tracked people. The collision points are estimated us-
ing the tracked motion of the people, and the motion
of the robot. By projecting costs to future positions of
the people the robot preemptively avoids entering the
personal space of the people, resulting in a socially
acceptable navigation behavior.
We have described the process of developing a robot
to solve a use case within healthcare. The goal of
the Health-CAT project is to ensure that the quality of
care does not decrease despite the healthcare system
being challenged due to the expected issues arising
from the societal challenges. This process is based
on a needs analysis using literature search and ethno-
graphic studies to identify relevant focus areas. From
these needs, seven use cases were formulated with
ethical and technical challenges, concerning the im-
plementation and introduction of robot technology, as
a focus point. We ended up choosing one use case, the
transportation of small equipment, where the robotic
system consists of two major parts - a mobile robot
prototype and a call system enabled staff to call the
robot to any patient room.
This robot concept was tested in three iterations.
The first two iterations were highly focused on iden-
tifying the requirements, issues, and benefits of the
robot. The last test involved the actual robot proto-
type in a one-week-long integration of it at the hos-
pital ward. The Health-CAT robot showed that the
daily work life for nurses improved. They walked
less, which decreased the physical stress, and experi-
enced an increase of the time spent with the patients.
Furthermore, nurses reported an increase in perceived
empowerment and that their work environment was
less hectic in general.
This research was supported by the project Health-
CAT, funded by the European Fund for regional de-
Furthermore we would like to thank the involved
staff at the Hospital Sønderjylland, UKSH L
and AWO Haus am M
uhlenteich Lensahn for their
valuable input and support.
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HUCAPP 2022 - 6th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Theory and Applications