLWRSign, an LWR variant of
Side-channel Analysis and Countermeasure for Implementation of Lattice-based Signature
CRYSTALS-Dilithium that is one of the finalists in
the NIST-PQC. We applied differential power anal-
ysis (DPA) to the implementation of MLWRSign to
specify all the sensitive parts. We have encountered
a desynchronization issue in the side-channel analy-
sis against post-quantum cryptography. One of the
causes is long leakage traces due to larger keys in
post-quantum cryptography. Another cause is the
complicated power consumption behavior of the mi-
croarchitecture of the target device. We insert an op-
eration that outputs synchronization triggers to candi-
date functions to avoid statistical synchronization to
address the difficulty. We found that only Karatsuba
and Toom-Cook multiplications can be vulnerable to
DPA with the Hamming weight power consumption
model. Nevertheless, we can distinguish only some
candidates from all possible keys. Furthermore, we
proposed masking countermeasures for multiplica-
tion: inter-functional and intra-functional masking.
Our lightweight countermeasure is beneficial to en-
hance further the security of post-quantum cryptog-
raphy, which is naturally resistant to side-channel at-
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SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography