Section 5.2). This could be mitigated by also calcu-
lating the walking speed of the wearer of the wearable
from the collected IMU data. This could be done with
the help of the accelerometer data (for example by de-
tecting the frequency of peaks in the accelerometer
data of the walking sequences). One can then cal-
culate the walking distance when the walking speed
and the length of the walking sequence is known. Af-
terwards the algorithm could discard detected TUG
sequences containing walking lengths which deviate
too much from the standard walking length of 3m.
Libraries like GaitPy (Czech and Patel, 2019) for
Python also provide methods for the extraction of gait
characteristics from accelerometer data.
Our developed method is also limited to the detec-
tion of the individual phases of the TUG and the time
the user took to complete the test. A future expansion
of the algorithm could also calculate and evaluate fur-
ther fall risk indicators. For example the movement or
turn speed in every phase of the detected TUG could
be calculated. Every phase can then be further eval-
uated with the help of a machine learning algorithm
and expert knowledge from medical staff with experi-
ence in the field of fall risk assessment. For this more
test data from geriatric persons would be needed. In
combination with this the TUG sequence could also
be displayed visually for a more intuitive interpreta-
tion. Approaches, for example from (Seo et al., 2019)
already tried to use an extended TUG to discern peo-
ple with higher fall risk from those with a lower fall
risk. The system measures multiple variables in each
of the single phases of the TUG. These in turn are
analyzed with regression to determine the fall risk.
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small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of the
German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and
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BIODEVICES 2022 - 15th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices