There were several cases in which our exclusion rules
mis-characterized a legitimate study participant as a
malicious actor. For example, one exclusion rule
triggered when no smartphone data were uploaded to
the database, although survey data was uploaded.
However, there were instances in which the
smartphone app malfunctioned and did not upload
sensor data for legitimate study participants.
One function of the human-out-of-the-loop
participant handling approach that we developed, but
that is outside the scope of this paper (Bracken et al.,
2020) is a portal through which experimenter teams
can communicate with participants. The experimenter
sees only the random ID assigned to the participant,
but the participant receives communication within the
study application’s chat feature and/or emails through
the email address they signed up for the study with
(mapping between the two occurs in the cloud out of
reach of the human experimenters). Through this
portal using anonymous communication and case-by-
case analysis of user participant activity information,
we identified many of the mis-labelled participants
who we then re-characterized as good participants
after email exchanges. Catch up runs of incentive
payments were performed for these users and their
data was reclassified as good for use by analysis
We built a system to allow fully human-out-of-the-
loop management of patients including patient
recruitment, screening, onboarding, data collection
on smartphones, data transmission to the cloud, data
security in the cloud, and data access by analysis and
modeling teams. However, since no human has direct
contact with any study participants, the study
attracted “malicious actors” who faked upload of data
in order to access payments. We identified and put
into place mechanisms to block malicious actors. As
expected, attempts by fraudulent participants to game
the study continued, but the mitigations slowed them
However, we believe that this work to identify and
prevent malicious actors has had several positive
results. First, the lessons learned here can result in
improvement of future remotely conducted studies by
integrating these malicious actor mitigation strategies
from study initiation.
Second, it improved the study outlined here. It
caused us to closely monitor study data, which has led
to higher confidence results. It has improved dataset
quality for the data analysis teams, and reduced the
burden of dataset cleanup. The process has identified
data integrity and upload issues that otherwise would
have been missed until late in the data collection
process. These would not have been found until data
analysis teams were deeper into their analysis. In
addition, malicious actor identification and early
analysis of profiles has led to improved quality
assurance of the smartphone app used in the study.
In future studies, we will also explore integration
of additional strategies not used in this study. We can
use data that was deemed too sensitive for humans to
access (e.g., email addresses, IP addresses, GPS
location) to identify potential malicious actors. This
can be done without humans accessing the data as we
have now developed a tool for humans to apply
analysis techniques to data that may be identifiable
that is stored in the cloud, then pull down the results
of the analysis that are not identifiable. For example,
a researcher can write code that will access and search
for matching IP addresses, then only see the randomly
assigned participant IDs that have matching IP
This material is based upon work supported by United
States Air Force and DARPA under Contract No.
FA8750-18-C-0056 entitled Health and Injury
Prediction and Prevention Over Complex Reasoning
and Analytic Techniques Integrated on a Cellphone
App (HIPPOCRATIC App). The views, opinions
and/or findings expressed are those of the author and
should not be interpreted as representing the official
views or policies of the DoD or the U.S. Government.
Bracken, B.K., Potoczny-Jones, I., Wolcott, J., Raffaele, E.,
Woodward, L., Gogoel, C., Kiourtis, N., Schulte, B.,
Arean, P.A., and Farry, M. Development of Human-
Out-of-the-Loop Participant Recruitment, Data
Collection, Data Handling, and Participant
Management System. Proceedings of the Annual
International Human Factors and Ergonomics Society,
October 5-10, 2020.
Pozzar, R., Hammer, M. J., Underhill-Blazey, M., Wright,
A. A., Tulsky, J. A., Hong, F., Gundersen, D. A., &
Berry, D. L. (2020). Threats of bots and other bad actors
to data quality following research participant