
social media, and fake news sources prolific in spread-
ing misinformation. The unifying property of these
networks is that normal agents rarely link to aberrant
ones. We call this aberrant linking behavior.
We formulated the detection problem in a novel
way: as a directed Markov Random Field (MRF) prob-
lem. This formulation balances obeying any given
prior information with minimizing the links from nor-
mal to aberrant agents. We discussed how the formula-
tion is solved optimally and efficiently.
To compare the performance of the algorithms, we
developed a new, asymmetric variant of the modularity
metric for directed graphs, addressing a known short-
coming of the existing metric. We showed that our
metric has desirable properties and proved that max-
imizing it is NP-hard. We also used several ad-hoc
metrics to better understand properties of the solutions.
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method outperforms competitors such as PageRank,
TrustRank, AntiTrustRank, and Random. The solu-
tions returned by MRF had the largest modularity score
on thirteen of the twenty-three datasets tested. The
modularity for MRF was, on average,
percent bet-
ter than the modularity returned by TrustRank or Anti-
D. S. Hochbaum was supported in part by National
Science Foundation (NSF) award CMMI 1760102.
M. Velednitsky was supported by the National Physical
Science Consortium (NPSC).
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KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval