A New Software Architecture for the Wise Object Framework:
Multidimensional Separation of Concerns
Sylvain Lejamble
1, 2 a
, Ilham Alloui
2 b
, S
ebastien Monnet
2 c
and Flavien Vernier
2 d
SaGa Corp, Paris, France
LISTIC, Universit
e Savoie Mont Blanc, Annecy, France
Self-adaptive Systems, Separation of Concerns, Modularization, Wise Object, Event-driven Architecture.
Adaptive systems represent an appropriate solution to the increasing complexity of software-intensive systems.
We constructed a Wise Object Framework to develop self-adaptive software systems we name “Wise systems”.
Those consist of distributed communicating software objects (Wise Objects) able to autonomously learn on
how they behave and how they are used while demanding little attention from their users. A WO is either
delivering a service (Awake state) or simulating its operation to learn behavior that has not occurred yet (Dream
state). In its first version, WO architecture has been designed on the basis of a single component embedding
built-in mechanisms for data monitoring and analysis. This architecture has major drawbacks we encountered
when using WOF to develop new applications: (1) built-in mechanisms embedded within the WO do not allow
using data by other components such as new analyzers, (2) raw data and data resulting from analysis in Awake
or Dream states are not distinguished, (3) mandatory components to self-adaptation are missing especially
those for action plan construction and execution. In this paper, we address those limitations through a MAPE-
K compliant architecture, based on the Separation of Concerns(SoC) and an event-driven publish/subscribe
mechanism. This is related to the general issue of wise system maintenance, reuse and evolution. Separation
of Concerns is done according to different dimensions that are managed using hyperslicing techniques.
Adaptive systems represent an appropriate solution to
the increasing complexity of software-intensive sys-
tems. An ideal system is able to adapt to users by re-
ducing the effort required for human-machine interac-
tion. It must also be able to detect unusual situations
(error, unexpected behavior...) and manage them (cor-
rect, alert a suitable person to its resolution...). Self-
adaptive systems are an open area of research that ad-
dress many of these issues with the goal to let IT pro-
fessionals focus on business higher value-added tasks.
For this purpose, we developed WOF, a Wise Object
Framework to build self-adaptive software systems
we name “Wise systems”. A Wise system consists of
a set of distributed communicating software objects
(Wise Objects: WOs), each able to autonomously
learn on how it behaves and how it is used while de-
manding little attention from its users. WOs are able
to monitor their functioning in order to acquire ex-
perience on their operation and hence on the use of
the system (“Real logs”). Logs analysis guides the
system towards an action plan (self-correction, adap-
tation, optimization...). Each time a WO is requested
for service delivery, it collects data on this operation
using a monitoring built-in mechanism. When a WO
is not delivering a service, it can disconnect from the
rest of the system to learn on its behavior by launch-
ing operations and analyzing their effects and impact.
We respectively refer to those super-states as “Awake
state” and “Dream state”. The WO ability to discon-
nect from the real world is a strong feature that dis-
tinguishes wise systems from other self-adaptive sys-
tems. WOs may execute some parts of the system
without impacting the real operation (Business do-
main). These “simulations” have several goals: (i)
learn more about rare (fewly used) operations on the
system, (ii) create state-transition behavioral graphs
of the system, and (iii) create credible/realistic data to
help analyzing real functioning of the system. During
this state, the system produces logs different from real
Lejamble, S., Alloui, I., Monnet, S. and Vernier, F.
A New Software Architecture for the Wise Object Framework: Multidimensional Separation of Concerns.
DOI: 10.5220/0011355000003266
In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2022), pages 567-574
ISBN: 978-989-758-588-3; ISSN: 2184-2833
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ones, we call them “Dream logs”. The existing WO
architecture in the WOF (Alloui et al., 2018) does not
meet the requirements regarding the adaptation of the
framework to complex applications. Indeed, in its first
version, WO architecture has been designed on the
basis of a single component embedding built-in mech-
anisms for data monitoring and analysis. This archi-
tecture has major drawbacks we encountered when
using WOF to develop new applications: (1) built-in
mechanisms embedded within the WO do not allow
using data by other components such as new analyz-
ers, (2) raw data and data resulting from the analysis
be them from Awake or Dream states are not distin-
guished, (3) mandatory components to self-adaptation
are missing especially those for plan construction and
execution. In this paper, we address those limitations
through a MAPE-K compliant architecture, based on
the Separation of Concerns and an event-driven pub-
lish/subscribe mechanism. This is related to the gen-
eral issue of wise system maintenance, reuse and evo-
lution. Separation of Concerns is done according to
different dimensions that are managed using hyper-
slicing techniques. The knowledge acquisition sys-
tem is refactored to separate the different components
involved in the self-adaptation MAPE-K loop.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 intro-
duces related work. Section 3 presents the previous
work on the framework. Section 4 describes the lim-
its of the current architecture. Section 5 explains the
solution we propose to handle present limitations. Fi-
nally, Section 6 concludes the paper and opens some
interesting perspectives.
2.1 Self-Adaptive Systems
To meet the growing demand for more complex prob-
lems, IT professionals are striving to build even more
complex systems. These high-value-added systems
are very efficient but are becoming increasingly diffi-
cult and expensive to maintain (Crow, 1990). Further-
more, the maintenance must be performed by profes-
sionals whose expertise is close to the system.
An adaptive system can have several goals: adapt-
ing in response to its changing environment (Brun
et al., 2009), switching models in a multi-model sys-
tem (Ravindranathan and Leitch, 1998), modifying its
components without waiting for the next maintenance
periods to limit human interactions (Naqvi, 2012)
or even evaluating its performance and changing its
strategy when it is not performing enough (Cheng
et al., 2009).
Self-adaptive systems are an open area of research
that can address many of these issues. If the system
can solve a problem itself, then IT professionals can
focus on higher value-added tasks for the business.
Although a system is highly dependent on its appli-
cation domain, all self-adaptive systems have similar
components. These blocks are defined by IBM’s 4-
state loop “Monitor-Analyze-Plan-Execute” (MAPE-
K) (Kephart and Chess, 2003). This loop has a fifth
component named “Knowledge” that communicates
with the other 4.
Monitor: The system must produce comprehensive
operation logs and make them available to the other
components. Analyze: The system must then ana-
lyze its past operations in the manner of an expert and
draw a conclusion: is the system functioning appro-
priately/as usual? Plan: The system uses the analy-
sis results to produce a strategy addressing the prob-
lem/unusual situation. Execute: The execution block
applies this plan to make the system perform a cor-
rective action/adapt to a changing usage. Knowl-
edge: Knowledge is the link between all the software
blocks. It stores what the system knows about itself:
logs, analyzes, metrics, topological information, ac-
tions performed...
2.2 Separation of Concerns
Separation of Concerns (SoC) (Dijkstra and Edsger,
1982) becomes essential while developing very com-
plex software. In a system, each element should have
an exclusive purpose. Ideally, while doing the Sepa-
ration of Concerns, no software element should share
responsibilities with another part of the system. We
must set boundaries that encompass the full range of
responsibilities along dimensions. They are a lot of
types of Separations of Concerns
: (i) horizontal sep-
aration (separation through functionalities), (ii) verti-
cal separation (dividing the application into modules),
(iii) aspect separation...
MAPE-K provides the ability, by defining dis-
tinct blueprints, to separate priorities and thus to ac-
celerate and simplify software development (Parnas,
1972). The multidimensional separation of priorities
is interesting when a system may have to deal with
new concerns (Ossher and Tarr, 2002). It may also
be necessary when several concerns overlap just a
small part of another. The separation can have a huge
impact on maintenance when one part of the soft-
ware has many diverse dependencies (Moreira et al.,
2005). (Tarr et al., 1999) highlighted the multidi-
mensional Separation of Concerns while the literature
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
was focusing on an orthogonal separation. They be-
lieve that the future of software development requires
a ”simultaneous separation of overlapping concerns
in multiple dimensions”. They also show that their
work was already partially done in Subject-Oriented
Programming (Harrison et al., 1993)(subjects are hy-
perslices), Aspect-Oriented Programming (Kiczales
et al., 1997)(aspects are hyperslices), Adaptive Pro-
gramming (Gouda et al., 1991)(propagation patterns
are hyperslices)... Aspect Oriented Programming
(AOP) may also help a lot during the Separation of
Concerns process because it highlights non-functional
concerns that might be separated. (Makabee, 2012)
use an Event-driven approach to spot entangled con-
cerns and separate them from other functionalities.
He also compares Event-driven and Aspect-Oriented
approaches and show that Event-driven programming
has several advantages over AOP (more reusable, al-
lowing inheritance and concurrent execution...).
Wise Object. A WO (Alloui et al., 2015) is a soft-
ware component that is given the ability to learn by
itself from its past experiences. It can also learn about
its environment through the interactions it has with it.
The WO aims at proxifying an existing object
(physical or logical) from the system to add capabil-
ities (wisdom) to it (Figure 1). In the first version
of the concept, the proxy was implemented in an in-
trusive way in the business classes. The object also
had to inherit from the WiseObject class in order to
expose its monitoring functions. This caused several
problems, especially in the inheritance chain. To fix
them, we imagined a dynamic proxy that lets process
the data upstream. It avoids unnecessary intrusions in
the business code. The WO will therefore intercept
all the system requests related to the object and create
operation logs.
System call, ex: up()
state: Down, action: up()
state: Up, action: None
Effect on the system
Figure 1: Example of a wise version of a switch. The switch
has 2 states Up/Down and 2 functions up()/down() changing
the business state of the object. WO Proxy intercepts calls
(up() or down()) (1) and monitors them (2). It asks the ob-
ject to act (3). As the state changes, it monitors it again (4).
It sends back the response according to the function call (5).
Wise Object Framework. A framework has been
developed around the notion of WO (Alloui et al.,
2018). This framework opens up the possibility of
using the WO concept in a classical computer appli-
cation. It allows the use of a simple @WiseObject an-
notation in the declaration of the target object to mon-
itor all its status changes. By doing so, a proxy is auto
generated wrapping the original object. It also con-
nects the proxy (logger) to the knowledge database.
This knowledge will be progressively filled in by the
usage logs. The proxy grants complete control over
the original object. Since it intercepts the calls, it can
modify or cancel a call to avoid an unwanted behavior
if the analysis detects the system call is unusual and
will cause the object to fall into an unwanted state.
Within the framework, WOs are able to commu-
nicate with each other through a software bus (pub-
lish/subscribe). The communication is done through
event condition action rules (ECA) established by a
manager. By detaching components from this soft-
ware bus, it is possible to work with small parts of the
application without impacting the system.
Detaching WO. The WO has two high-level states:
Awake/Dream. During the Awake state, the object acts
normally, and serves the system. When the object is
not busy with a system call, it enters the Dream state
(Figure 2).
WO State diagram
service doneservice request
Figure 2: Original WO high-level states.
In the Dream state, we disconnect the WO from
the bus in order to jump to a non-impacting phase. In
order to guarantee this non-impact phase, the applica-
tion must catch every instruction that leads to the writ-
ing of a file. The reading remains however functional.
In this state the object will simulate system calls to
explore its state transition graph. The goal is to dis-
cover as many as possible business states that have
not yet been discovered during the actual operation
of the system. For example, if our switch has never
been turned on, it is theoretically impossible to know
that the object has two states by analyzing the logs.
As the object knows itself, it knows that it has several
methods. So during the Dream it will randomly try
to use up() and down() from its Down state. When
using down(), the state keeps being Down, so an self-
transition is created in the state diagram. However,
A New Software Architecture for the Wise Object Framework: Multidimensional Separation of Concerns
when using up(), the object discovers that it can enter
a different state if it applies the procedure it just dis-
covered. The use of Dream state improves the overall
system perspectives. By analyzing produced logs, we
are able to enrich the knowledge we have about the
system. For example, we can confront the theoreti-
cal model of the system (designed initially by an ex-
pert) with the state transition graph discovered in the
Dream state.
The framework makes possible the usage of inter-
changeable analyzers. These analyzers will scan the
object’s logs and draw a conclusion based on their ex-
pertise. For example, with a statistical analyzer, we
can compute temporal metrics on the functioning of
the object. By interpreting the results, it is possible to
detect anomalies (e.g.: switch unusually Up on 16/03
from 6pm to 7am) and then warn the user.
Application. Extensive research (Alloui et al.,
2018) has been conducted on the use of the WOF for
IoT. The results proved the relevance of WOs in real
world systems such as in classroom unusual use de-
The precedent framework architecture has several
drawbacks that led us to propose some changes.
WOs embedded Too Much Responsibilities. In
the precedent architecture (Alloui et al., 2018), the
knowledge is represented as a graph that is created
during the monitoring process. Furthermore that
knowledge was part of the WO. It shows that knowl-
edge, its acquisition (monitoring) and the WO were
mixed. The graph was also already an analysis since
the logs are linked together and interpreted (no du-
plication of states in the graph...). We want the raw
knowledge to be available in the memory so we can
process it afterward. It is the main motivation for the
horizontal Separation of Concerns.
Incoherent Dreams & Tangled Logs. In the previ-
ous work, the discovery of the unseen business states
(in the dream) was done in a random way. We called
state-change methods randomly from different initial
states to see their impact on the states and we hoped at
the end of the Dream that all possible business states
and the transitions between them would be discov-
ered. Since we only had a few possible alterations,
the system never ends up in an incoherent state. If
we make the system dream with parameterized meth-
ods in a random way(random function with random
parameter), we risk finding impossible values when
using the system in a business context. Furthermore,
state change methods were hard-coded with restrict-
ing boundaries (we can call up when the object is
at 100%, but it has no effect). Now let us consider
OpenWindow(normal: from 0 to 100%) as an exam-
ple. As humans we know it is absurd to use it with
OpenWindow(-60%), except that the WO has no se-
mantic and it is not intelligent, it does not know that -
60% is not possible in the business context. The prob-
lem is therefore the following: we want to discover as
many business states of the system as possible and at
the same time we want these findings to be relevant.
To overcome this problem, we have chosen to ana-
lyze the parameters before asking the Wise Object to
use them (during Dream state). This allows the sys-
tem to get closer to the human, i.e. the human dreams
about his past experience and not randomly. In or-
der to analyze these parameters, we need to be able
to distinguish at the software level what really hap-
pened (real logs) from what we asked the system to
do to discover its states (dream logs). This is not pos-
sible with the current architecture. This modification
is the primary motivation for the Separation of Con-
cerns in the WOF. By externalizing some parts of the
application the Separation of Concerns grants a bet-
ter adaptability and re-usability. A multidimensional
separation seems to be necessary at the analysis level
as we would like to stack non-vital part of the appli-
cation. Parameter analysis will not be detailed in this
paper but will surely be the subject of a more detailed
Missing MAPE Components. Finally, the WO had
multiple roles but mandatory components of the
MAPE loop as planning and execution were miss-
ing. It has been a huge problem while adapting to
the framework to other business domains. To address
this issue, we propose a basic architecture enabling
the loop to be self-regulating.
We propose an upgrade of the current WOF archi-
tecture as well as an extension including the last el-
ements of the MAPE loop. We built the meta-model
presented in Figure 3. This model represents only the
interactions between a single WO and its own feed-
back loop. We made the decision not to present the
entire WO System because we did not change inter-
actions between WOs. The meta-model is detailed
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
component by component in the next sections.
5.1 Introduction of the Idle Status
In the previous works, we had 2 possible states of the
object: Dream and Awake. While the system is using
the WO, it is in the Awake state. When the object is
freed, it falls directly in the Dream state.
When it was not used, the object was therefore
necessarily in the Dream state (even if it had noth-
ing interesting to dream about). This has several dis-
advantages: consumption of unnecessary resources,
production of redundant logs, higher complexity of
the analysis. So we decided to add a third state Idle.
This state allows the object not to perform any action
when the system does not hold the object.
As shown in Figure 4, the Dream is now included
in the new Idle state. The WO is not allowed to dream
until it knows what it has to dream. The WO can
dream when it is in the Idle state and receives a dream
plan request. Once the dream is finished, the WO falls
directly into the Idle state.
5.2 MAPE-K Compliance
The MAPE-K architecture has many advantages re-
garding the Separation of Concerns. Most of the
MAPE component were present in the precedent work
but we propose a new architecture to disentangle
them. This is a huge step forward in terms of mainte-
nance and re-usability.
5.2.1 Monitoring, Analysis & Knowledge
In the precedent architecture, the WO shared too
much responsibilities with other parts of the system.
The WO should only do his business job without
worrying about the other components of the MAPE
loop. As shown in Figure 5, we separate the Moni-
toring/Analysis/Knowledge steps because this would
help along interoperability of components.
This job is carried out by a knowledge genera-
tor that monitors the WiseObject. At each interaction
with the WO, the generator will log in the memory the
methods and their effects on the WO states. When the
object is not being used by a system call, it falls in the
Idle state. Idle state is described in Section 5.1.
We chose to use a WiseEventManager from Fig-
ure 3 inside the memory. This manager has the role to
store the data in an appropriate passive storage.
5.2.2 Planner
In the previous architecture, the planner did not exist.
We want the planner to be standalone in order to deal
with the Separation of Concerns. In the Awake state,
the planner uses the results of the analysis in order
to decide if the original call for the object has to be
modified. If it notices an irregularity, it generates an
action plan to correct it. In the Dream state, the plan-
ner decides to use the parameter analysis to send an
action plan in order to discover new business states.
The planner is mandatory for the WO to dream with a
consistency close to the real use.
As explained in Figure 6, the planner listens to the
analysis results. After consulting the policy, it makes
a decision whether or not it should create an action
plan. Policies (Kephart and Chess, 2003) are defined
as a high-level configuration file. It contains business
objectives that can be different if we want to use the
same system in diverse environments. For example,
if the policy is set with max unusual uptime=2h, the
planner consumes this plan while looking for the anal-
ysis. A switch unusually Up on 16/03 from 6am to
7am will not generate a plan.
In our architecture, we choose to generate a plan-
ner in parallel to an analyzer, but our architecture is
open enough to define a specific planner that takes
into account the results from several analyzers.
5.2.3 Executor
The executor did not exist in the previous version.
It joins all the plans made by the planner so that
the object can understand what it has to do. Un-
like many self-adaptive applications, the executor has
an additional responsibility. It has to call/modify
the calls made for the object according to the states
(Dream/Awake) of the WO (Executor Manager Fig-
ure 3). Following the Event Driven Architecture of
WOF, the executor is a listener of planner (see Fig-
ure 7). The executor parses the plans generated by
the planner in order to assign them to the appropriate
executor. The Reaction Executor has been introduced
to apply Awake plans that have an impact on the real
system. Meanwhile, the Dreamer only applies Dream
plans. The Dreamer’s actions have no impact on the
system since in the Dream state the WO is discon-
nected from the bus.
5.3 Multidimensional SoC
We introduced IAPE-K (Alloui and Vernier, 2017)
in our previous paper. IAPE-K is nothing else than
an adaptation of MAPE-K when the object is in the
Dream state. As we need to track the system states,
we must store them in a different place depending
on their high-level state. Dream logs and real logs
are very similar. It makes sense to store them in the
same data structure. The only difference will be a flag
A New Software Architecture for the Wise Object Framework: Multidimensional Separation of Concerns
GraphAnalyser StatsAnalyser ParameterAnalyser
Real Logs Dream Logs
0 1
Dream action
Real action
Reaction Executor
Business Call
Figure 3: Meta-model of the new architecture.
service request
WO State diagram IDLE
[IDLE]serving request
dream plan request
Figure 4: New WO high-level states.
containing the state of the object. Since the knowl-
edge generator monitors all the states of the object, it
knows where to store the usage logs.
A manager is thus necessary within the knowl-
edge, it will have the role to allocate the logs to the
right place of the knowledge. It receives data from di-
verse sources WO(Awake/Dream), Analyzers and put
them in their own storage. Note that a manager is not
mandatory in the Plan/Execute steps. As opposed to
Memory, Planner/Executor are active elements. They
can therefore dispatch the data themselves.
+ subscribe(KL)
+ analysersResults: Object
+ planners: Planner[]
+ addData(Data):
+ publish(WEvent)
+ newKnowledge(WEvent)
+ subscribe(KGL)
+ subscribe(KGL)
Figure 5: Static model of Monitor, Analysis & Knowledge.
5.3.1 Hyperslicing
In our framework, we need to separate the concerns
horizontally (with the MAPE components) but we
ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies
+ takePlan():
+ getKnowledge(): ConcreteKn
Figure 6: Static model of Knowledge & Plan.
+ newPlan(PlanEvent)
+ subscrible(EL)
+ takeExecution():
+ getPlan(): ConcretePlan
Figure 7: Static model of Plan & Execute.
also need to separate the concerns of interchange-
able modules among different dimensions. (Tarr
et al., 1999) proposes to split the system into ”hyper-
slices”. Hyperslices are hyper-planes that encapsu-
late concerns among multiple dimensions. We chose
to use the hyperslices as a representation for patterns.
For example, we encourage analyzer slices to have
the same entry point i.e. Figure 8 publish(WEvent).
By doing so we have all the benefits of an Event-
Driven system while keeping different functioning in
the boxes below. For example, Analyzers primitive
units (WEvent) are similar but how they update their
knowledge will be different. In Figure 8, we rep-
resent an example of some MAPE loop components
along the horizontal axis. Similar slices are also re-
grouped into hyper-modules where we can see feature
decomposition along the vertical axis. The knowl-
edge hyper-module can be seen as a data dimension.
Even if the methods have the same names, knowledge
slices store their WEvent at different places. It also
publishes to different modules like Planners, Analyz-
ers according to the type of WEvent. It is worth to
note that there is no relation along the vertical axis
between modules.
5.3.2 Analyzers
Analyzers are relatively similar in their operation. For
each generation of knowledge, they receive associated
data and then send back a conclusion. It therefore
makes sense to imagine them in the same dimension
of concerns. However, they must be modular so that
new ones can be easily inserted without redesigning
the whole knowledge block. The multidimensional
Separation of Concerns is very useful in our analysis
management. Each analysis will surely have different
dependencies (statistics, deep learning, set theory...).
Since they do not interact directly with each other,
this makes modularization easier by creating several
independent layers. We will use the notion of Hyper-
Slices from (Tarr et al., 1999) in order to increase di-
mensions with each addition of analyzer. For the mo-
ment the analyzers do not interact with each other as
the problem of knowledge fusion is a vast domain on
which we have not yet worked.
In this paper, we address the maintainability issue of
self-adaptive wise systems. To overcome the problem
of costly reuse and evolution of a monolithic archi-
tecture where a same entity (WO) embed several re-
sponsibilities, we propose a new architecture based on
the separation of concerns and on an even-driven pub-
lish/subscribe mechanism. Separation of concerns is
done according to several dimensions: MAPE-K loop
model, Real knowledgevs. Dream knowledge, com-
ponents with similar responsibilities. To complete the
MAPE-K loop, we also implemented Plan construc-
tion and Execution components that were absent in
the previous version of WOF.
This results in many organized slices that enable
the system reuse, maintenance and evolution. At ex-
ecution time, this architecture allows the system to
easily swap among components with similar respon-
sibility by stacking them in a same dimension. Fur-
thermore, the publish/subscribe mechanism enables
components to interact only with the relevant part of
knowledge they need .
With this new architecture, we plan in the short
term to develop Markovian and deep learning analyz-
A New Software Architecture for the Wise Object Framework: Multidimensional Separation of Concerns
Monitor Hypermodule Analyse Hypermodule
Log Monitoring Slice Stats Analyser Slice
createStats(WEvent) recalculate(WEvent)
Graph Analyser Slice
createGraph(WEvent) addEdge(WEvent)
Knowledge Hypermodule
Logs slice
store(WEvent) publish(WEvent)
(Other style of
knowledge slices)
Dream logs knowledge slice
store(WEvent) publish(WEvent)
Graph knowledge slice
store(WEvent) publish(WEvent)
Figure 8: Example of components of the MAPE-K loop using hyperslicing visualization.
ers in addition to the existing graph and statistical an-
alyzers. Developing different analyzers is crucial to
the reliability of self-adaptive systems: analyzers may
either discover faster new states of the monitored ob-
ject or draw better conclusions about its functioning.
Moreover analyzers of operation’s parameters seems
essential for both the credibility of the system and re-
source saving: we can develop a statistical analyzer
that according to the parameter type generates new
values by sampling in the distribution generated in
past analyzes.
As we completed the MAPE-K model, we natu-
rally will implement different Plan and Execute com-
ponents dedicated to both Dream and Awake states
of a WO. A first “dreamer” will be a smart dreamer
that takes into account the WO experience (real data)
instead of randomly simulating data. Regarding ex-
ecutors, the first one will simply authorize or not exe-
cution of the planned actions.
We also intend to study in future work how
to improve the new architecture, by introducing a
higher level where knowledge related to a WO can be
merged, aggregated or simply used at system level.
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