or some leads contained more information and were
therefore more significant to understanding a full 12-
lead morphology. From the tests of significance, leads
I,II, aVL, aVF, V2, and V3 – the majority of which
were limb leads – were statistically significant. The
unipolar leads aVL and aVF were linear combina-
tions of limb leads and therefore their inclusion was
also significant. V2 and V3 were also statistically sig-
nificant and might be more important than other pre-
cordial leads. Again, this behavior might represent a
larger trend or might be limited to this dataset.
In Table 7, we compared our results against a sam-
pling of other methods with R
as the metric of com-
parison. At first glance, our work contained a lower
R2 than others, but a few factors should be consid-
ered. (1) Our reference standard had the propensity to
filtering artifacts as a result of standardization. (2)
This work was a generalized model that used any
combination of ECG leads and so that a decrease of
performance in favor of flexibility was expected. (3)
We limited the length of time to 10 seconds and we ar-
tificially lowered the sampling rate to 100Hz, which
meant that there were less values in flat areas, such as
isoelectric portions.
We also showed the potential of ECGio to be used
to reconstruct a full 12-lead ECG when leads were
either missing or unable to be collected. We also
showed that there were leads of an ECG that may con-
tain more information than others, namely the limb
leads. In future studies, ECGio’s scale, usability, and
clinical viability must be examined. We must deter-
mine if results scale and if they demonstrate a larger
trend in how ECG information is stored. The next step
must include a larger sample size with the potential to
capture the variance of ECGs. We need to show if the
information provided by this reconstruction matches-
up not only mathematically, but clinically. A future
study should compare the reference standard ECG to
the reconstruction in terms of clinical information de-
livered to physicians. In addition, the presence of ab-
normal beats and rhythms must be examined to deter-
mine if abnormal morphology affects ECGio’s recon-
struction capabilities.
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