ers. The similarity was relatively low for the three
detection layers in the head.
Comparing CKA similarity values for layers vs
layers showed a block-like structure resembling the
different parts of the YOLOv3 architecture.
Model F-Synthetic with frozen backbone and
model U-Synthetic with unfrozen backbone that were
further trained on synthetic data had comparable mAP
with each other, on both BDD and GTAV datasets. No
particular difference could be seen in the CKA analy-
sis between frozen and unfrozen backbone.
No difference was found for the U-Synthetic un-
frozen model or the F-Synthetic frozen model in
terms of average similarity with the unfrozen model
U-Real. Thus, there was no overall impact of frozen
or unfrozen according to CKA similarity.
The largest difference between model U-Synthetic
and model F-Synthetic according to CKA was in the
head part. Hence models U-Synthetic and F-Synthetic
were more similar to each other in the backbone part
than in the head part, even though their backboneshad
different training settings.
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sights on how training synthetic data affects each
layer and to give a better understanding of the inner
workings of complex neural networks. A better un-
derstanding is a step towards using synthetic data in
an effective way and towards explainable and trust-
worthy models.
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