
riched dataset, otherwise given the same exact train-
ing configurations. Also, we argue that aggressive
augmentation, given a consistent number of epochs,
achieves similar or better results to enrichment, in
spite of the balance achieved by the latter. Moreover,
a combination of several state-of-the-art techniques,
such as a modified Stochastic Weight-Averaging with
Cosine Annealing scheduler used for training the seg-
mentation module further improves the performance.
A powerful characteristic of our pipeline resides
in its replaceable modules: as the state-of-the-art ad-
vances, both the classification and the segmentation
modules can be replaced with improved versions,
thereby potentially leading to better results. We rec-
ommend that such a pipeline be used in all medical
segmentation problems; while we consider that the
deep learning modules should be indispensable (given
a complex dataset), the existence of the small regions
of interest component is debatable: depending on the
exact nature of the medical problem, the threshold for
elimination can vary to a great extent, if the module is
to be implemented.
As possible improvements, we consider that the
Tversky Loss (Salehi et al., 2017) could be used to
improve the final results, as it shows promising results
on both 2D and 3D image segmentation. In addition,
it could be relevant to investigate whether the usage of
class weights to penalize harder false negative errors
could also contribute to an increased recall. Last, but
not least, test-time augmentation is a technique that
has been widely used recently and could contribute to
increasing the performance.
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VISAPP 2021 - 16th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications