The Ambivalent Nature of the Educational Process in Higher
Educational Institutions in the COVID – 19 Pandemic
Marina N. Cherkasova
and Anna V. Taktarova
Rostov State Transport University, 2, Rostovskogo Strelkovogo Polka Narodnogo Opolcheniya sq., Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Keywords: Ambivalence, Dualistic Oppositions, Covid 19 Pandemic, Digital University Environment, on-Line Learning.
Abstract: The ambivalent nature of the educational process in higher educational institutions was clearly manifested
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Such an organization of the learning process leads to building a new
cognitive model of the educational process. The purpose of the study is to reveal the attitude of students to
the new mode of learning and teaching and to characterize the ambivalent nature of the modern educational
process. The following methods were used: the method of questioning the reference group (204 respondents
of Russian Transport University); a qualitative and quantitative approach to the differentiation and integration
of the data obtained made it possible to designate a probabilistic assessment of the educational process
organization from the students` point of view; the dualism of the modern digital university educational
environment was considered from the point of view of an ambivalent approach proposed by foreign and
Russian scientists. Our hypothesis basing on a dissatisfaction with forced on-line learning, in which the
implementation of various educational models (face-to-face and on-line) as a result of the COVID-19
pandemic, was only partially confirmed. 7.5% of respondents expressed a dissatisfaction with online learning,
13% were satisfied with online learning, 79.5% of respondents showed ambivalent reactions (halfway
reactions). Due to the empirical study we have determined 6 dualistic oppositions of the modern digital
university environment: a) synchronous and asynchronous learning, b) simultaneous presence in two active
areas (home - university), c) virtual presence with visual absence (when the camera is turned off), d) electronic
communication in synchronous and asynchronous mode, e) interactive interaction a teacher – a student and a
student – a teacher (the student teaches the teacher to communicate within the virtual environment, f) the
opposition of generations “friend” – “alien”).
The educational process in higher educational
institutions in the period of COVID – 19 pandemic
(March 2020 – the present time) is being discussed all
over the world (Mahyoob, 2020; Yekefallah et al.,
2021; Kirsch et al., 2021). The role and function of
Internet communication in the implementation of
training and upbringing has become dominant. The
instructions are received on Internet. But at the same
time negative and positive effects of Internet
communication have became stable, salient and long-
term oriented (Cherkasova and Taktarova, 2021;
Sorokova, 2020).
Discussions about the position of a specific form
of the educational trajectory in COVID-19 pandemic
and about the educational process content in an
inseparable combination with technological features
(Simonova et al., 2021) continue due to the constantly
emerging “coronavirus zigzags” of the educational
process (Solovov and Menshikova, 2021; Cherkasova
and Taktarova, 2021). Ambiguity of the educational
trajectory vector is leading at the present time to the
actualization of the ambivalent educational
landscape. There is a simultaneous realization of a
dual attitude towards the educational process both
from the side of the students and the teachers
(Noskova et al., 2021). At the same time, opposite
phenomena are also collided in educational process.
It is completely new for all participants of the
educational process: synchronous (interactive online
classes on various Internet platforms, including
Cherkasova, M. and Taktarova, A.
The Ambivalent Nature of the Educational Process in Higher Educational Institutions in the COVID 19 Pandemic.
DOI: 10.5220/0011121100003439
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals" (RTCOV 2021), pages 386-391
ISBN: 978-989-758-617-0
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
universities` platforms or university online learning
systems) and asynchronous training (explanation,
tasks, exercises, lectures and control, monitoring,
examination, tests in the asynchronous training
system on the educational portal of the university).
Students and University teachers are at home, but at
the same time they are in the digital educational
environment of the university: in online learning
system or on various Internet platforms.
With regard to the University faculty (instructors,
Professors, tutors), such a competence as a digital
pedagogical competence or “electronic” pedagogical
culture (Isaeva, 2021), in on-line educational mode
has become dominant and advanced. It means that the
higher school teacher`s digital skills are advanced. It
is the real and unusual situation when the teacher`s
professional competence is vs the teacher`s digital
competence. The faculty`s ability to work in the
digital educational university environment and with
variety of various Internet platforms tools (virtual
whiteboards, instant messengers, chats),
understanding and adequate response to students`
reactions, management of students` reactions and the
very speed of reaction to students` reactions on
The formation of such a cognitive model of
behavior is accompanied by various risks and pain
points (Dunaeva and Egorova, 2021), with the
simultaneous actualization of both positive and
negative qualities of online learning (Baeva et al.,
Research questions:
RQ 1: Is the attitude of the University students to
the new format of learning unambiguous?
RQ 2: How is the ambivalent nature of the
educational process in the COVID - 19 pandemic
The “ambivalence” category, which was extrapolated
from the field of psychiatry, was used as a supporting
theoretical basis for the study. Ambivalence was
considered from the point of view of psychoanalysis
by the Swiss clinician Eugen Bleuler as a duality of
attitudes towards external factors. According to E.
Bleuler ambivalence is a very contradictory state of
the personality taking similar to the character of
internal conflict (Bleuler, 1911). The scientist divided
ambivalence into three types: emotional, intellectual
and volitional (Bleuler, 1911).
The matter of such a conflict is manifested in the
fact that the same object or objects, phenomenon,
image simultaneously causes opposite reactions:
dissatisfaction, agreement
disagreement, solidarity antagonism, sympathy
antipathy, egalitarianism hierarchism. The main
characteristics of the “ambivalence” phenomenon are
duality, contradiction, bipolarity or positive-negative,
pleasant - unpleasant, loved
unloved. Thus, it
means a potential conflict, a conflict of
interpretations, actions, reactions within the same
phenomenon. We fully agree with the scientists
(Jaspers, 2020) from Belgium. They emphasize the
effectiveness of the educational activities
interpretation, largely consisting of contradictions,
through a bifocal lens (Jaspers, 2020), with 2 opposite
foci. At the same time, the scientists underline the
importance of empirical focus.
The category of ambivalence is an object of study
for different sciences: not only psychology and
psychiatry (Canas-Simião et al., 2021). It is studied
by social science (Olsen, 2021), linguistics (Strokal,
2020), literary criticism (Chen, 2021), social
philosophy (Amaya, 2021), pedagogy (Jaspers, 2020;
Lièvre F., 2021; Novikova, 2001; Bim-Bad, 2008;
Sheraizin, 2003).
Russian scientists L.I. Novikova and B.M. Bim-
Bad consider ambivalence as an integral part of
human essence and a mechanism for integrating and
harmonizing mutually exclusive components. This
point of view is presented in the paper, devoted to the
problems of education in secondary school. The
authors emphasize the importance of implementing
such an approach in the educational school
environment, starting from goal setting, content,
management, regulation, control and
organization. The indicated approach is also valid in
relation to the educational process at the higher
school where educational programs of higher
education are implemented in various directions. The
same point of view is presented in the study of the
Russian scientist R. M. Sheraizin.
He highlights on the one hand, academic freedom,
openness, duality, polyvalent training, partnership
within the university complex, and on the other hand,
the integrity and consistency of the educational
process, integration into the territorial scientific and
educational environment, self-organization
(Sheraizin, 2003). We fully agree with R. M.
Sheraizin that such an approach to the modernization
of university education is aimed at the successful
implementation and comprehension of the
educational process through a dual position. This
activity presupposes mutual change,
complementarity and interpenetration (Sheraizin,
The Ambivalent Nature of the Educational Process in Higher Educational Institutions in the COVID – 19 Pandemic
The zigzag trajectory of the
“coronavirus educational process” in higher school is
an actualization of the dualistic University faculty and
student`s experience. It is reflected even in such a
paradoxical nomination of activities within the
educational process as flipped classes (Tsytovich et
al., 2019). A number of contradictory terminological
nominations of educational discourse are being
broadcasted in all spheres of life. It only actualizes the
polarity of concepts and divides the nominated
phenomena according to the dualistic principle:
traditional learning - non-traditional learning.
Traditional education is characterized by the
nominations traditional learning (face-to-face
learning), traditional education, face-to-face
education, classroom learning (CL), off line learning.
An unconventional, new educational mode has given
the birth to such terms as distant learning (DL), on
line learning, e-learning, remote learning, full distant
learning, full E-learning, full on-line learning.
Ambiguity in choosing a new educational trajectory
and half-and-half decisions on the modern
classes mode are reflected in new educational
activities nominations: blended learning, combined
classroom learning, hybrid learning.
At the same time, we see the dynamics of the
educational process development. Non-traditional
educational technologies and methods are being
integrated into the traditional system of higher
education, and the educational university
environment becomes digital educational university
environment. But it was assumed that such a
transition would be smooth (Magomedova, 2015;
Khusyainov, 2014). But the COVID-19 pandemic
forced to make an uncompromising extreme jump
into the digital educational environment, actualizing
the dualism of the educational process. At present
time the oppositions and “pain points” were clearly
visible. It makes up the ambivalent nature of modern
university education (Isaeva et al., 2020).
The hypothesis of our study is based on
the assumption that the ambivalent nature of the
educational process in the COVID-19 pandemic is
manifested in the simultaneous implementation of
different educational models (traditional and
distance). It leads to dissatisfaction with forced on-
line learning from the side of all participants of the
higher school educational process.
The paper analyzes the on-line
learning organization experience in the Rostov State
Transport University during the COVID – 19
pandemic (March 2020 – the present time).
Conventionally this period was divided into the
following stages:
an extreme jump into on-line learning,
including a full lockdown (March 2020 - June
short-term period of face-to-face
learning (September 2020 - early October
post-extreme period of on-line learning (early
October 2020 - January 2021);
return to face-to-face learning (February 2021
- July 2021);
face-to-face learning (September 2021 - the
end of October 2021);
online learning due to the bad epidemiological
situation (end of October - 6.12.2021).
To analyze the characteristics of the educational
process during the COVID - 19 pandemic and the
students` attitude to this educational mode, the
questionnaire method was used (RQ 1, 2). A
questionnaire was developed from several blocks,
covering all 6 periods of the study. The reference
group included 204 students of the Transport
university (1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students). The
heterogeneous stuff of the respondents was chosen
deliberately in order to analyze the dynamics of 1st,
2nd and 3rd grade students` reactions. The students
have different levels of the experience in on-line
mode. 2nd and 3rd grade students have already had
electronic educational experience and sustainable
digital long-term oriented competences. The
freshmen did not have experience of working in
digital educational university environment. The
qualitative and quantitative approach to the
differentiation and integration of the data obtained
made it possible to designate a probabilistic
assessment of the educational process organization
from the students` point of view (RQ 1).
Ambivalent approach (founder E. Bleuler) was
used to analyze the dualism of the modern digital
educational university environment and the unique
university faculty`s and students` experience of the
educational process organization (according to
Novikova) (RQ 2).
RQ 1: Is the attitude of the University students to the
new format of learning unambiguous?
The results were obtained during the
questionnaire survey. The participants of the
RTCOV 2021 - II International Scientific and Practical Conference " COVID-19: Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals
reference group showed different behavioral
the categorical NO was expressed by 7.5% of
the respondents;
categorical YES - 13% of the participants;
HALFWAY reactions were expressed by
79.5% of the respondents.
Figure 1: Respondents` reactions to the question on
relevance of on-line learning.
The analysis showed that processes of diminution
and exaggeration can be observed according to the
respondents` answers when quantitative questions are
posed. This fact can’t be ignored when studying
behavioral reactions and strategies. The students who
could not confidently give unequivocal YES (13%) or
NO (7.5%) answers were referred in our study to the
group of respondents with the HALFWAY reactions
(75.5%). In the process of forming the answers, this
group (75.5%) overestimated or, on the contrary,
embellished the events or the facts. It led to the
situation when this part of the respondents could not
decide what to answer. It should be noted that,
nevertheless, all three behavioral responses are valid
for projecting the strategy of the future educational
process. Dissimulation and attributive processes in
the answers of the respondents were identified when
posing qualitative questions. Denial of some facts of
reality or the past associated with Covid-19 pandemic
as undesirable events in life was observed: “I did not
have enough communication practice with the group,
so the educational process itself was not very
interesting.” The 3rd grade students said about the
possibility to earn money and not to visit the
University. And because of it they demonstrated
answers NO.
Reverse students` reactions were fixed. It is
attribution of some features to the educational
process, which in fact are not inherent in it: “I was
very pleased with Zoom, there is a good quality of
sound and video”. Both behavioral reactions with this
type of questions show the opinion of the
respondents, indicating their emotions and feelings in
words in relation to a given object. The results and
interpretation of such reactions can be used to judge
the strategy of the studied educational phenomenon.
RQ 2: How is the ambivalent nature of the
educational process in the COVID - 19 pandemic
The research of ambivalent nature of the
educational process in higher school in the COVID -
19 pandemic demonstrated the simultaneous
realizations of 6 dualistic oppositions: a) synchronous
and asynchronous learning, b) simultaneous presence
in two active areas (home-university), c) virtual
presence with visual absence when the camera is
turned off, d) electronic communication in
synchronous and asynchronous format, e) interactive
interaction a teacher – a student and a student – a
teacher (the student teaches the teacher to
communicate within the virtual environment, f) the
opposition of generations “friend” – “alien”. Negative
and positive features of these dualistic oppositions
were analyzed.
Table 1: Dualistic oppositions in terms of ambivalent characteristics of the educational process during the COVID-19
Dualistic oppositions Positive features Negative features
1 Synchronous -
asynchronous learning
Preserving the educational process
integrity anywhere and at any time
Technical troubles (poor Internet / no Internet / system
is overloaded); correct organization of the on-line
classes is hampered due to insufficient “electronic”
pedagogical culture
2 Simultaneous presence
in two active areas
(home -university)
Saving time and money for way to the
University; comfortable home conditions;
ability to implement diverse educational
content (online courses, podcasts,
educational sites, animation, graphical
Household difficulties; problems with new
technologies due to the lack of stable electronic
insufficient technological equipment of the teacher`s
and student`s workplace
3 Virtual presence with visual
absence when the camera is
turned off
There is no information noise for the
teacher and for the students due to the
students` visual absence
The reverse visual communication and visual
monitoring are impossible due to the lack of visual
information chanel.
4 Electronic communication in
synchronous and
asynchronous mode
New language of digital communication
permits to be an active participant of any
learning mode.
The language of digital communication as a new
teaching paradigm demands stable electronic teacher
The Ambivalent Nature of the Educational Process in Higher Educational Institutions in the COVID – 19 Pandemic
5 Interactive interaction a
teacher -a student and a
student -a teacher (the
student teaches the teacher to
serf in the virtual
The young generation teaches IT
technologies the University teachers. The
teaching strategy works not only the
direction a teacher – a student, but also vs:
the student shares his life experience,
knowledge and skills.
The older generation experience is in low demand.
The younger generation IT experience is ignored by
the older generation.
6 “friend” – “alien” as a
behaviorial interaction of
the University faculty and
Homelander (The term
«Homelande» is from
RuGenerations, 2021)
Internet area is a home environment for
Homelander Generation (Z)
Internet area is not a home environment for the
University faculty. It is an alien forced area.
The ambivalent nature of the educational process
of the COVID-19 pandemic is characterized by the
presence of systemic oppositions. This dual
educational process forms a certain kind of conflict-
generating process or conflict potential. This conflict-
generating process is the base for analyze of
identified oppositions and the “pain points” of the
modern educational process. The potential of such a
conflict-generating activity in modern digital
university environment is the spring for the formation
of educational university trajectory on the basis of the
given oppositions.
The list of such oppositions will be expanded. The
very trajectory and the model of university education
are being taken shape in the context of technological
advances and the epidemiological situation.
Our hypothesis basing on a dissatisfaction with forced
on-line learning, in which the implementation of
various educational models (face-to-face and on-line)
as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, was only
partially confirmed. 7.5% of the respondents
expressed negative reactions. 13% were satisfied with
online learning, they emphasized the relevance of on-
line mode. 79.5 % of the respondents showed
ambivalent reactions (halfway reactions).
Due to the empirical study 6 dualistic oppositions
of the modern digital university environment were
determined: a) synchronous and asynchronous
learning, b) simultaneous presence in two active areas
(home-university), c) virtual presence with visual
absence when the camera is turned off), d) electronic
communication in synchronous and asynchronous
format, e) interactive interaction a teacher – a student
and a student – a teacher (the student teaches the
teacher to communicate within the virtual
environment, f) the opposition of generations “friend
– “alien”. All these opposition were characterized
from positive and negative points of views.
The study of the modern educational process, the
students` attitude to the new learning mode and
identification of the dualism of this mode set the
vector of a hybrid educational model orientation. This
new model can be integrated into the ambivalent and
polyvalent mode of the modern digital university
environment: synchronous and asynchronous
learning format, the possibility of conducting the
educational process in a convenient (for teachers
owing electronic pedagogical culture and students)
digital mode (on-line learning system, choice of an
Internet platform) at any place and at any time.
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The Ambivalent Nature of the Educational Process in Higher Educational Institutions in the COVID – 19 Pandemic