IoHT studies, mainly focused on the elderly. In gen-
eral, there is still room for more partnerships with the
industry to perform validations in practice. Finally,
several solutions for monitoring and diagnosing dis-
eases have been proposed, but an increase in machine
learning solutions for early diagnosis is expected.
Regarding the challenges, there is a desire for per-
sonalized and intelligent services that provide contin-
uous, fast, secure, and effective health data monitor-
ing. Regarding our last research question, the results
show that few studies seek a general approach to deal-
ing with QoL, and the works closer to this proposal
still use questionnaires to collect data. Probably, this
happens due to the difficulty in developing this kind of
approach since a large amount of user data is needed,
in addition to the validation complexity, which is done
through longitudinal studies. Thus, this question can
validate the beginning of a more in-depth investiga-
tion towards a semantic structure of the QoL domains
and facets and an intelligent model for capturing and
inferring this metric.
Concerning the gaps, we realized a need for
collaborative-aware and ubiquitous services able to
anticipate events and to act in the environment to im-
prove the living conditions; partnerships with the in-
dustry to conduct validations in practice; methods and
protocols capable of guaranteeing data security and
privacy even on restricted devices; network designs
to ensure low latency and high reliability; techniques
for validation and verification of fitness tracking apps;
approaches to the development of intelligent systems
integrated with the domain experts; and studies fo-
cused on user experience.
Our data are public. It is also important to highlight
that the papers selected in this mapping were linked
using the study ID due to space restrictions.
- Protocol: bit.ly/3B6jqth
- Selected Papers: /bit.ly/3FeXzCr
- Images (higher resolution): bit.ly/3D3nP0Q
- Raw Data (codes and tables): bit.ly/3Fe79FV
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HEALTHINF 2022 - 15th International Conference on Health Informatics