
In this paper, we described exploroBOT, a novel sy-
stem developed to support rapid exploration using a
combination of automatic chart generation and intui-
tive navigation.
expoloroBOT enables quick data exploration
using automatic charts and a user-driven decision path
based on the “browsing exploration metaphor” sup-
ported by a novel visual guidance framework. This
allows a fast retrieval of the sought type of chart with
minimal effort in chart design.
Through an evaluation experiment, we found that
exploroBOT enabled swift and accurate data explo-
ration. Considering these results, we reflect on our
approach and suggested several directions for future
work. A video demonstration of exploroBOT is avai-
lable on YouTube: https://youtu.be/C4iPvRvwUEA.
This work is funded by the Centre for Applied Data
Analytics Research (CeADAR) and co-funded by En-
terprise Ireland (EI) and the International Develop-
ment Agency (IDA) in Ireland.
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IVAPP 2019 - 10th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications