
model. Using Structured Edge Detection as input to
the DGHT, this model scaling approach showed si-
milar performance to traditional image scaling at re-
duced runtime, even on different pedestrian databa-
ses (TUD Pedestrians, INRIA) than used in training
(IAIR). We also showed that an additional proposal
rejection step operating in the Hough space, the shape
consistency measure (SCM), can be used to signifi-
cantly reduce the number of proposals per image wit-
hout performance loss. Our framework generates be-
tween 50 and 350 proposals per image, depending on
the database, which is much less than current propo-
sal generation approaches. Furthermore, when using
only 25% of the (IAIR) training images (352 pedestri-
ans) for DGHT and SCM training, we obtained only
a moderate degradation in detection accuracy. Cur-
rently, we do not perform any bounding box refine-
ment which would further improve the detection accu-
racy. Still, our detection results compare well to other
state-of-the-art approaches (taking into account diffe-
rent training sets). First results in a car detection task
suggest that our detection framework can be success-
fully applied to other object detection tasks as well.
Thus, our framework could be useful especially for
detecting specific object categories with limited avai-
lable training material.
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VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications