
test how the filter sizes effects the results of the net-
We have demonstrated that the max-pooling layers
have high potential to aid in compressing a networks
size to operate on mobile devices. Employing max-
pooling layers allows networks to become ‘lighter’
and be trained faster, but with reduced accuracy. With
the basic network, the standard learning libraries in
networks that don’t employ the max-pooling layers
have improved results. We have implemented a deep
learning network onto a mobile platform, tested the
performance on real-world data. We have also show
that the outputs on an array of varying neural net-
works to demonstrate how the networks were ef-
fected by the max-pooling layer. By comparing the
cost/reward, we recommend the Basic max-pooling
network as it has high accuracy, with little impact on
the phones memory or processing capabilities for mo-
bile platforms.
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VISAPP 2018 - International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications