Customer Need-based Product Positioning for Disruptive Innovations
Günther Schuh
, Tim Wetterney
and Florian Vogt
Laboratory for Machine Tools Production Engineering (WZL) RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Fraunhofer-Institute for Production, Technology IPT, Aachen, Germany
Keywords: disruptive innovations; market segmentation; customer needs; cluster analysis; product positioning.
Abstract: Developing disruptive innovations is still a daunting tasks for established companies. They are unmatched in
creating sustaining innovations, but when it comes to highly innovative products, the success score of most
corporates still lacks market-changing innovations. Incumbents’ New Product Development (NPD) failure
rates of ~40% most of all indicate an insufficient product-market-fit. Studies on disruptive innovations show
that disruption is a continuous process that starts with introducing products in niche markets defined as
customers with a similar set of needs – from where they gain market share step-by-step. The problem is that
popular market segmentation approaches are not suitable to group customers with a similar need-set and,
hence, make it difficult if not impossible to define products with a great product-market-fit. In this paper, the
authors present a decision model for a need-based product positioning approach. For this, an integrative
framework is presented that connects the three object layers customer needs, market segments and product
positioning in a holistic manner. The decision model will help companies to align product attribute positioning
and customer needs more systematically in context of disruptive innovations – a starting point to increase new
product success.
Across industries many companies are confronted
with a commoditization of their product base and a
growing dynamic in their established markets – most
often resulting in incumbents loosing market shares
to new entrants (Christensen, 2015). As a result,
companies increasingly try to avoid growing
competition by either targeting new customer groups
in existing markets or opening up entirely new
markets (Kim and Mauborgne, 2016; King and Tucci,
2002 ). Long-term successful companies such as
Procter&Gamble or Microsoft continuously open
new markets before competitors do – even if it means
cannibalizing current assets in order to profit from
future business (Tellis, 2006). If new competitors
with new products change an existing market
structure permanently at the expense of established
companies, this is called disruption (Yu and Hang,
2010; Sood and Tellis, 2011; Christensen et al, 2015
). Companies across industries are striving to secure
and expand their competitive position by introducing
new products with a disruptive character on their own
before new or existing competitors do (Hang,
Garnsey, and Ruan, 2015; Yu and Hang, 2011;
Schmidt and Druehl, 2008 ). Yet, the task of
introducing new products to new, normally small
niche markets is most often not very successful (Yu
and Hang, 2010): depending on the industry, the new
product failure rate varies between 35-49%
(Castellion and Markham, 2013). As a consequence,
companies are hesitant to allocate resources for
radically new, potentially disruptive projects and,
instead focus on topics with a higher success rate
mostly being incremental innovations (Reinhardt and
Gurtner, 2011).
The high NPD failure rate is somewhat surprising
considering that incumbents products are often
technologically superior and, yet, only manage to
acquire low market acceptance (Chiesa and Frattini,
2014; Talke and Snelders, 2013). With regard to
CHRISTENSEN, one of the key reasons for this high
failure rate is that companies are often following a
one-size-fits-all approach, resulting in products that
are not entirely fulfilling customers' actual needs
(Christensen et al, 2007).The reason for this is that
the customer needs within defined market segments
often highly vary, making the definition of product
features that resonate with the customers’ needs very
difficult. While established market segmentation
Schuh, G., Wetterney, T. and Vogt, F.
Customer Need-based Product Positioning for Disruptive Innovations.
DOI: 10.5220/0010308100003051
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies (CESIT 2020), pages 300-307
ISBN: 978-989-758-501-2
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
methods create segments, which are homogeneous
regarding the underlying demographic, regional or
behavioral segmentation criteria, the actual needs of
the customers within those segments can hugely
differ. (Ulwick and Osterwalder, 2016) Hence,
defining products with a good product-market-fit for
these segments is very difficult.
Addressing this issue, the paper aims for
developing a customer needs-based product
positioning approach. For this, an integrative
framework is created that connects the three object
layers customer needs, market segments and product
positioning in a holistic manner. By describing
customers based on their needs using mathematical
vector models, similarity-identifying algorithms can
be applied in order to create homogeneous need
clusters. As these clusters are not yet targetable by
standard marketing instruments, a cross-tabulation of
these clusters with standard segmentation criteria
ensures that these customers can be addressed with
suitable marketing tools. Last, a decision model for
positioning product attributes relatively to a market
segments’ need profile is presented.
Chapter I discusses the general necessity of laying
the groundwork of developing a method to create
similarity-based customer clusters in order to derive
homogeneous market segments and respective
product value propositions. Then, the theoretical
background of customer needs, market segmentation
and product positioning is outlined in chapter II.
Subsequently, chapter III summarizes deficits of the
current state of research considering product
positioning approaches. Based on the previous
chapters, in Chapter IV a method for a need-based
product positioning is presented. The conclusion and
explanation of future research demand in chapter V
complete the paper.
In the following, a short explanation and definition of
some key elements within this paper are provided for
an easier understanding of the methodology presented
in chapter IV.
2.1 Customer Needs
Across disciplines such as product development,
psychology, business administration or economics
there is no universal definition to describe what users
want. POHLMEYER states that terms such as
attributes, wants, values, jobs, requirements, wishes,
needs, demands, characteristics or wants are used
interchangeably in literature. (Pohlmeyer). However,
what can be differentiated is in how far these terms
are of generic nature versus directed to specific
objects. KOTLER defines needs as basic human
requirements such as needs for food, air or safety .
Needs turn into wants when they are directed to
specific products such as for the example food a
cheeseburger or a cake. (Kotler and Keller, 2012)
Since the customer clustering serves as starting point
for the definition of disruptive products that so far are
non -existing, a non-product specific definition is
more suitable. Thus, in the following the term
customer needs shall generally describe
“opportunities to deliver a benefit to a customer”.
Following ULWICK these needs can be of functional
or emotional nature, addressing either psychological
or social needs (e.g. feeling appreciated) versus more
practical ones (e.g. cleaning the apartment) (Ulwick
and Osterwalder, 2016) Generic needs such as need
for comfort or safety are referred to as basic needs in
the following. In contrast, product attributes are
physical or digital solutions in order to address those
needs (Pohlmeyer).
Figure 1: Types of customer needs and product attributes
2.2 Market Segmentation
There are varying definitions on how markets can be
defined, i.e. definitions that concentrate on the goods
that are traded product- and industry markets or
definitions separating between real and virtual
markets (Froböse and Thurm, 2016; Kotler et al,
2011). From a marketers’ perspective ‘the providers
of goods and services form an industry and the
(prospective) buyers represent the market’ (Kotler et
al, 2011). This customer-centric market
understanding is also referred to as sales market
(Froböse and Thurm, 2016) and shall apply for this
paper as it puts the customer and his needs in focus.
In the context of disruptive innovations, in general
one specific market niche is addressed with a specific
product strategy (Yu and Hang, 2010). Market niches
are also called segments. A market segment consists
of a group of customers that share similar
Customer Need-based Product Positioning for Disruptive Innovations
characteristics (Kotler and Keller, 2012). Segments
are defined based on different segmentation criteria.
Most often, criteria for segmentation are among
others – demographic, geographic or socioeconomic.
By describing segments with these criteria they
become targetable with different marketing mix
instruments (Aumayr, 2016; Meffert et al, 2019).
ULWICK criticizes the former mentioned criteria,
stating that customer needs might be identical across
several of those segments (Ulwick and Osterwalder,
2016). This criticism also motivates the overall
objective of this paper which is grouping customers
based on their needs to form more homogeneous
2.3 Product Positioning
Product Positioning describes the position of a
product within the perception space of a customer
(Meffert et al, 2019; Herrmann and Huber, 2013). The
perception space is defined as the key performance
criteria (needs) that are relevant for the customers
when evaluating a product (Bruhn, 2016). Positioning
a product is conducted in comparison to competitor
products and is successful if from the customers
perspective the products’ perceived value is
superior to that of the competitor products (Aumayr,
2016). Hence, the product positioning is the core
activity when it comes to creating a great product-
Section III analyzes different product positioning
approaches. For their evaluation, the subsequent
criteria– derived in previous research papers of the
authors (Schuh et a, 2018; Schuh et al, 2018) are
taken into account: integrative consideration of
customer needs, market segments and product
positioning; product positioning on a product
attribute level; consideration of disruptive innovation
There are existing approaches that analyze
customer requirements, benefits or wants in order to
derive homogeneous customer segments (Tsai et al,
2015; Machauer and Morgner, 2001; Du, Jiao, and
Tseng, 2003). Also, there are various methods
focusing on matching customer requirements with
suitable product positioning strategies on a brand
level (Gursoy et al, 2005; Arora, 2006; Ibrahim and
Gill, 2005). Last, some authors derive product
designs on a product attribute and functional level
based on their requirements (McAdams et al, 1999;
Yang and Yang, 2011; Borgianni et al, 2012). Yet,
none of the above-mentioned approaches holistically
considers and integrates the need-, segment- and
product positioning-level.
Some authors describe product strategies that
focus on differentiating their value proposition from
competitor products (Kim and Mauborgne, 2016;
Yang and Yang, 2011; Borgianni et al, 2012). Yet, the
strategies in order to position these products are not
defined in context of the specific characteristics of
disruptive innovations. Focusing on the latter,
different authors define characteristics of disruptive
innovations that support market diffusion and
customer adoption (Slater and Mohr, 2006; Kassicieh
et al, 2002; Rueda et al, 2008; Sandberg 2008). But,
these characteristics, e.g. relative advantage,
compatibility, low complexity (Rogers, 2003), are
very generic and not suitable to successfully position
a product relative to competitor products.
In total, the existing approaches do not fulfill the
criteria for a need-based product positioning method
for disruptive products. Either, there is no consistent
approach that step-by-step derives market segments
based on customer needs which again could be used
to specifically position products. Or, the existing
product positioning strategies are formulated on a
brand level and, thus, are too generic. Last, the few
methods, which allow product positioning on a
product attribute level, do not consider the specifics
of disruptive innovations.
In order to explain the developed methodology, this
chapter is structured as follows: First, the underlying
framework consisting of the three layers customer
needs,customer segments and product positioning is
explained. Afterwards, an approach to describe
customers based on their needs is introduced. Using
this description model, a way to define customer need
clusters based on a clustering algorithm is presented.
The fourth parts deals with transforming the customer
need clusters into addressable market segments. Last,
it is shown how product attributes can be derived
based on the identified customer needs considering
requirements of disruptive innovations.
4.1 Methodological Framework
The framework is derived from KOTLER’S generic
market segmentation approach and is built upon the
three elements customer needs, market segments and
segment positioning (Kotler and Keller, 2012). The
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
first level of the framework describes customers
based on their needs to solve a specific consumption
problem, laying the fundamentals to create a
successful product-market-fit. In order to be able to
address customers with traditional marketing tools,
customers have to be targetable. For this, on the
second level customer segments are defined based on
traditional segmentation criteria. The third level of
the framework addresses the product positioning for
the defined segments. Here, a product-attribute based
approach is chosen in order to match the customer
needs with suitable products attributes (Lilien et al,
Figure 2: Framework of the Methodology.
4.2 Description of the Framework
In this section the three layers of the framework are
described in detail starting with the customer need
As described in chapter II, relevant types of
customer needs are basic needs, emotional needs and
functional needs. When it comes to the development
of a new, potentially disruptive product these needs
are gathered in context of a specific consumption
problem, e.g. using an electric scooter for urban
transport. As shown in (Schuh et al, 2018) and (Sood
and Tellis, 2011), disruptive innovations either offer
completely new performance dimensions for non-
addressed needs or radically simplified solutions for
too complicated products. Hence, needs have to
evaluated in regards to a) the customers level of
satisfaction by existing solutions and b) the general
relevance of the need for the customer. A widespread
tool for need the evaluation is the Likert Scale which
allows the transformation of qualitative information
into quantitative data (Meffert et al, 2019). In Figure
3 the customer needs are positioned in a two-
dimensional diagram hereinafter referred to as
‘Customer Need Portfolio’ against the
aforementioned criteria ‘relevance’ and ‘level of
satisfaction’. In order to group customers with similar
needs using statistical operations such as clustering
methods, a specific customer is described based on its
needs using a mathematical vector model. For this, i
indicates the number of the customer and m the
number of customer needs as shown in equation (1).
Figure 3: Customer need level described by customer need
profiles and the customer need portfolio.
For a successful product strategy, the right group
of customers (customer segments) have to be
addressed with a suitable offering (product
positioning) (Rogers, 2003; Meffert et al, 2019).
Customer segments are created based on different
geographic, demographic or behavioral segmentation
criteria, e.g. city size, age or customer loyalty, as
shown in Figure 4. Hereby, the customer groups
become ‘targetable’ by various marketing
Figure 4: Customer segment level described by
segmentation criteria.
The third level of the framework deals with the
positioning of the product compared to competitor
products. For the visualization of product positioning
strategies, different mapping methods such as
perceptual or preference maps apply (Meffert et al,
2019; Bruhn, 2016). Since this paper aims for
positioning products based on specific product
attributes in relation to addressed and non-addressed
customer needs, an attribute-based perceptual map is
suitable (Lilien, 2017). This map in the following
referred to as ‘Product Attribute Curve(see Figure
5) lists selected product attributes on the abscissa
which are evaluated regarding their ‘performance
level’ on the ordinate.
Customer Need-based Product Positioning for Disruptive Innovations
Figure 5: Product positioning level described by a product
attribute curve.
4.3 Process of the Need-based Product
This section explains the overall process of how to
derive a potentially disruptive product positioning on
an attribute-level based on customer needs.
First, addressing the initial critique that standard
market segmentation techniques develop clusters that
are very heterogeneous on a customer need level
(making it difficult to create a successful product-
market-fit), a 3-step approach to create customer
clusters based on their needs is presented. The first
step describes the identification of customer need
similarities. Then, using a clustering algorithm,
customers with similar needs are grouped with every
iteration until only one cluster is left (step 2).
Defining the most suitable number of clusters is the
third step. (Backhaus et al, 2016).
Figure 6: Steps for the creation of customer need clusters.
In statistics, identifying similarities between
objects (here: customers) is done using proximity
measures that calculate the distance between their
defining variables (here: customer needs) (Backhaus
et al, 2016). Since the authors described customers
using vector models in section B, the distance can be
calculated based on the Likert Scale data for every
customer need. For practical applications, a
widespread proximity measure is the ‘Manhattan’-
Metric (Backhaus et al, 2016). For an exemplary set
of three customer profiles, the Manhattan-Metric is
applied (see Figure 6). The results in the so-called
‘distance-matrix’ show that the shortest distance
exists between customer 1 (c1) and customer 2 (c2),
meaning that the similarity between their need
profiles is very high.
Clustering algorithms evaluate the distances
between objects under a wide set of rules in order to
create clusters. Since this process is very complex and
task specific, the selection of a suitable clustering
algorithm (step 2) as well as well as the evaluation of
the appropriate number of clusters (step 3) is out of
the scope of this paper. Interested readers are referred
to (Kuhn and Johnson, 2016; Kassambara, 2017;
Everitt, 2011).
Figure 6: Step 1 of the customer need cluster creation.
The developed customer need clusters from level
1 group similar customer need profiles and, thus,
allow the development of products with a good
product-market-fit. However, addressing these
customer clusters is not yet possible, as this step
requires the identification of mutual characteristics
within the clusters that make them targetable. For
this, segmentation criteria such as geographic,
demographic, behavioral or a combination of them
apply (Kotler and Keller, 2012) In order to identify
identical segmentation criteria between customers
within one customer cluster, a cross-tabulation
approach is used (Backhaus et al, 2016). As outcome,
each previously non-targetable customer need cluster
becomes a differentiable market segment with
homogeneous needs that can be specifically targeted
(see Figure 7).
CESIT 2020 - International Conference on Culture Heritage, Education, Sustainable Tourism, and Innovation Technologies
Figure 7: Applying cross-tabulation with established
segmentation criteria on need-clusters in order to create
targetable market segments.
Each market segment from the second level
contains customers with similar need profiles. As
explained in section B of this chapter, the
corresponding customer need portfolio visualizes the
assessment of different customer needs against the
criteria ‘level of satisfaction’ as well as ‘relevance’.
As explained here (Christensen, 2015; Schuh et al,
2018; Druehl and Schmidt, 2009), disruptive
innovations either target non-addressed customer
needs (new-market disruptions) or those needs that
are over-fulfilled by current product solutions (low-
market disruptions), hereby creating a strong
differentiation from competitor products that is part
of their success. Hence, there is a close connection
between the customer need profile and the
corresponding product attribute positioning. Using a
new approach that builds on former works of
ULRICH (Ulwick and Osterwalder, 2016), five
different areas within the customer need portfolio are
defined and meant to support the decision-making
process considering if and how the respective needs
should be addressed, namely: Irrelevance, Over-
Fulfillment, Under-Fulfillment, Non -Fulfillment,
Fulfillment. While removing product attributes that
address irrelevant needs sounds like a trivial advice,
many products are over -specified due to ever -
growing specification sheets that are not challenged
with customers (Schuh et al, 2018). Simplifying
product attributes for needs that are over -fulfilled by
current product solutions is the second measure in
order to position products. Differentiation from
competitor products is possible for under-fulfilled
needs by optimizing respective product attributes.
Strong potential to build USP potential lies within
addressing currently non- fulfilled, highly relevant
needs with new product solutions which is mostly
enabled through technological breakthroughs
(Danneels, 2004). This applies for the initially
discussed ‘new-market disruptions’. Last, customer
needs located in the fifth area – fulfilled needs – have
the last potential for differentiation, as they are either
completely fulfilled or of low relevance for the
customer. Hence, aligning product attribute
performance to the established level of competitor
products is the best choice. The area definition in the
customer needs portfolio as well as the derived
measures for the product attribute curve are
visualized in Figure 8.
Figure 8: Deriving product attribute positioning measures
for selective customer needs based on their level of
satisfaction and relevance.
Incumbent companies are faced with challenges from
new entrants, increasing commoditization and a more
and more dynamic market in general. Thus, the ability
to constantly innovate and develop new markets
becomes a necessity. Yet, studies show that new
product development success is still a challenge many
companies struggle with. One of the reasons for this
is that often market segments are targeted that are
homogeneous considering traditional segmentation
criteria, but not in regards to the actual needs of the
customers within these segments (Ulwick and
Osterwalder, 2016).
In a previous paper on disruptive innovations
(Schuh et al , 2018) the authors motivate the
importance of a deep understanding of customer
needs and the necessity of deriving corresponding
product attributes that allow a strong differentiation
from competitor products. Such a process requires an
integrative model that combines customer needs,
respective market segments and product positioning.
Customer Need-based Product Positioning for Disruptive Innovations
This paper addressed this question by developing
a decision model that integrates all of the above-
mentioned layers. For each layer, description models
for the definition of (a) customer needs, (b) market
segments and (c) product positioning are developed.
Then, explanatory models for (i) a needs-based
customer clustering using similarity algorithms, (ii)
the transformation of customer need clusters into
market segments based on cross-tabulation, and (iii)
need-based derivation of product attribute positioning
is presented.
In the scientific community, the results will foster
the further discussion on how to bridge the gap
between individual customer needs and innovations
with a great product-market fit. Practioners,
especially from marketing and product management,
can use the results as framework in which they can
implement existing tools and herby increase product
Yet, there is still more research necessary. For
instance, until now, the need area characterization
within the customer need portfolio was derived based
on a small number of conducted projects and needs a
more reliable quantitative grounding. Considering the
development of customer need clusters, more
research has to be conducted in regards to the
selection of appropriate clustering algorithms. Last,
the overall success of the models’ implementation in
order to develop potentially disruptive products has to
be validated.
Considering the increasing interest in disruptive
innovation research, we do feel confident that the
important discipline of positioning disruptive
products in relation to customer needs will receive
more attention as well. For this, we encourage other
researches to build upon the developed model in this
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Customer Need-based Product Positioning for Disruptive Innovations