Learn by Guessing: Multi-step Pseudo-label Refinement for Person
Tiago De C. G. Pereira
and Teofilo E. De Campos
Departmento de Ci
encia da Computac¸
ao, Universidade de Bras
ılia - UnB, Bras
ılia-DF, Brazil
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, Person Re-Identification, Pseudo-labels, Deep Learning.
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) methods for person Re-Identification (Re-ID) rely on target domain
samples to model the marginal distribution of the data. To deal with the lack of target domain labels, UDA
methods leverage information from labeled source samples and unlabeled target samples. A promising ap-
proach relies on the use of unsupervised learning as part of the pipeline, such as clustering methods. The
quality of the clusters clearly plays a major role in methods performance, but this point has been overlooked.
In this work, we propose a multi-step pseudo-label refinement method to select the best possible clusters and
keep improving them so that these clusters become closer to the class divisions without knowledge of the class
labels. Our refinement method includes a cluster selection strategy and a camera-based normalization method
which reduces the within-domain variations caused by the use of multiple cameras in person Re-ID. This al-
lows our method to reach state-of-the-art UDA results on DukeMTMCMarket1501 (sourcetarget). We
surpass state-of-the-art for UDA Re-ID by 3.4% on Market1501DukeMTMC datasets, which is a more chal-
lenging adaptation setup because the target domain (DukeMTMC) has eight distinct cameras. Furthermore,
the camera-based normalization method causes a significant reduction in the number of iterations required for
training convergence.
Person re-identification (Re-ID) aims at matching per-
son images from different non-overlapping cameras
views. This is an essential feature for diverse real
word challenges, such as smart cities (Zhang and Yu,
2018), intelligent video surveillance (Wang, 2013),
suspicious action recognition (Wei Niu et al., 2004)
and pedestrian retrieval (Sun et al., 2017).
With all these popular possible applications, there
is a clear demand for robust Re-ID systems in the
industry. Academic research groups have achieved
remarkable in-domain results on popular person Re-
ID datasets such as Market1501 (Zheng et al., 2015)
and DukeMTMC-reID (Zheng et al., 2017b). Despite
these advances, there is still a dichotomy between the
success in academic results versus the industrial ap-
plication. This is because the best academic results
e.g. (Wang et al., 2019; Luo et al., 2020; Zhou et al.,
2020) are based on supervised methods that require
a huge amount of annotated data for their training.
Gathering data is not a problem nowadays, as CCTV
systems are omnipresent. However, annotating im-
ages is a very expensive and tedious task that requires
a lot of manual work.
The use of pre-trained state-of-the-art Re-ID mod-
els usually leads to disappointing results because each
group of cameras has distinct characteristics, such as
illumination, resolution, noise level, orientation, pose,
distance, focal length, amount of people’s motion as
well as factors that influence the appearance of peo-
ple, such as ethnicity, type of location (e.g. leisure vs
work places) and weather conditions.
Some methods have been proposed to reduce this
gap and unlock Re-ID systems for real world prob-
lems. That is the case of domain invariant models
(Jin et al., 2020; Song et al., 2019; Jia et al., 2019),
which have the ambitious goal of being applicable to
any domain even if no samples are given from some
of the potential target domains. Although domain in-
variance is indeed the key to creating a widely appli-
cable method, such methods usually do not outper-
form methods in which unlabeled target domain sam-
ples are given. Since gathering unlabeled samples is a
virtually effortless task, the need for domain invariant
methods is not so urgent. A common alternative is the
Pereira, T. and E. de Campos, T.
Learn by Guessing: Multi-step Pseudo-label Refinement for Person Re-Identification.
DOI: 10.5220/0010843500003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
use of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to
align domains, allowing the model to perform well in
a target domain even if supervised training is only per-
formed in the source domain (Zhai et al., 2020; Zhong
et al., 2018; Deng et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019). In
addition, there are Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
(UDA) methods which have been achieving notable
results in cross-domain person Re-ID. These methods
typically rely on a process of target domain pseudo-
labels generation. This allows them to use actual tar-
get domain images without previous annotation (Lin
et al., 2020; Ge et al., 2020; Zeng et al., 2020; Zou
et al., 2020; Pereira and de Campos, 2020; Fan et al.,
2018; Fu et al., 2019).
In this work, we dive deep in the UDA Re-ID
setup utilizing pseudo-labels to enhance models per-
formance in target domain. The quality of pseudo-
labels clearly is essential for the performance of this
kind of method. However, pseudo-labels are expected
to be noisy in this scenario. Many methods have use
soft cost functions to deal with this noise, however we
believe that cleaning and improving pseudo-labels is
key to achieve high performance. We therefore fo-
cus our work in two main points: camera-based nor-
malization, which we observed to be key to reduce
domain variance; and a novel clusters selection strat-
egy. The latter removes outlying clusters and generate
pseudo-labels with important characteristics to help
model convergence. This strategy aims to generate
clusters which are dense and each contain samples of
one person captured from the view of multiple cam-
Enhancing cluster quality has been overlooked by
methods based on pseudo-labels and this has cer-
tainly held back many methods. To evaluate our pro-
posal we work with the most popular cross-domain
dataset in unsupervised Re-ID works: Market1501
and DukeMTMC. Our main contribution is a multi-
step pseudo-label refinement that keeps cleaning and
improving the predicted target domain label space to
enhance model performance without the burden of an-
notating data. Further to proposing a new pipeline,
we introduce strategies to build and select clusters in
a way that maximizes the model’s generalization abil-
ity and its potential to transfer learning to new Re-ID
datasets where the labels are unknown. Our method
achieves UDA Re-ID state-of-art for DukeMTMC
Market1501 and significantly pushes state-of-the-
art for Market1501 DukeMTMC, improving re-
sults in 3.4% w.r.t. the best results we are aware of.
We achieve state-of-the-art results without any post-
processing methods, however we are aware that re-
ranking algorithms are helpful for metric learning
tasks. We thus evaluate our model using k-reciprocal
encoding re-ranking (Zhong et al., 2017) and improve
our results by further 2.1% and 2.9% for DukeMTMC
and Market1501, respectively.
Person Re-ID has been a trending computer vision
research topic. There are two main directions for
person Re-ID research: a) supervised person Re-ID,
that aims at creating the best possible models for
in-domain Re-ID and b) unsupervised domain adap-
tation (UDA) Re-ID focusing on the Re-ID task in
which a model trained in a source dataset is adapted
to another dataset, where the labels are not known.
The latter is sometimes referred to as cross-domain
Re-ID. In this field, each person Re-ID dataset has im-
ages captured from multiple cameras and the dataset
as a whole is assumed to be one domain. Although
domain adaptation techniques can be applied within a
single dataset, i.e., to adapt samples from one camera
view to another, we focus on the problem of adapting
between different datasets. This setting is more re-
lated to a real system deploying setting because train-
ing can be done using a dataset containing several
viewpoints, but the deployment scenario is a differ-
ent set of data where it is easy to capture unlabeled
samples but labeled samples are not available.
Generalizable Person Re-ID. (Jin et al., 2020; Song
et al., 2019; Jia et al., 2019; Zhuang et al., 2020)
pursue models that are domain invariant, so they can
perform well in diverse Re-ID datasets without the
need of any adaptation. That is an interesting ap-
proach for real world Re-ID challenges, although it
still does not perform as well as in-domain person Re-
ID. To achieve a domain invariant model, (Zhuang
et al., 2020) propose to replace all batch normal-
ization layers of a deep CNN by camera batch nor-
malization layers. These layers learn to apply batch
normalization for each camera reducing the within-
domain camera variance, this also helps the model
to learn camera invariant features that are more ro-
bust to domain changes. (Jin et al., 2020) propose
a Style Normalization and Restitution (SNR) module
that firstly alleviates camera style variations and then
restores identity relevant features that may have been
discarded in the style normalization step, reducing the
influence of camera style change on feature vectors.
GAN-based Person Re-ID. (Zhai et al., 2020; Zhong
et al., 2018; Deng et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019; Wei
et al., 2018; Zou et al., 2020) have been widely used
to reduce the domain gap in Re-ID datasets. (Deng
et al., 2018) use cycleGAN to transfer the style from
an unlabeled target domain to a labeled source do-
Learn by Guessing: Multi-step Pseudo-label Refinement for Person Re-Identification
main, so they leverage source domain annotations to
apply their trained model to images that are more sim-
ilar to the source domain ones. (Zhai et al., 2020) used
GANs to augment the target domain training data, so
they could create images that preserved the person
ID and that simulates other camera views at the same
Pseudo-Labels Generation for Person Re-ID.
(Pereira and de Campos, 2020; Ge et al., 2020; Zeng
et al., 2020; Fu et al., 2019; Zou et al., 2020; Zhai
et al., 2020; Fan et al., 2018; Lin et al., 2020) pre-
dict the label space for an unlabeled target domain,
assume those predictions are correct and use then to
fine-tune a model previously trained on source do-
main. This approach has shown remarkable results
and is the idea behind current state-of-the-art UDA
Re-ID methods. The drawback with pseudo-labels is
that if the domains are not similar enough, they can
lead to negative transfer, because the labeling noise
might be too high. To deal with that, (Ge et al., 2020)
propose a soft softmax-triplet loss to leverage from
pseudo-labels without overfitting their model. (Zeng
et al., 2020) propose a hierarchical clustering method
to reduce the influence of outliers and use a batch hard
triplet loss to bring outliers closer to interesting re-
gions so they could be used later on.
We believe that a generalizable Re-ID model is
pre-requisite for a strong UDA method. For this rea-
son we adopt IBN-Net50-a as our backbone and ap-
ply a camera guided feature normalization in target
domain to reduce the domain gap. We also under-
stand the importance of cleaning the pseudo-labels,
which is what motivate us to a clustering algorithm
with outlier detection and to propose a clustering se-
lection step to feed our model only with data that is
predicted to be more reliable. Next section details our
In this Section we present and discuss all steps that
compose our method in deep details. In §3.1 we dis-
cuss the commonly used backbones for Re-ID and in
§3.2 we present the concept of progressive learning.
Then, we review some clustering techniques in §3.3
and how to generate robust clusters in §3.4 and §3.5.
Finally, in §3.6 we explain how to effectively combine
all techniques in our training protocol.
3.1 Backbone
When working in cross domain tasks, the model gen-
eralization ability is key to success. Normalization
techniques have a very important role for that.
Nowadays, the typical Re-ID system relies on
ResNet (He et al., 2016) as their backbone (usually
the ResNet-50 model), which is a safe choice, be-
cause Re-ID is a task that requires multiple semantic
levels to produce robust embeddings and the residual
blocks help to propagate these multiple semantic lev-
els to deeper layers. Also, ResNet is a well studied
CNN that lead to a step change in the performance on
the ImageNet dataset.
However, the vanilla ResNet has its generalization
compromised because it does not include instance-
batch normalization. (Pan et al., 2018) proposed IBN-
Net50, which replaces batch normalization (BN) lay-
ers with instance batch normalization (IBN) layers.
The IBN-Net carefully integrates IN and BN as build-
ing blocks, significantly increasing its generalization
ability. For this reason, we choose it as our backbone.
More specifically, we use IBN-Net50-a, which offers
a good compromise between model size and perfor-
3.2 Progressive Learning
Progressive learning is an iterative technique pro-
posed by (Fan et al., 2018) composed of three parts:
a) generating target domain pseudo-labels to train the
model without labeled data, b) fine-tuning the model
with the previous generated pseudo-labels and c) eval-
uating the model. This set of steps is iterated until
convergence. This approach relates to some classical
UDN and Transductive Transfer Learning techniques,
such as (FarajiDavar et al., 2017) and (Long et al.,
2013) for standard classification tasks.
To get full advantage of progressive learning it is
important to generate new pseudo-labels at each iter-
ation, so the model will have new stimulus to keep
learning. Therefore it is important that in each step
the new pseudo-labels get closer of the real labels.
However, if the initial model is not good enough, this
leads to negative transfer (Pan and Yang, 2010) and
the performance of the system actually degrades as it
iterates. However, since target labels are unknown, it
is not possible to predict negative transfer.
For this reason, we argue that progressive learn-
ing must be coupled with other techniques, such as
the method we describe in the next sections, partic-
ularly in §3.4 and §3.5. In those sections, we pro-
pose to evaluate the reliability of samples and their
pseudo-labels based on the confidence of the model.
If only reliable samples and their pseudo-labels are
used, the model should progressively improve and
generate more robust pseudo-labels in the consecutive
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Unlabeled target domain images
Clustering with
outlier removal,
cluster selection
and pseudo-labels
Figure 1: Our Multi-Step Pseudo-Label Refinement pipeline. The proposed method consists of four components: extraction
of features from unlabeled target domain images, camera-based normalization, prediction of pseudo-labels with a density-
based clustering algorithm, selection of reliable clusters and fine-tuning of the model. The pipeline is cyclical, because at
each step it predicts more robust pseudo-labels that offer new information for the model. In the feature space panels, each
shape (e.g. triangle, plus signal and circle) represent a camera view and each color represent a person ID.
3.3 Clustering Techniques
For standard classification tasks, pseudo-labels gener-
ation is direct: it is assumed that the predictions ob-
tained are usually correct and these predictions on the
target set are used as pseudo class labels. However,
due to the lack of control on the number of classes,
person Re-ID is usually approached as a metric learn-
ing task. The model prediction is therefore not a label,
but a feature vector in a space where samples of the
same person are expected to lie closer to each other
(and further to samples of different people). There-
fore, it is necessary to use clustering algorithms and
define each cluster as a pseudo-label (or pseudo per-
son ID).
Therefore, given a target domain D
with N im-
ages {x
we need to predict their labels {y
Then, we use a model pre-trained on source domain
to extract the features for each image {x
and use a clustering algorithm to group/predict
each image label
3.3.1 K-means
As a first choice, we used the k-means algorithm to
cluster our data. The only parameter k-means need
is the number of clusters k. For our experiments, we
choose k using this heuristic:
k =
, (1)
where N is the total number of training images in tar-
get domain D
. If all clusters have a balanced number
We use bold math symbols for vectors.
of features (images) this would mean that we are as-
suming that each person ID in the target domain con-
tains about 15 samples.
There are two problems with k-means for Re-ID:
a) how to define k without information about D
b) as stated by (Zeng et al., 2020) k-means does not
have an outlier detector, so the outliers may drag the
centroids away from denser regions, causing the de-
cision boundaries to shift, potentially cutting through
sets of samples that actually belong to the same peo-
3.3.2 DBSCAN
As discussed above, k-means is not recommended to
generate robust pseudo-labels for UDA Re-ID meth-
ods. Therefore, we propose the usage of DBSCAN
which is a density-based clustering algorithm de-
signed to deal with large and noisy databases.
In a Domain Adaptation Re-ID scenario we can
say that the hard samples are actually noise, so a clus-
tering algorithm that identify them as outliers is fun-
damental to improve results. Furthermore, when ap-
plying Progressive Learning we can leave hard sam-
ples out for some iterations and bring them to the
pseudo-labeled dataset in later iterations where our
model is stronger and the level of confidence in those
hard samples is higher.
One important point is that DBSCAN does not
require a pre-defined number of clusters (as in k-
means), but it requires two parameters: the maximum
distance between two samples to determine them as
neighbors (ε) and the minimum number of samples to
consider a region as dense (min s).
Learn by Guessing: Multi-step Pseudo-label Refinement for Person Re-Identification
In our experiments, we set min s = 4. As for the
parameter ε, its value depends on the spread of the
data. We performed a grid search in an early train-
ing step to determine a value that would balance the
number of clusters selected and the number of out-
liers. This lead to ε = 0.35 when DukeMTMC is the
target domain and ε = 0.42 when Market1501 is the
target domain.
3.4 Cluster Selection
Re-ID datasets have disjoint label spaces, that is given
a source domain D
and a target domain D
their la-
bels space do not share the same classes, i.e.
6= {y
i,j. (2)
As mentioned before, the usual way to deal with this
is by approaching Re-ID as a metric-learning task.
Therefore, Re-ID methods typically use triplet
loss with batch hard (Hermans et al., 2017) and PK
sampling. The PK sampling method consist in select-
ing P identities with K samples from each identity to
form a mini-batch in training stage, which leads to the
batch size = P × K. (3)
In this work we used the triplet loss and PK sam-
pling to train our models, so we expect that every per-
son ID has at least K images. This clustering step
therefore ignores clusters with less than K images.
An important factor for Re-ID models is to learn
features that are robust to camera view variations. For
that we guarantee that, in the training stage, our model
is fed with samples of the same person ID in different
cameras. Therefore, we also prune clusters that had
images from only one camera view.
3.5 Camera-guided Feature
The high variance present in Re-ID datasets is mainly
caused by the different camera views, as each view
has its own characteristics. This is why a model
trained in a source dataset presents poor results when
evaluated in a target dataset (or domain). Normally,
Re-ID models learn robust features for known views,
but lack the ability to generalize for new unseen
(Pereira and de Campos, 2020) realize that this
lack of generalization power has a negative impact in
pseudo-labels generation. They point that the main
reason for that is the fact that, in new unseen cameras,
the model tends to cluster images by cameras rather
than clustering images from the same person in dif-
ferent views. The majority of clusters would therefore
be ignored in the Cluster Selection step.
(Zhuang et al., 2020) replaced all batch normal-
ization layers by camera batch normalization layers.
Although this helped them to reduce the data variance
between camera views, they normalize the data only
on the source domain. We propose to run this camera
feature normalization step before the pseudo-labels
step on the target domain training set. By generating
pseudo-labels that are normalized by camera informa-
tion, our method guides the model to learn robust fea-
tures in the target domain space without the need of
changing the model architecture or having additional
cost functions.
Camera-guided feature normalization therefore
aims to reduce the target domain variance, enhance
the model capacity in the target domain and create
better pseudo-labels that further will result in a more
robust model.
To apply camera guided feature normalization, we
first divide all target domain training images {x
in c
groups where c is the number of cameras views in the
dataset. Then we extract their features f
with our
model and calculate, for each camera c, its mean µ
and its standard deviation σ
. Finally, each feature
is normalized by
. (4)
The normalized features f
are then used to generate
the pseudo-labels.
3.6 Our Training Protocol
3.6.1 Baseline
First of all, we train our model in the source domain
as a baseline. All our models use the IBN-Net50-a
as backbone and outputs feature vectors f with 2048
dimensions and a logit prediction vectors p.
Our loss function has three components: a) a
batch hard triplet loss (L
) that maps f in an Eu-
clidean vector space, b) a center loss (L
) (Wen et al.,
2016) to guarantee cluster compactness and c) and a
cross entropy label smooth loss (L
) (Zheng et al.,
2017a) that uses the logit vectors p to learn a person
ID classifier. The smoothed person ID component has
been proved to help Re-ID systems even though the
training IDs are disjoint from the testing IDs. Further-
more, its soft labels has shown interesting features for
UDA Re-ID (Ge et al., 2020). Our loss function is
thus given by Equation 5.
L = L
+ L
+ 0.005L
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
The weight given to the cross entropy loss is the same
that was used in (Luo et al., 2020).
We start our training with pre-trained weights
from ImageNet and use the Adam optimizer for 90
epochs with the warm-up learning rate scheduler pro-
posed by (Luo et al., 2020).
3.6.2 Usupervised Domain Adaptation
For unsupervised domain adaptation, we start with the
model pre-trained in D
and use it to extract all the
features f from D
training images. Once we have
all these features extracted, we separate them by cam-
era and use Equation 4 to normalize them. Then, we
use DBSCAN to create general clusters in D
and fi-
nally apply our cluster selection strategy to keep only
the clusters which are potentially the the most reliable
From the selected clusters we create our pseudo-
labeled dataset and use it to fine-tune our previous
model. Since the domains are different datasets, the
person IDs on the pseudo-labeled dataset are always
different from those of the source dataset. Addi-
tionally, as our progressive learning strategy iterates,
pseudo-labels are expected to change. Therefore, it is
expected that the cross-entropy loss L
spikes in first
iterations, which can destabilize the training process
and lead to catastrophic forgetting. To prevent that,
we follow the transfer learning strategy of freezing
the body of our model for 20 epochs and let the last
fully connected layer learn a good enough p. Then,
we unfreeze our model and complete the fine-tuning
following the procedure described in 3.6.1.
After the fine-tuning we evaluate our model on D
and iterate the whole process, according to the pro-
gressive learning strategy.
4.1 Datasets
We performed our experiments on the Market1501
and DukeMTMC datasets, interchanging then as
source and target domains to analyze our domain
adaptation method. Following the standard in this
field, we used cumulative matches curve (CMC) and
mean average precision (mAP) as evaluation metrics.
Market1501: is an outdoors dataset containing im-
ages across 6 cameras views where each person ap-
pears in at least 2 different cameras. In total there are
32668 images being 12936 images from 751 identi-
ties for training and 19732 images from 750 identities
for testing.
DukeMTMC: was also built using outdoor cameras.
It contains 36411 images from 1404 identities. Those
images were split as 16522 for training, 2228 for
query and 17661 for test gallery.
4.2 Comparison with Supervised
Learning and Direct Transfer
In Table 1 we compare our baseline results to the di-
rect transfer and to our proposed method. The su-
pervised learning was done using samples and labels
from the target domain training samples. Since sam-
ples and labels are from the same domain as the test
set, this is expected to give results that are better than
those of domain adaptation settings. The aim of the
supervised learning experiments is to understand the
capacity of the model in each dataset.
The Direct transfer method is used to evaluate
the domain shift and the model generalization power.
It is expected that this setting gives results that are
worse than the domain adaptation setting, because no
knowledge of the target set is used in the training pro-
cess. Our method does not focus on being general-
izable, we aim to use the source domain knowledge
as start and enhance the model’s performance in tar-
get domain without any labels. We found it important
to present direct transfer results in order to show how
much our method enhances over it.
As one can see, our method reaches remarkable
results for DukeMTMC as a target dataset. It can
be surprising to see that we even surpass the super-
vised result in 0.3% and 0.5% for CMC rank-1 and
mAP, respectively. DukeMTMC is a dataset with a
high intra-variance caused by its eight distinct cam-
era views. We believe that the camera-guided nor-
malization applied before the clustering step provided
pseudo-labels that were more robust to camera view
variations. Therefore, the method was able to learn
camera invariant features. It is also likely that by
transferring from one dataset to another, our method
was less prone to over-fitting than the supervised
learning setting.
For Market1501 as a target, our method performed
equally well enhancing the direct transfer result in
30.2% and 44.6% for CMC rank-1 and mAP, respec-
tively. However, with lower intra-variance in Mar-
ket1501 the supervised result is already saturated.
Therefore, even tough labels from the target set were
not used, our methods gives results which are not far
below those of the supervised setting.
Learn by Guessing: Multi-step Pseudo-label Refinement for Person Re-Identification
Table 1: Comparison of our results with results using supervised learning on the target domain (which is expected to give the
best results) and direct transfer results, i.e. the use of a model trained on source directly applied to the target domain, without
domain adaptation (which is expected to be a lower bound).
Market1501 DukeMTMC DukeMTMC Market1501
Rank-1 Rank-5 Rank-10 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 Rank-10 mAP
Supervised 82.4 92.0 94.5 68.8 91.2 92.0 98.4 79.2
Direct Transfer 44.7 60.7 66.4 27.3 58.9 74.3 80.1 29.0
Ours 82.7 90.5 93.5 69.3 89.1 95.8 97.2 73.6
Table 2: Comparison of our results with state-of-art methods in UDA. We highlighted in bold, underline and italic the first,
second and third best results, respectively. RR stands for Re-Ranking.
Market1501 DukeMTMC DukeMTMC Market1501
Rank-1 Rank-5 Rank-10 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 Rank-10 mAP
ECN (Zhong et al., 2019) 63.3 75.8 80.4 40.4 75.1 87.6 91.6 43.0
CBN (Zhuang et al., 2020) + ECN 68.0 80.0 83.9 44.9 81.7 91.9 94.7 52.0
Theory (Song et al., 2020) 68.4 80.1 83.5 49.0 75.8 89.5 93.2 53.7
PCB-PAST (Zhang et al., 2019) 72.4 - - 54.3 78.4 - - 54.6
AD Cluster (Zhai et al., 2020) 72.6 82.5 85.5 54.1 86.7 94.4 96.5 68.3
SSG (Fu et al., 2019) 76.0 85.8 89.3 60.3 86.2 94.6 96.5 68.7
DG-Net++ (Zou et al., 2020) 78.9 87.8 90.4 63.8 82.1 90.2 92.7 61.7
MMT (Ge et al., 2020) 79.3 89.1 92.4 65.7 90.9 96.4 97.9 76.5
Ours 82.7 90.5 93.5 69.3 89.1 95.8 97.2 73.6
Ours + RR (Zhong et al., 2017) 84.8 90.8 93.2 81.2 92.0 95.3 96.6 88.1
4.3 Comparison with State-of-art UDA
In Table 2 we compare our multi-step pseudo-label
refinement method with multiple state-of-the-art Re-
ID UDA methods. As one can see, we beat all other
methods in DukeMTMC target dataset and push the
state-of-the-art by 3.4% and 3.6% for CMC rank-1
and mAP, respectively. For Market1501 we are able
to reach second place with a noticeable gap to the
third place with an improvement of 2.4% and 4.9%
for CMC rank-1 and mAP, respectively.
In addition, our framework have a lightweight ar-
chitecture when compared to other frameworks that
achieve state-of-the-art. MMT (Ge et al., 2020) uses
two CNNs so that one generates soft labels for the
other. DG-Net++ (Zou et al., 2020) uses a extremely
complex framework with GANs and multiple en-
coders and decoders.
As we approach Re-ID as a metric learning task,
re-ranking algorithms have a great impact in the
results. Then, we evaluated our model using k-
reciprocal encoding re-ranking (Zhong et al., 2017)
which combines the original distance with the Jaccard
distance in an unsupervised manner. The importance
to use a ranking system is shown with an CMC Rank-
1 improvement of 2.1% for DukeMTMC and 2.9%
in Market1501 when compared to our raw method.
Also, re-ranking significantly pushes the mAP perfor-
mance in 11.9% for DukeMTMC and 14.5% for Mar-
4.4 Ablation Studies
Table 3: The contribution of each method in the model per-
formance evaluated on Market1501 and DukeMTMC-reID
datasets. PL means Progressive Learning, CN stands for
Camera Guided Normalization and DA for Domain Adap-
tation. The baseline Resnet-50 results are from (Luo et al.,
Rank-1 mAP Rank-1 mAP
ResNet 50 41.4 25.7 54.3 25.5
+ IBN-Net50-a 44.7 27.3 58.9 29.0
+ DA 52.2 37.1 60.1 34.8
+ PL 52.2 37.1 61.4 35.5
+ Cluster Selection 77.2 61.8 86.5 66.0
+ CN 82.7 69.3 89.1 73.6
Table 3 shows how each technique contributes to our
final method performance.
IBN-Net50-a: the difference between the origi-
nal Resnet-50 and the IBN-Net50-a is that the IBN-
Net50-a modifies all batch normalization layers so
they also take advantage of an instance normaliza-
tion. This modification enhances the model normal-
ization capacity and generalization power, leading to
an improvement on the CMC rank-1 performance im-
provement of 3.3% in DukeMTMC and 4.6% in Mar-
Domain Adaptation: in Table 3 we call as do-
main adaptation the use of pseudo-labels from target
domain for training. This clustering guided domain
adaptation allows our model to train using actual im-
ages from target domain, which facilitates the model
to learn various aspects of the domain, such as illu-
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
mination, camera angles, person pose. Learning the
characteristics from target domain is a major factor
for domain adaptation which becomes evident by the
CMC rank-1 improvement of 7.5% in DukeMTMC
and 1.2% in Market1501.
Progressive Learning: this technique has a great
potential to keep improving the model’s performance
with new pseudo-labels. However, as we said in Sec-
tion §3.2 to get full advantage of this technique ones
need to guarantee that the pseudo-labels are close to
the class divisions. Therefore, this step only gives
a significant improvement if associated with the pro-
posed cluster selection technique. In Table 3 results,
the progressive learning results were obtained using
the raw clusters defined by the clustering algorithm.
Then, the model used all the available information in
target domain and overfitted to these pseudo-labels.
In the next step these clusters tend to be the same and
the model does not have a stimulus to learn better fea-
tures. This is why the progressive learning results on
their own do not seem to help.
Cluster Selection: this method relies on a continu-
ous improvement on the pseudo-labels. for that, we
remove clusters that are unlikely to help improve the
model, such as small clusters with less than 4 images
and clusters that had images from only one camera
view. Using this strategy we can get full advantage of
progressive learning and push the model to learn cam-
era view invariant features, since all our pseudo-labels
have samples from multiple camera views.
The real contribution of the progressive learning
technique is shown alongside the contribution of the
cluster selection strategy, because they are comple-
mentary techniques. This is certainly the most rel-
evant element of our pipeline, as it leads to a step
change in our performance, enhancing the rank-1
CMC performance in 25.0% for DukeMTMC and
25.1% for Market1501.
Camera Guided Normalization: learning camera
invariant features is essential for person Re-ID, be-
cause the person appearance may vary for different
cameras and the model has to deal with all types of
variations. Since target labels are unknown, when the
model extracts features from the target domain, in-
stead of grouping images by the person that appears
in them, the feature vectors tend to cluster camera
viewpoints. The camera guided normalization helps
to reduce this camera shift and align the features from
different cameras. This camera alignment allows the
cluster method to create better clusters with samples
from different cameras. Our cluster selection method
thus selects more clusters to be part of the pseudo-
label dataset. With this richer and camera invariant
pseudo-label dataset, our model has better samples
to learn from and its mAP is improved by 7.5% for
DukeMTMC and 7.6% for Market1501.
Training Efficiency: the better pseudo-labels which
are obtained when applying camera guided normal-
ization speeds up the model convergence. Figure
2 shows how many progressive learning steps were
needed to reach convergence with or without camera
guided normalization.
Figure 2: Comparison of progressive learning steps that
take for model convergence when using or not camera
guided normalization. The black arrow indicates when the
model using normalization reached convergence, the points
after the black arrow repeat the best model result. The “not
normalized” curves reach their peak at the right end of these
Table 4: Comparison between DBSCAN and k-means as
the clustering algorithm. After cluster selection, differ-
ent amounts of samples were removed for each clustering
method. This portion (in %) is shown in the last columns.
Rank-1 Rank-5 Rank-10 mAP Portion
k-means 77.7 87.5 90.8 63.1 85.5
DBSCAN 82.7 90.5 93.5 69.3 69.7
Method D M
k-means 87.0 94.7 96.9 65.9 95.9
DBSCAN 89.1 95.8 97.2 73.6 79.9
Learn by Guessing: Multi-step Pseudo-label Refinement for Person Re-Identification
Clustering Methods: we ran our multi-step pseudo-
label refinement method with two different clustering
algorithms in its pipeline: k-means and DBSCAN.
Table 4 presents the results achieved using each of
them and also the portion of training data that was se-
lected for use as pseudo-labels after the cluster selec-
tion phases. DBSCAN does not need a fixed number
of clusters and has an built-in outlier detector, so it can
deal with hard samples better than k-means. For k-
means, all samples count, then the hard samples have
a negative impact in the quality of the pseudo-labels.
The results in Table 4 confirms our hypothesis that it
is better to use fewer and less noisy samples.
In this work we propose a multi-step pseudo-label re-
finement method to improve results on Unsupervised
Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification. We
focus on tackling the problem of having noisy pseudo-
labels in this task and proposed a pipeline that re-
duces the shift caused by camera changes as well
as techniques for outlier removal and cluster selec-
tion. Our method includes DBSCAN clustering algo-
rithm that was designed to perform well in large and
noisy databases; a camera-guided normalization step
to align features from multiple camera views and al-
low them to be part of the same clusters; and a smart
cluster selection method that creates optimal pseudo-
labels for our training setup and keep improving the
pseudo-labels at each progressive learning step.
Our method generates a strong label space for
target domain without any supervision. We reach
state-of-the-art performance on Market1501 as a tar-
get dataset and push the state-of-the-art on the chal-
lenging DukeMTMC target dataset by 5.5% (or 3.4%
without re-ranking). Our work highlights the impor-
tance of pseudo-labels refinement with strong normal-
ization techniques. It also takes advantage of a metric
learning process and re-ranking (Zhou et al., 2020;
Zhong et al., 2017). This combination has clearly
proven successful.
One possibility for future work is to investigate the
use of re-ranking as part of the clustering step.
We acknowledge the support of Fundac¸
ao de Apoio
a Pesquisa do Distrito Federal (FAPDF) through
enio 07/2019 - project KnEDLe - with support
of Finatec (project 6429).
Dr. de Campos also acknowledges the support
of CNPq fellowship PQ 314154/2018-3. He cur-
rently works at Vicon MotionSystems, Oxford Met-
rics Group, UK. Mr. Pereira also thanks CyberLabs
for supporting his research.
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Learn by Guessing: Multi-step Pseudo-label Refinement for Person Re-Identification