Socio-economic Instability and Attempts to Exit the "Coronavirus"
Labyrinth: Russian and Foreign Experience
Alexander Vladimirovich Grigoriev
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: Coronavirus Infection, Socio-economic Instability, Crisis, Social Distancing, QR Code.
Abstract: The world was practically paralyzed in March of 2020 when the WHO declared a global coronavirus
pandemic and the public realized that COVID-19 is not a distant threat shown in the news, but a real deadly
virus. In modern conditions, the high rates of development of the COVID-19 pandemic have a negative impact
on all aspects of social life and economic order, from the welfare of households and individual consumers to
the economy of individual states. In this regard, given the lack of accurate forecasts for the future, researchers
are trying to find tools and methods to reduce social tension, exchange experiences and analyze the
shortcomings of certain measures. The presented study analyzes the causes and conditions for the formation
of factors of socio-economic instability, and also examines the options for getting out of the so-called
"coronavirus" labyrinth offered by both Russian and foreign authors.
On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization
(WHO) officially declared the SARS-CoV-2
outbreak a public health emergency of international
concern and a global pandemic. On March 11, 2020,
WHO called on countries to quarantine, establish
social distancing rules, and take other measures to
prevent the spread of the virus and protect public
health. Despite efforts by all countries to contain the
spread of infection, SARS-CoV2 has spread to 213
countries, resulting in more than 248 million cases of
disease worldwide since its official detection in the
Chinese city of Wuhan in December of 2019, and the
number of deaths exceeded 5 million cases.
At the very beginning of the development of the
pandemic, borders between states were closed, and
this caused a number of problems in various sectors
of the economy. Tourism has been seriously affected,
and the volume of international traffic has practically
fallen to its minimum values. Against the backdrop of
declining production and sales in large companies,
even the oil industry experienced significant
difficulties, as the world saw a record decline in fuel
All of the above factors could not but affect the
well-being of citizens of different countries, who
were at the epicenter of events. The negative impact
of various restraining measures led to an increase in
unemployment, a reduction in wages, a decrease in
the effect of social programs in individual countries
(although the volume of government injections into
the social sphere has grown significantly), as well as
a decrease in the birth rate. In addition, it shall be
noted that medicine all over the world, despite the
constant development and introduction of high
technologies and implementation of innovative
developments, was not ready to fight the disease
under consideration: throughout the world in the first
months of the development of the pandemic there was
an acute shortage of personal protective equipment,
devices mechanical ventilation, and medical
protocols for treating coronavirus infection were
imperfect and ineffective.
Later, some of the problems in the field of
medicine were solved, in addition, the largest
pharmaceutical organizations in the world have
created various vaccine options against the new
coronavirus infection. More than 20 of these vaccines
are already actively used today. However, the
undulating development of the disease under
consideration continues to cause various crisis
Grigoriev, A.
Socio-economic Instability and Attempts to Exit the "Coronavirus" Labyrinth: Russian and Foreign Experience.
DOI: 10.5220/0011119200003439
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals" (RTCOV 2021), pages 280-284
ISBN: 978-989-758-617-0
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
phenomena both in medicine and in the economy as a
whole. Namely, in Russia today, during the 4th wave
of the development of infection, there is a sharp
increase in cases of the disease, which entails a
shortage of places in specialized medical institutions,
an increase in the time of medical care at home, as a
result, a decrease in the number of employees at
enterprises of various fields due to their being on sick
leave and a decrease in labor productivity in various
The pandemic and social constraints have affected
the delivery of medicines to pharmacies and
individual patients. In many countries, drug shortages
in pharmacies have been monitored, restrictions have
been imposed on the purchase of certain essential
drugs and subsidized prices for them, and the system
of online sales and delivery of drugs to patients has
been improved (Durnov, Grigoriev, Sorgutov,
Halimzyanova, Mikhailovna, Volyanskay, 2021).
The introduced social restrictions, the use of the
QR code system to check whether citizens have a
vaccination certificate, which acts as a factor
restricting the freedom of unvaccinated citizens to
exercise their individual rights, the rise in prices for
food and non-food products caused by the "container"
crisis and other negative factors, and the prohibition
or significant restrictions on the work of a number of
enterprises, especially in the field of small and
medium-sized businesses – all these are factors that
form the actual socio-economic instability in society.
Since the influence of these factors is increasing
every day, it is necessary to intensify the search for
ways out of the so-called “coronavirus labyrinth”,
both for the economy and for individual citizens,
otherwise the current situation may have fatal
consequences in the future.
In the process of writing the study, an analysis was
carried out of individual publications by Russian and
foreign authors published from the 3rd quarter of
2020 to the 3rd quarter of 2021 and covering the
socio-economic and medical problems associated
with the spread of coronavirus infection in the world.
The opinions and data presented in the articles were
summarized and analyzed using the comparative
method. In addition, the author's point of view on the
problem under study was formulated.
Socio-economic instability has become widespread in
the world since the outbreak of the pandemic. The
global impact of the pandemic on the world economy
was reflected in almost all sectors of the economy.
As a result of the global collapse in demand in
hotels and restaurants, prices for agricultural products
fell by 20 %, which negatively affected the
development of agriculture. Companies producing
agricultural products suffered significant losses due
to the closure of points of sale in the markets and the
need to dispose of perishable products. Problems with
product imports and staff shortages have become key
problems for enterprises due to supply chain
disruptions and self-isolation policies.
COVID-19 has affected all levels of the education
system from preschool to higher one. More than 100
countries have introduced school closures across the
country. According to UNESCO estimates, the
closure of educational institutions affected about 900
million students.
Beyond the impact on higher education, there is a
significant impact on the postgraduate research
community as research on many non-COVID topics
is suspended. In the United Kingdom, the national
health research funding organization has suspended
all non-COVID research to allow clinically trained
personnel who are primarily involved in research to
return to the front lines. In the United States, similar
actions have been taken by the National Institutes of
Health to free up staff and resources for "critical"
research. In addition to medical research, scientific
institutions have suspended research in areas such as
the humanities and social sciences, for example,
Harvard University closed all laboratories in the
Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences.
In addition, concerns have been raised about the
number of canceled or postponed scientific
conferences. These conferences are the key to
research across many disciplines, allowing the
dissemination of research results as well as
networking opportunities for collaboration and job
search. Many conferences have moved to the Internet,
but these "virtual conferences" are often not so
convenient for informal means of scientific
communication (Impey, 2020).
The COVID-19 pandemic has become an
unprecedented challenge to health systems around the
world. Namely, the risk to healthcare workers is one
of the most serious vulnerabilities in healthcare
systems worldwide. High health care costs, a shortage
of protective equipment, including respirators, and a
Socio-economic Instability and Attempts to Exit the "Coronavirus" Labyrinth: Russian and Foreign Experience
small number of beds and ventilators ultimately
highlighted weaknesses in patient care.
In the light of all of the above, it was important,
first of all, to reduce the rate of spread of the virus
among the population as much as possible. Since the
beginning of the spread of the pandemic, measures of
social isolation have become one of the main ways of
limiting social contacts, contributing to an increase in
the level of infection of the population.
Many studies have confirmed the infectiousness
of SARS-CoV-2 in the pre-symptomatic stage.
Therefore, social distancing is essential for gaining
control over the pandemic. The governments of
different countries have suspended all types of
religious, cultural, social, scientific, sports and
political mass events in different parts of the world. It
was determined that limiting mass gatherings could
serve as the basis for the prevention of COVID-19.
The governments of most countries of the world
have adopted the relevant regulatory documents
restricting the work of enterprises, organizations and
institutions and prescribing restrictions on the
movement of citizens. Namely, in Russia, such
documents were the Decree of the President of the
Russian Federation of March 25, 2020 "On the
Announcement of Non-Working Days in the Russian
Federation", as well as Decree of the President of the
Russian Federation of April 2, 2020 No. 239 "On
Measures to Ensure the Sanitary and Epidemiological
Well-Being of the Population in the Territory of the
Russian Federation in Connection with the Spread of
a New Coronavirus Infection (COVID- 19)”.
Restrictions on social contacts minimized the
rapid spread of infection at the considered time stage,
but such restrictions also had a number of negative
consequences, for example, in the field of the
emotional state of people. Whole families were
forced to spend 24 hours a day alone with each other
in confined spaces, often quite cramped, since
everyone's living conditions are different. In addition,
part of the world's population live alone, and they had
to be left alone with themselves for an indefinite
period of time.
The need for physical isolation, especially of
people in quarantine, has contributed to the wider use
of social networks on the Internet, such as Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, etc., to keep in
touch with family members living separately, as well
as with friends. A. Depoux and his co-authors noted
that this type of communication for people in the
period under review became the practical only
possible way of communication (Depoux, A., Martin,
S., Karafillakis, E., Bsd, R.P., Wilder-Smith, A. and
Larson, H., 2020). G. Pennycook and his team of
authors noted that the population also used social
media to get updated information on the current
situation with COVID-19 (Pennycook, G.,
McPhetres, J., Zhang, Y., Lu, J.G., Rand, D.G.,
2020). However, it has been determined that intensive
use of social networks can contribute to the
development of the need to constantly remain in the
social network (Twenge, J.M., Campbell, W.K.,
2019). However, social distancing has brought not
only a threat to the emotional state of people, their
immunity is also endangered (Marino, C., Gini, G.,
Vieno, A., Spada, M.M., 2018).
Therefore, in the context of the Covid-19
pandemic, the increase in stress makes questions
regarding the proper functioning of the immune
system even more pressing. A stressor is defined as a
threat or perceived threat to the body's homeostasis.
The body responds to stressors by activating
conservative behavioral and physiological responses
to stress in an attempt to restore homeostasis
(Bonanno, G.A., Brewin, C.R., Kaniasty, K., La
Greca, A.M., 2010). Social stress is defined as the
feeling of discomfort or anxiety people may
experience in social situations and the associated
tendency to avoid potentially stressful social
situations. Some researchers point out that breaking
social ties is a powerful emotional stress.
D.P. Petrenko noted that people have to
completely change their usual lifestyle, and this,
undoubtedly, affects their psychological state. They
experience uncertainty, panic, fear of getting infected
themselves and fear of infecting their loved ones, a
sense of hopelessness and many other feelings that
relate to the so-called stressogens (Petrenko, D.P.,
From social and economic changes, ambiguity,
uncertainty, people accumulate tremendous fatigue.
Uncertainty keeps people in a state of constant
tension. It is necessary to relieve this tension so that
it does not accumulate and does not lead to mental,
spiritual and mental distress. We need to understand
what specific pandemic challenges each of us with
which we need to cope. Any crisis provides
opportunities for changing ourselves for the better.
Being deprived of your usual lifestyle and schedule
and switching to a distance lifestyle is a difficult test,
but it gives you the opportunity to discipline yourself
and therefore you need to treat the crisis not as a
tragedy, but as new opportunities for self-fulfillment
and caring for others.
Another negative factor was the decrease in the
physical activity of citizens. It is a well-known fact
that regular physical activity affects the immune
system, which is able to resist the spread of infection.
RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
In addition, physical activity can be a powerful
counterbalance to psychological stress (Seledcov,
A.M., Akimenko, G.V. and Kirina, Yu.Yu., 2020).
During the development of the pandemic, especially
at the very beginning, severe depressive symptoms
were associated with a decrease in physical activity.
Even so, the researchers noted that short-term
recovery to physical activity did not improve
psychological health, highlighting the importance of
maintaining continuous physical activity during the
pandemic (Fedosenko, E.V., 2020).
However, it shall be noted that the global
catastrophe caused by COVID-19 had a positive
impact on the environment (Rume, T., Didar, S.M.,
2020). Due to COVID-19, governments have
imposed restrictions on movement of vehicles and
people and there has been a decrease in industrial
production. Movement restrictions have resulted in a
significant decline in social and financial activity, and
urban air quality has improved (Shakil, M.H.,
Munim, Z.H., Tasnia, M., Sarowar, S., 2020.). The
decrease in tourist activity due to the pandemic has
led to an improvement in the environmental situation
on many sea coasts around the world. Social
constraints have also helped to reduce environmental
noise levels (Zambrano-Monserrate, M.A., Ruano,
M.A., Sanchez-Alcalde, L., 2020). However, taking
into account these positive effects, it cannot be denied
that today the world is in a kind of "pandemic chaos",
the search for a way out of which is a difficult task,
the solution to which must be found in the near future.
At the moment, all over the world, vaccination
promotion is deployed on a significant scale. To
increase the motivation of citizens to obtain a
vaccination certificate in different countries,
measures have been taken to restrict access for
unvaccinated citizens to various institutions, catering
establishments, museums, concert halls, and etc.
There have also been attempts at positive motivation
(for example, the drawing of cash prizes according to
the numbers of vaccination certificates in Russia with
the posting of the results on the website of public
However, the work of governments of different
countries to arrange a vaccination company is faced
with obstacles associated with the rejection of
compulsory vaccination by many citizens in different
countries and the activity of opponents of vaccination
in social networks and in the media. The activity of
opponents of vaccination, as well as the possibility of
falsifying test results by purchasing a certificate on
the Internet, reduce the rate of vaccination.
Understanding the degree of effectiveness and
risks of vaccination is the most important factor that
shall be taken into account when arranging the
vaccination company. Lack of information on the
safety and efficacy of new vaccines is not helping to
increase the rate of vaccination. For this reason, it is
very important, in our opinion, to conduct
explanatory work among the population not only
through social advertising, which encourages not to
pay for an excursion to the hospital with your life, but
also through the creation of accessible video reviews
or conducting personal conversations at enterprises or
in student audiences explaining mechanism of action
of various vaccines. It is also important to pay
attention to helping those people who experience
adverse reactions from the vaccine, since the risks of
side effects are very frightening for people. Many
potential vaccinators refused to receive the vaccine
because their acquaintances suffered the vaccine with
side effects. All people wishing to be vaccinated shall
have the opportunity to consult in detail with a
specialist about the possible side effects of
vaccination before they receive the first dose of the
coronavirus vaccine. Any of us shall be fully
informed of what we can do in the event of side
effects from the vaccine.
Also, in our opinion, there shall be a hotline for
those who have been vaccinated against coronavirus,
so that such people have the opportunity to call a
specialist at any time in case of certain symptoms and
get the necessary help, either advisory, or, if
necessary, help of a doctor who will be referred to the
patient by the specialist of the support center. In this
case, the priority of those vaccinated will also be
indicated by the possibility of timely and prompt
assistance from medical workers, which will also
raise the credibility of the vaccination campaign.
In addition to vaccinations, there are other safety
measures that every person shall take on board in a
pandemic. COVID-19 has forced the vast majority of
us to pay close attention to every available surface
that can transmit infection; therefore, instead of touch
screens, priority is now given to voice and machine
vision interfaces.
To reduce attendance at medical clinics and other
healthcare facilities, many hospitals have started
video consultations, and this is expected to continue
in the future. Store owners, who were unable to sell
their wares online prior to the pandemic, were forced
to move to online sales to support their industry. An
increase in dependence on robots is expected, which
Socio-economic Instability and Attempts to Exit the "Coronavirus" Labyrinth: Russian and Foreign Experience
can be used in any industry and will reduce the
contact of sick people with healthy people.
Of course, social restrictions will exist for a long
time, but they shall not be excessively tough, as this
will negatively affect the development of the
economy. In contrast to the previously applied stricter
locks, which led to a complete halt of the global
economy in various European countries, now a
number of countries choose reasonable or selective
social restrictions in those localities where the largest
number of covid cases are detected.
The world will never be the same as it was before the
pandemic – everyone without exception understands
this, but it is also necessary to understand what
strategy shall be followed in the future so that the
economy can recover as quickly as possible, and
people can work, communicate and move freely
around the world. First of all, it is necessary for each
of us to realize the importance of applying anti-
epidemiological rules in the modern period and to
observe them strictly. This shall include the creation
of effective and safe vaccines, effective treatments for
covid, increased attention to hygiene, use of personal
protective equipment, and etc.
Further, national governments need to implement
a policy of optimal restrictions on the operation of
large, medium and small enterprises, which suffer
significant losses during a pandemic. These
enterprises play a significant role in the formation of
the GDP of any country, therefore, a decrease in their
activity will have a negative impact on the economy.
In general, understanding and awareness of any
negative situation is already the beginning of the
search for a way out of it. However, unfortunately,
there are still people who believe that the coronavirus
does not exist and that you can live as before.
Unfortunately, this is not the case at all. How much
more people must die in the world for such people to
recognize the existence of the coronavirus remains
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RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals