the segmentation of GGOs, whereas a larger patch
size of 32 was needed to accurately segment consol-
idations. Taken together, our findings suggest that
GAN models may be useful not only in data aug-
mentation tasks but also in image segmentation. Be-
yond COVID-19 imaging, our model can be adapted
to other medical applications, where the region of in-
terest is poorly defined and is very small compared
to other objects in the image. Future work will focus
on the experimental studies of denoising techniques
with the aim of improving the quality of the training
data sets and on the identification of most informative
training images.
The authors thank Cody Stevens for the assistance
with the execution of computational experiments and
the anonymous reviewers for comments that im-
proved this manuscript. The authors acknowledge
the Distributed Environment for Academic Comput-
ing (DEAC) at Wake Forest University for provid-
ing HPC resources that have contributed to the re-
search results reported within this paper. URL:
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BIOINFORMATICS 2022 - 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms