sufficently computationally efficient to allow the ex-
ecution of further software on the onboard computer.
Software optimizations should allow the use of multi-
ple detectors, leading to an improved mapping result.
Our approach achieves satisfying results in the
real world evaluation. Nevertheless, the data associa-
tion for semantic mapping could be improved by us-
ing semantic information, e.g., presented in (Doherty
et al., 2020) . In addition, more object attributes, like
uncertainties (Hiller et al., 2018), could be integrated.
Further, we plan to investigate our approach using ob-
ject detectors with higher accuracy.
This work was developed within the project
”AIRKom” funded by the Forschungsgemeinschaft
Intralogistik / Foerdertechnik und Logistiksysteme
(IFL) e.V.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications