First we consider the case where the attacker has
access to a BF encoded database E and the same
dataset in plaintext P. Clearly their overlap rate is
100%. Table 5 shows results for the graph matching
attack in this scenario. It is apparent that
• without salting, the attacker could re-identify
records with a maximum F-measure approaching
or exceeding 98%;
• With salting, the performance of the attacks drops,
regardless which measure is used for comparison.
Interestingly, this drop decreases with increasing
sample size.
However, a stable salt value, almost unique for each
record, could effectively thwart the graph-matching
attack. Salt-ALL reduced the maximum F-measure
of the re-identification from over 97% to below 0.5%.
Among the other salt variants, salt-YOB performs
best, especially for smaller samples.
As second example, we consider a case where
6= 100% but r
> 80%. Table 6 shows the
importance of the overlap rate for the success of the
graph matching attack. Given an overlap rate above
80%, both the maximum number of correct record
re-identifications and the maximum F-measure drops
strongly compared to the previous example given per-
fect overlap. For example, the maximum F-measure
drops from above 98% to about 1% ∼ 4%.
We studied the effect of salting on the resilience
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PPRL. Salting was shown to be an effective counter-
measure against pattern mining attacks while less ef-
fective against graph matching attacks (unless a sta-
ble salt that is almost unique to each record value is
available). As an additional safeguard, salting is rec-
ommended for perturbation-based PPRL whenever a
stable salt is available.
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