Multilingual Sentiment Analysis: A Deep Learning Approach
Saad Mboutayeb
, Aicha Majda
and Nikola S. Nikolov
Laboratory of Intelligent Systems and Applications, University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Fez, Morocco
Department of CSIS, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Keywords: Multilingual Sentiment Analysis, Deep Learning, Social Media, Language.
Abstract: Most user-generated text on social media is not in English but other languages such as Arabic, French, and
Portuguese. This makes the text analysis tasks more difficult, especially sentiment analysis, because of its
high dependence on the language. On the other hand, building a model for each language is time and resources
consuming. In particular, there is a lack of linguistic resources such as datasets. In this paper, we examine if
a sentiment analysis model trained on one language can correctly predict the sentiment of text originally
written in another language and translated into the model's language. We present experimental results of
training CNN, RNN and combined CNN-RNN models on a dataset of multilingual tweets. Our findings
suggest that CNN gives the best results with an accuracy of 85.91% and an F1-score of 84.61%. Our best
model also achieved high accuracy on unseen tweets in European languages different from the original
languages of the tweets used for training.
As opinions or sentiments are vital influencers of
human behavior, they have become central to our
daily activities. Before choosing, most of us routinely
inspect online reviews of products and services by
previous consumers on social media. This is true not
only for individuals but also for businesses that utilize
public sentiment about their products to have a
comprehensive view of their performance. These
tasks can be facilitated by Sentiment Analysis (also
called Opinion Mining), which refers to the
computational study of people's sentiments toward
entities, individuals, issues, and topics (Liu & Zhang,
According to Statista (Statista, 2019), as of April
2019, English is the most common language on the
Internet, with 25.2% of the Internet users. However,
the other languages account for 74.8% of global
Internet users, indicating that most user-generated
text data on social media is not in English but in other
languages such as Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, and
Given this fact, it has become necessary to create
sentiment analysis models for each language used on
social media. However, this poses a significant
challenge since sentiment analysis depends on the
language. Pre-processing techniques such as
removing stop words and stemming, as well as
vectorization methods, are language-specific. On the
other hand, training a sentiment analysis model for
each language can be too time and resource
In this work, we explore the possibility of building
a multilingual sentiment analysis model by training it
on a set of English tweets only. This model predicts
sentiment in tweets written in languages other than
English by translating them to English first before
being passed as input to the model.
We compare the performance of a few deep
learning models: Convolutional Neural Networks
(CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) with its
two types: Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and
Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), as well as the
combination between CNN and LSTM and the
combination between CNN and GRU.
Mboutayeb, S., Majda, A. and Nikolov, N.
Multilingual Sentiment Analysis: A Deep Learning Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0010727700003101
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Big Data, Modelling and Machine Learning (BML 2021), pages 27-32
ISBN: 978-989-758-559-3
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Most of the research in sentiment analysis has been in
the context of a single language, in most cases
English (Ravi & Ravi, 2015). In contrast, the number
of publications on multilingual sentiment analysis
does not exceed ten publications annually (Zhao et
al., 2016). Nonetheless, most of the user-generated
text on social is in languages different from English.
Limiting the analysis of sentiment to English only
leads to a significant loss of information (Zhao et al.,
The principal challenge in sentiment analysis is
that it strongly depends on the language. Language-
specific resources for sentiment analysis, such as
sentiment dictionaries and labeled data, are scarce,
especially in languages different from English. The
studies in multilingual sentiment analysis focus on
using the available resources and tools in one
language, such as lexicons (Taboada et al., 2011) or
machine translation (Wu et al., 2016), to build
sentiment classifiers in other languages with few
resources. Reportedly, there are three approaches to
overcome the unavailability of adequate resources for
sentiment analysis in a language different from
First of all, documents written in other languages
can be translated into English, and an English
sentiment classifier determines their sentiment. Kim
and Hovy (Kim & Hovy, 2006) translated German
emails to English and applied an English lexicon to
determine opinions expressed in these emails. In
another study, Bautin et al. (Bautin et al., 2008)
experimented with translating a corpus of documents
written in eight languages into English and then used
an English lexicon to determine sentiment.
Another approach is translating an English corpus
into a target language(s) and training a model on the
translated corpus. This is the approach taken by
Banea et al. (Banea et al., 2010), who translated a
labeled English corpus into five other languages and
combined the translated versions with the original
English version to create a single training corpus for
a machine learning classifier.
A third approach is to use machine translation for
translating an English sentiment lexicon into another
(target) language and then utilize it for the lexicon-
based classifier in the target language. This is the
approach taken by Kim and Hovy (Kim & Hovy,
2006) in their second experiment. They translated an
English lexicon into German and then used it to
analyze German emails.
In this section, we outline the methodology for
multilingual sentiment analysis followed in our work.
We describe each step of the workflow in detail.
Our entire workflow is presented in Fig.1. We
created a multilingual corpus by combining three
existing datasets of English, Arabic, and Portuguese
tweets, respectively. After detecting the language of
a tweet, it is translated using the Google Translate
API if not in English and passed to the pre-processing
module. After pre-processing, the cleaned data is
passed to the word embedding module to represent
each word in a vector form reflecting its meaning.
Then multiple classification models are tuned and
trained on the training subset (80% of the dataset) and
compared on the testing subset (20% of the dataset).
Finally, the winning model is tested on additional
tweets written in 5 different languages in order to give
us an indication of the power of our model.
Figure 1: The proposed methodology for multilingual
sentiment analysis.
3.1 Data Sources
In this work, we used three datasets of three different
languages: English (Go et al., 2009), Arabic (Saad,
2020) and Portuguese (Portuguese Tweets for
Sentiment Analysis, 2019). We selected 6,000 tweets
(3,000 positive tweets and 3,000 negative tweets)
from each dataset to build a balanced dataset
dedicated to our project.
3.2 Data Preparation
3.2.1 Translation
We automatically translated the Arabic and
Portuguese tweets into English. To qualify for being
used in our project, a machine translation software
must not translate text word by word but instead
based on rules that capture the meaning of the text.
The translator must also automate the translation from
multiple languages into English. These conditions are
met by the Google Translate API, which as of 2021,
translates texts instantly from and into more than 100
languages (Google).
3.2.2 Pre-processing
We clean our dataset from useless words such as
URLs, usernames, and stopwords. We also filter out
the special characters (e.g., # and punctuations).
A negation word can influence the meaning of all
words around it. Since ignoring negations may lead
to misclassification, we replace all negation words
(don't, can't, isn't, etc.) with "not". This allows taking
into consideration the existence of negation in a
Some emojis are reliable indicators of sentiment
polarity. For instance, some words have no sentiment
value. However, if an emoji is used along with these
words, the tweet may have a sentiment value. For this
reason, emojis should not be ignored and removed
from the corpus. We replace each emoji with an alias.
In order to reduce the sparsity and the vocabulary
size, we applied two simple operations. The first is to
lowercase each word in our corpus, and the second
aims to remove the characters repeated in a word at
least three times. For example, "goooood" is
transformed into "good".
The last step of pre-processing is stemming,
which reduces the morphological variations of words
by reducing them to a common root (also called
stem). For instance, a stemmer would reduce the
words "saddest"," sadness"," sadly" to the root "sad".
In our case, we used the Porter stemmer (Porter,
1980), which is widely used for its simplicity and
speed. The maximal length of a tweet is 58 tokens.
The total number of words in the entire dataset is
181,558, while the vocabulary size is 20,084.
3.2.3 Word Embedding
Word embedding is a word vectorization process in
which words are represented by vectors of real
numbers. These vectors are constructed to reflect the
meanings of the words. For instance, in perfect
embedding space, synonyms must be represented by
similar word vectors.
Word2vec (Mikolov et al., 2013) is one of the
most commonly used technics for word embedding.
It is a shallow neural network that consists of one
hidden layer. The trained weight matrix of the hidden
layer contains the word vectors. The training can be
done with one of two models: CBOW and Skip-gram.
CBOW predicts a word based on its surroundings
(context words), while Skip-gram predicts the context
for a word (Mikolov et al., 2013). We choose to use
the CBOW model because it is faster and works well
with massive datasets that contain frequent words,
unlike Skip-gram, which works well with relatively
smaller datasets (Mikolov et al., 2013).
As the maximum length of a tweet is 58 tokens,
each tweet that contains fewer than 58 tokens is pre-
padded with zeros. We set the vector dimensionality
at 300 and the context window at five (the number of
context words for every word is four).
3.3 Models
We optimized each model's hyperparameters using
grid search guided by the model's accuracy as a
metric. The accuracy is calculated by performing 5-
fold cross-validation on the training set (80% of our
dataset). Each fold contains the same distribution of
sentiment labels and the original language of tweets.
The tuned hyperparameters are Epoch, Batch size,
Pooling size, Dropout rates, Output dense size.
Each of the models is considered as a set of layers.
The first layer is the embedding layer, which embeds
words into dense vectors. It takes the padded
sequences as input and turns each integer of the
sequence into its corresponding dense vectors
(embedding). This process is based on a lookup
matrix pre-trained using Word2Vec's CBOW model.
This layer's output is a matrix of size 58x300, in
which each row represents a word vector.
3.3.1 Convolutional Neural Network
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a particular
type of neural network used mostly in computer
Multilingual Sentiment Analysis: A Deep Learning Approach
vision and image processing. However, it could be
employed in text classification tasks as a corpus can
be represented as a two-dimensional matrix (grid)
consisting of word embeddings.
As the convolutional layer, the pooling layer drags
a pooling window over feature maps. Each map
would be reduced in terms of size to keep just the
dominant features. Like other studies (Shin et al.,
2016; Wang et al., 2016; Y.Kim, 2014), we perform
max pooling on the maps with a size set at 4. Then,
we merge the two branches by concatenating the
pooled maps. The generated shape is a unique vector,
which is considered the final feature vector. This
process is illustrated in Fig. 2.
Figure 2: CNN model architecture.
In our CNN architecture, a fully connected (FC)
layer is defined as two sub-layers. The first one is a
densely connected layer of neurons that implements
Sigmoid as an activation function. It takes the
flattened vector as input, and its output is a vector of
64 values. Similarly, the second sub-layer performs
the softmax activation function and returns a vector
of two values (positive or negative).
A dropout regularization (Srivastava et al., 2014)
is adopted to prevent our network from overfitting. Its
idea is to ignore some units randomly (input units).
We dropped out 40% of the unit of each FC sub-layer.
3.3.2 Recurrent Neural Networks
We used two RNN models that consist of the
following scheme: embedding layer, bidirectional-
RNN layer, and FC layers. The difference between
the two models is only in the type of cells used in the
bidirectional-RNN layer. The architectures of the two
models are shown in Fig. 3.
Both models are bidirectional RNNs, each
consisting of two independent RNNs with the same
number of cells (58 cells). The first RNN takes the
tweet in regular order, while for the other RNN, the
feeding of the tweet is done in reverse order. Since
each cell's output is one value, the bidirectional RNN
(either bi-LSTM or bi-GRU) returns a vector of 116
values. Each pair of values corresponds to one word
of the tweet.
In the same way, as in the CNN model, a
feedforward neural network takes the vector
generated by the bidirectional layer as an input, but
40% of its values are dropped out. The first part of
this network implements sigmoid as an activation
function and outputs a vector of 16 values; 20% of its
values are dropped out. This vector is passed to the
second sub-layer, whose activation function is
softmax, and its output is a vector of two values. Each
one represents the probability that a tweet belongs to
a class.
Figure 3: Bi-RNNs architecture.
3.3.3 RNN-CNN Networks
In this section, we present two models with
architecture that combines elements of CNN and
The first one combines CNN and bi-LSTM, and
the second combines CNN and bi-GRU. Both models
are organized according to a layered structure
consisting of four layers: embedding layer,
convolutional layers, bi-RNN layers, and FC layer.
The difference between them is only in the bi-RNN
layer, where the CNN-LSTM model, as its name
indicates, uses the LSTM cells, while the CNN-GRU
depends on the GRU cells.
As illustrated in Fig. 4, these combined models
consist of three branches with identical processes but
different parameters. For example, the first branch
begins with a convolutional layer, in which 32 kernels
of size 3 are applied to the input matrix to generate 32
feature maps. Each feature map contains 56 local
features. The maps are stacked as a matrix, the rows
of which are taken as inputs to the bidirectional RNN
(LSTM or GRU), which generates a vector of 112
Figure 4: RNN-CNN models architecture.
In the end, all the branches are merged by
concatenating their output vectors to form the input to
the FC layers, which are not different from those in
the CNN model.
In this section, we present the results of the models'
evaluation. Firstly, we trained our models on the
training subset (80% of the dataset) and evaluated
them on the testing subset (20% of the dataset).
4.1 Results and Discussion
We describe the result of our models' testing in terms
of accuracy, F1-score, and AUC in Table 1.
Table 1: Accuracy, F1-score, and AUC of models.
The CNN model outperforms the other models
and achieves the highest accuracy of 85.91%, the best
F1-score (85.08%), and the largest AUC (94.33%).
The Bi-LSTM model achieves lower results than
CNN-LSTM. The accuracy of Bi-LSTM is 0.56%
lower than the accuracy of CNN-LSTM, and its F1-
score is 0.45% lower than the F1-score of CNN-
LSTM. Combining CNN and the Bi-GRU gives
accuracy and F1-score higher than those of the Bi-
GRU model.
The Bi-LSTM model shows results that are
superior to those of the Bi-GRU model. Similarly, the
CNN-LSTM model achieves results that are better
than the results of the CNN-GRU model.
In summary, the comparison of these models leads
us to two main observations: (i) Models containing
convolutional layers outperform models without
convolutional layers. (ii) LSTM cells in RNN layers
lead to better results than GRU cells in RNN layers.
4.2 Evaluation with New Data
Finally, we tested our best-performing CNN model
on an independent set of tweets written in different
languages: English, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, and
French. We collected these tweets with the Twitter
API by querying emojis that express emotion and
restricted the results to the five languages listed
above. In this dataset, we have 500 tweets from each
of the five languages (250 positive and 250 negative)
labeled as either positive or negative.
We used emojis because tweets containing them
are most likely to be of that corresponding sentiment.
We assume that this technique is almost as good as
manual labeling. We followed the same labeling
procedure used in the Sentiment140 dataset (Go et al.,
Table 2: Accuracies of the CNN model for each language.
Language Accuracy %
English 96.11
Arabic 86.00
French 94.34
anish 91.00
Portuguese 94.40
The results in Table 3 show that the CNN model
performs best in English but also very well in
Portuguese, French, and Spanish. For Arabic, the
model has between 5 and 10% worse accuracy,
probably because the variety of dialects in the Arabic
collection of tweets is larger than the other four
languages. These dialects are hugely different,
causing Google translation to fail when translating
tweets from non-standard Arabic into English.
In this paper, we presented an approach to
multilingual sentiment classification. It demonstrates
that combining machine translation software, a deep
Model Accurac
F1-score AUC
CNN 85.91 84.61 94.33
Bi-LSTM 84.35 84.18 92.18
Bi-GRU 83.78 83.31 92.01
CNN-LSTM 84.92 84.57 93.54
CNN-GRU 84.52 84.50 93.35
Multilingual Sentiment Analysis: A Deep Learning Approach
learning model, and a set of existing NLP methods
such as text pre-processing and word embedding
leads to successful multilingual sentiment analysis.
We compared five deep learning models by
training them on 14,400 (80%) tweets from our
dataset and testing them on 3,600 (20%) tweets. Our
CNN model achieves the best accuracy of 85.91%
and an F1-score of 84.61%.
A second experiment was carried out by applying
the winning CNN model on a balanced set of tweets
with emojis collected from Twitter. The CNN model
achieved satisfying accuracy (higher than 90%) for
the European languages, while its accuracy for Arabic
tweets is 86%. This difference can be explained by
the translation software's inability to translate non-
standard Arabic to English and the wide use of non-
standard Arabic on social media.
Future work may explore the ability of
transformer-based models to successfully tackle the
sentiment analysis problem for corpora containing
documents in multiple Arabic dialects.
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