Figure 7: Experimental results of missing smoothness control. This figure shows a comparison result between (a) without
smooth cost and (b) with smooth cost. Both in (a) and (b) shares the same control size of m = n = l = 5 and their result
isosurfaces are extracted with the same cell size 20 × 20 × 20 and same isovalue C = 0.5. As we can see, (a) shows a rough
surface where there are lots of abrupt changes along the edges in the NURBS volume, while (b) shows a smooth surface where
the NURBS volume has smoother distributions over its NURBS field.
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view NURBS volume geometric modeling. We de-
vise an optimization algorithm to automatically re-
construct the 3D NURBS volume which is match-
ing with user’s designs from different view directions.
Through a series of results, we show that our proposed
approach can reconstruct the NURBS volume that
matches with the user’s designs. At the same time,
we conclude that moderate isovalue settings, smooth-
ness considerations, and higher control precision will
result in better results. But higher precision needs ex-
tra time for optimization. We believe our work can
inspire more follow-up research to explore how the
volumetric NURBS design can change the industry
of the CAD and graphics industry.
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Multi-view NURBS Volume