2.0 mm
4.0 mm
6.0 mm
8.0 mm
10.0+ m
Figure 9: Examples of automatically detected landmarks
with our method. Majority of predictions have the landmark
localization error less than 2 mm. Our method correctly de-
tects if a tooth is missing and does not produce predictions
of corresponding landmarks.
The present findings confirm that the multi-view
approach combined with the RANSAC consensus
method brings promising results in the automation of
landmark detection. Evaluated on a dataset of real or-
thodontics dental casts with significant diversity, the
method performs the best with Attention U-Net archi-
tecture and with two-channeled input of depth maps
and geometry renders. This method setup achieves
a landmarking accuracy of 0.75 ± 0.96 mm.
Importantly, we have also shown that the uncer-
tainty measures based on the analysis of the max-
imum values of regressed heatmap predictions in
combination with multi-view uncertainty yield con-
venient information in the process of landmark pres-
ence detection. Combining these uncertainty mea-
sures, our method correctly detects landmark pres-
ence in 97.68% of cases. This means that the method
is suitable to be applied to data where landmarks’
presence is not granted. In addition, the method meets
the needs of clinical applications, as the inference at
the user’s side takes seconds to be calculated, even on
less powerful CPUs.
Even though the accuracies are satisfying, the size
of the dataset could not cover every bit of a maloc-
clusion case and teeth shifting. Future research could
examine the method on a larger dataset of dentition
with even more complex cases. Furthermore, future
studies should focus on the improvements in the in-
variance of rotation. The association between the ro-
tation from the aligned position and the landmarking
accuracy was investigated in this work, and it is the
main shortcoming of the proposed method.
This work was supported by TESCAN 3DIM, s.r.o.,
which provided us with the dataset used in this work
as well as with its funding.
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