tioning error and torque ripple compensation meth-
ods using advanced controllers (Tarczewski et al.,
2014),(Tarczewski and Grzesiak, 2009).
In order to verify the computational efficiency of
the algorithm’s implementation in the real-time sys-
tem the feedrate generation process was repeated sev-
eral hundred times and the total computation time was
measured each time. The average computation time
of the whole profile was 99.6ms with maximum and
minimum time equal to 104ms and 97.6ms respec-
tively. The total execution time of the toolpath from
Fig.1 with the feedrate profile from Fig.7 was equal to
8.27s. This means that the proposed method has high
computational effectiveness. The computation time
of feedrate generation algorithm is much shorter than
the toolpath execution time. This means that the sys-
tem with the algorithm has on-line real-time capabili-
ties. Even with the inclusion of additional constraints
such as linear joint constraints the system should still
retain its real-time capabilities.
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(NURBS) toolpaths in a parallel kinematics machine
in linear delta configuration. The algorithm uses jerk-
limited feedrate planning with limitation of of carte-
sian axes velocity, acceleration and jerk. The pre-
sented experimental results show that the algorithm
can effectively constrain cartesian axis constraints.
Further improvements of the algorithm will constrain
velocity, acceleration and jerk in the linear joints. Fur-
thermore the computation times show that the algo-
rithm is computationally effective and is viable for
real-time implementation. Future research will in-
clude improvement of the algorithm and its extension
with additional constraints.
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Feedrate Planning for a Delta Parallel Kinematics Numerically Controlled Machine using NURBS Toolpaths