Perhaps an adjustment or expansion, with equal pro-
portions of tumour and kidney classes, could im-
prove segmentation accuracy. Another possible rea-
son could be an insufficient contrast between the pixel
intensities of the tumour and kidney class, which
would explain the more frequent confusion of tu-
mour pixels with kidney pixels. Perhaps further pre-
processing would be necessary to increase the con-
trast. In addition, further optimization of the hyperpa-
rameters, such as the learning rate, batch size, number
of training epochs or the use of different base mod-
els as the U-Net encoders, could further improve the
segmentation accuracy. Due to dependencies between
hyperparameters, a different order in hyperparameter
optimization could also affect segmentation accuracy,
making grid or random search a potentially better but
computationally more expensive alternative than se-
quential experiments. Moreover, including the third
dimension of CT volumes using 3D U-Nets could also
improve segmentation accuracy.
A statement about the medical suitability of the fi-
nal segmentation algorithm could not be made. This
would require more test data as well as a compari-
son of the achieved segmentation accuracy with other
segmentation algorithms, e.g. with the results of the
KiTS19-Challenge participants. This comparison was
not made because the participants followed a differ-
ent, three-dimensional evaluation approach and used
a different test dataset whose ground truth annotations
are not publicly available.
In this paper, we presented a U-Net based segmen-
tation algorithm, for automatic semantic segmenta-
tion of kidneys and kidney tumours from 2D medical
CT images. For this purpose, we mainly focused on
transfer learning of a pre-trained U-Net architecture
and the optimization of its hyperparameters, which
include data augmentation, loss function, U-Net en-
coder complexity and transfer learning. Experimen-
tal results show that the segmentation accuracy can
be significantly improved by extensive data augmen-
tation, a dice loss with focus on easy-to-segment im-
ages, a complex ResNet as U-Net encoder and the re-
training of many encoder layers during transfer learn-
ing. A final segmentation algorithm could be trained
as a result of this hyperparameter evaluation, which
achieved a high segmentation accuracy for kidney
pixels (≈94% dice coefficient), whereas the segmen-
tation accuracy for kidney tumour pixels was lower
(≈84% dice coefficient) with an increased probabil-
ity of misclassifications as kidney pixels. Compar-
ing the results with other segmentation algorithms is
pending to further investigation. A promising direc-
tion for further research that might improve segmen-
tation accuracy is the use of more training data, addi-
tional hyperparameter optimizations, minimization of
hyperparameter dependencies as well as an adaptation
to a 3D U-Net-based approach.
This work has been supported by the European Union
and the federal state of North-Rhine-Westphalia
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BIOIMAGING 2022 - 9th International Conference on Bioimaging