ecuted in a RISC CPU pipeline. This would also re-
quire substantial improvement to the current photon
tracing implementation. Plausibility does not entail
correctness: implementing photon tracing using ray
tracing, hardware accelerated also, would enable us
to measure the accuracy of the solution and quantify
the fidelity of the resulting caustics formations.An in-
teresting avenue to explore is the light transport be-
tween different caustics volumes in the scene; at the
moment, these volumes are independent of one an-
other. Furthermore, integration into distributed ren-
dering pipelines is another avenue worth exploring,
especially in the context of VR rendering systems,
which would greatly benefit from the added realism
provided by caustics.Finally, the current implemen-
tation would greatly benefit from optimisation, to fur-
ther minimise frame rates and make it suitable for ren-
dering on low-end devices.
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