Figure 12: Two radial basis function approximation results.
Vastus intermedius origin is on the left. The connection be-
tween both ends of the attachment area does not turned out
well due to looping the curve. Gluteus medius posterior
origin is on the right. The shape is approximated by expec-
This paper investigated the options of reconstructing
a closed space curve from the points sampled on that
curve, supporting sparse sampling and noisy data with
multiple outliers. Our extensive experiments, per-
formed on the TLEM 2.0 data sets (Carbone et al.,
2015) in the context of muscle attachments estima-
tion, lead us to the following recommendations. If
the curve to be reconstructed is not expected to have
a shape of a narrow saddle or be otherwise strangely
bent, the points should be projected onto the plane
that best fit the input data. The lenz algorithm (Lenz,
2006) should be used on the projected points to find
the primary connectivity between the input points.
Suppose this algorithm is unavailable or the expec-
tations on the curve shape do not hold. In that case,
the input data should be transformed onto the plane
using the multidimensional scaling (MDS) technique
(Cox and Cox, 2008). The α-shape algorithm (Edels-
brunner et al., 1983) should be then used on the trans-
formed points (instead of the lenz algorithm), with the
disc radius being slightly above half of the maximal
shortest distance between pairs of transformed points.
If neither algorithm is available, connect2d or nncrust
(see (Ohrhallinger et al., 2021)) are a decent choice.
Providing that the surface on which the space
curve lies is available, the reconstructed curve can
be refined by tracing the shortest paths between each
pair of points connected by an edge. A non-manifold
curve, i.e., a curve containing vertices of valence
larger than 2, can be converted into a manifold one
using the algorithm proposed in the paper, based on
iso-contour extraction from a scalar field describing
for each point on the surface its distance to the curve.
If the object bounded by the curve covers only a tiny
portion of the surface in any direction or the surface
is open, this conversion is reliable.
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Non-planar Surface Shape Reconstruction from a Point Cloud in the Context of Muscles Attachments Estimation