teractive and passive classes (reaching 95.9%) in or-
der to determine whether someone is trying to interact
with the robot or not.
The results show that, with our approach, gesture
recognition with high classification rates is possible
for important subtasks in HRI. On the full classifica-
tion issue of 20 classes, our method achieves 70%.
A different joint constellation could improve results
on classes that rely on finger joints, which are not in-
cluded in the dataset.
Further enhancement of gesture recognition is
possible. Extending the dataset or creating algo-
rithms which achieve higher accuracy on the full HRI-
Gestures dataset could be considered.
This research was supported by the HanDiRob
project, funded by the European Fund for regional
development, and by the DIREC project, funded by
Innovation Fund Denmark.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications