
the dataset. Prediction confusion might be improved
increasing the number of samples from the dyed lifted
polyps and dyed resection margins as well as from z-
line and esophagitis classes.
Several deep convolutional neural networks have been
published since Inception v3, such as (Huang et al.,
2017b), (He et al., 2015) (Zhu et al., 2017), (Wong
et al., 2016), (Xu et al., 2016). Experiments can be
done using these newly proposed architectures in con-
junction with data augmentation techniques.
Stacking additional dense layers can be another
direction worth to be investigated, as well as mak-
ing a more exhaustive experimentation with different
activation functions such ELU (Clevert et al., 2015),
LeakyRelu (Zhu et al., 2017), Swish (Ramachandran
et al., 2017) etc.
A different investigation might consist in visual-
izing high level learned features from the last convo-
lutional layers, in order to improve our grasp of the
discriminative characteristics learned by the network.
All our experiments have been conducted over the
first version of the Kvasir dataset; repeting training
and validation on the recently released extended ver-
sion would provide an important additional validation
of our methodology.
Finally, it would be particularly useful to further
extend the Kvasir dataset with new classes, in order to
meet diagnosis needs in the direction of several other
very known and diffused diseases such as Chron’s dis-
ease. We are currently exploring the possibility to co-
operate with the gastroenterology department of the
Sant’Orsola Hospital in Bologna to extend the dataset
along these lines.
In this work we addressed the problem of gastroin-
testinal disease detection and identification. By a sim-
ple combination of Convolutional Neural Networks,
transfer learning, and data augmentation we outper-
fomed previous techniques in terms of precision, re-
call, and f-measure, while essentially preserving the
same accuracy. Our experimentation confirms once
more that data augmentation is a viable technique for
boosting deep learning in presence of small dataset.
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KALSIMIS 2018 - Special Session on Knowledge Acquisition and Learning in Semantic Interpretation of Medical Image Structures