but during training to generate pseudo-labels. This in-
creases the precision of examples labeled not only at
the root, but also at inner nodes of the class hierarchy.
To implement this self-supervised learning
scheme, we describe several possible strategies of
deciding which candidate pseudo-labels are reli-
able enough for training. These strategies employ
heuristic, structural and statistical criteria. Our
experiments show that an increase in accuracy of
around one percent point can be expected by simply
using one of our self-supervised strategies on top of
CHILLAX. This improvement comes without any
requirement of fine-tuning unrelated parameters or
undue computational efforts.
Future Work. In the future, these methods could
also be applied to semi-supervised learning tasks in
general, e.g.,, by assigning a root label to the unla-
beled images as long as a closed-world scenario can
be assumed. Furthermore, the individual heuristics
could be combined into a meta-heuristic. In contrast,
relaxing the closed-world assumption is another im-
portant research direction. Asking a hierarchical clas-
sifier for its confidence in the root node is a first step
towards open-set models from a semantic perspective,
as long as the predicted confidence has a reasonable
basis. A fixed hierarchy is a further limiting assump-
tion, which could be relaxed, e.g.,, in a lifelong learn-
ing setting.
The research on semantically imprecise data in
general could be expanded to domains beyond nat-
ural images. For example, we expect source code
to have a stronger feature-semantic correspondence,
which is crucial for the hierarchical classifier. In par-
ticular, human-made hierarchies such as the Common
Weakness Enumeration (CWE, (The MITRE Corpo-
ration, 2021)) explicitly consider certain features of
program code to determine categories. And even in
the visual domain, there are efforts to construct more
visual-feature-oriented hierarchies, e.g.,, accompany-
ing WikiChurches (Barz and Denzler, 2021).
The computational experiments were performed on
resources of Friedrich Schiller University Jena sup-
ported in part by DFG grants INST 275/334-1 FUGG
and INST 275/363-1 FUGG.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications