
tions is not limited to a particular network, but is
common to the considered detectors. These state-
of-the-art models trained on high-quality image data-
sets make unreliable predictions when they encounter
compression artifacts in their inputs due to an inabi-
lity to generalize from their sharp training sets. To
create object detectors that are more robust to these
degradations, new designs may need to be introdu-
ced. One obvious solution to this problem is to fine-
tune/train these detectors on images with artifacts,
which may boost their performance when applied on
video frames, but perhaps this may decrease their per-
formance on high-quality images. An investigation of
the benefits of fine-tunning with video frames is left
for future work.
Our analysis provides guidance for developing
machine vision systems in practical, non-idealized,
applications where quality distortions may be present.
We expect our findings to be relevant in make decisi-
ons on video compression in the design of automated
video surveillance systems.
This work was performed in part through the finan-
cial assistance award, Multi-tiered Video Analytics
for Abnormality Detection and Alerting to Improve
Response Time for First Responder Communications
and Operations (Grant No. 60NANB17D178), from
U.S. All statements of fact, opinion or conclusions
contained herein are those of the authors and should
not be construed as representing the official views or
policies of the sponsors Department of Commerce,
National Institute of Standards and Technology.
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Understanding How Video Quality Affects Object Detection Algorithms