for segmentation algorithms and seed detection. The
latter has a great influence on the quality of the seg-
mentation. The use of local maxima as seeds and the
developed method to determine a background seed is
suitable for the present dataset. The results can be
further improved by a preceding distance transforma-
tion, but results in more Split-errors. However, fur-
ther evaluations on other data sets are needed to make
a more general statement on performance.
Following aspects can also be content of further
research: An extension of the range of intensity val-
ues when handling the images to use the full 16 bits of
the TIFF images instead of 8 bits. Improving the run-
time by using further preprocessing or other solvers
for the system of equations. It is also interesting to
explore how the pipeline can be used for 3D data.
The results of this paper can further serve as a ba-
sis for an integration of the random-walk algorithm
in more sophisticated pipelines based on deep learn-
ing (e.g. as post-processing). We are planning fur-
ther evaluation and testing of this kind of integration.
In addition, the developed pipeline is suitable to pro-
vide reference benchmark results for the evaluation of
other segmentation methods.
This work has been supported by the European Union
and the federal state of North-Rhine-Westphalia
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BIOIMAGING 2022 - 9th International Conference on Bioimaging