if and only if their values are outside the correspond-
ing valid range. One result of this is that threshold up-
dates might be partially removed, i.e. a high threshold
update being removed while the corresponding low
threshold is retained or vice versa. This is notewor-
thy because thresholds update originally occur only
pairwise in the MIMIC-III database. We decided to
remove only the invalid part of the threshold update
in order to retain as much valid information as possi-
Second, when removing threshold overlaps, we
decided to always remove both parts (high and low)
of the threshold update because it is not always ob-
vious whether one threshold part remains in a sen-
sible range while the other part deviates or whether
both parts deviate. This can not be determined with-
out making strong assumptions about the nature of
threshold updates. Hence, we decided to always re-
move both parts thus reverting the effective threshold
to the last reasonable threshold update.
Limitations and Threats to Validity. The alarm
event data set we generated from the MIMIC-III
database provides some interesting insights into the
problem of alarm fatigue in medicine. However, there
are some limitations and threats to validity attached to
our approach. The data quality of the generated alarm
events data set is – apart from the cleaning steps we
performed – limited by the data quality of the data
set it is generated from. For example, the sampling
frequencies for the data in the MIMIC-III database
manifest an upper limit for the sampling frequencies
in the alarm events data set. Furthermore, all changes
in sampling frequency, missing data, etc. are also car-
ried over into the alarm events data set. For exam-
ple, higher sampling frequencies in the vital param-
eter measurements will result in a higher number of
alarms. Since the sampling frequencies vary among
vital parameters, as Fig. 4 shows, some alarm types
(e.g. HR) might be over-represented. This has to be
kept in mind when working with the data set.
Future Work. We already discussed the implica-
tions for alarm fatigue research of this work’s find-
ings as well as its limitations. Further work needs
to be done in order to validate the finding from the
MIMIC-III database. Especially, more extensive ICU
databases are needed covering not only vital param-
eters, input and output events, laboratory findings,
and hospital logistics but also providing data on ICU
Until such a database is created, the data set gener-
ated in this work can be used for a variety of purposes,
some of them are demonstrated in Section 3. Among
others, this data set enables quantitative analyses on
alarm events, alarm forecasting, and alarm threshold
recommendation which are to be covered in future re-
The contribution of the paper is an approach and al-
gorithm to generate alarm events from the MIMIC-
III database. Publishing the generated data set it-
self would have been more convenient for researchers
interested in data on alarm events. However, by
publishing only the algorithm we ensure compliance
with the data protection guidelines of the MIMIC-
III database. Everyone with access to the MIMIC-
III database can apply the algorithm to the database
and thus create the alarm events data set themselves.
The algorithms for data cleaning and alarm extrac-
tion are published on GitHub, see https://github.com/
This work was partially carried out within the
INALO project. INALO is a cooperation project be-
tween AICURA medical GmbH, Charit
e – Univer-
atsmedizin Berlin, idalab GmbH, and Hasso Plat-
tner Institute. INALO is funded by the German Fed-
eral Ministry of Education and Research under grant
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HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics