thus enhancing the user experience. The GPU could
evidently be used to speed up this computation by im-
plementing an appropriate Oracle command. Besides
DRR, the shear-warp algorithm could also be applied
for MIP rendering by putting the virtual camera at in-
finity, and by replacing the summation by a “max”
This paper introduces Stone of Orthanc as a library
to render medical images, in a way that is compati-
ble with desktop, mobile and Web applications. Stone
of Orthanc is fully written in C++, and leverages the
emerging WebAssembly standard if targeting Web ap-
plications. Sample applications of Stone of Orthanc
are described as well. In particular, the Stone Web
viewer is introduced as the first free and open-source
teleradiology solution that uses WebAssembly. The
source code of the Stone of Orthanc library is publicly
released under the LGPL license, whereas the Stone
Web viewer is licensed under the AGPL
As shown in this paper, WebAssembly can be used
to maximize code reuse in applications for medical
imaging. The same approach could be used in many
other scientific fields, where C++ code is traditionally
used for numerical computations.
Future work will focus on the exploitation of
Stone of Orthanc for artificial intelligence applica-
tions in radiology. In particular, we plan to work on
the rendering of DICOM SR (structured reports), DI-
COM SEG (image segmentation) and DICOM GSPS
(grayscale softcopy presentation state), as the outputs
of AI algorithms. The integration of MPR render-
ing and whole-slide imaging (Jodogne et al., 2017)
directly within the Stone Web viewer will also be in-
vestigated. Finally, performance of volume rendering
will be improved, for instance by taking advantage of
the GPU and Web workers in the Oracle.
The author wishes to thank Benjamin Golinvaux,
Alain Mazy and Osimis for their contributions to the
development of the Stone of Orthanc project.
The source code of the Stone of Orthanc project is
available at: https://hg.orthanc-server.com/orthanc-stone/
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Rendering Medical Images using WebAssembly