Automatic Estimation of Anthropometric Human Body Measurements
1 a
, Adam Rie
2 b
and Martin Madaras
1,2 c
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia
Skeletex Research, Slovakia
Computer Vision, Neural Networks, Body Measurements, Human Body Analysis, Anthropometry, Point
Research tasks related to human body analysis have been drawing a lot of attention in computer vision area
over the last few decades, considering its potential benefits on our day-to-day life. Anthropometry is a field
defining physical measures of a human body size, form, and functional capacities. Specifically, the accurate
estimation of anthropometric body measurements from visual human body data is one of the challenging
problems, where the solution would ease many different areas of applications, including ergonomics, garment
manufacturing, etc. This paper formulates a research in the field of deep learning and neural networks, to
tackle the challenge of body measurements estimation from various types of visual input data (such as 2D
images or 3D point clouds). Also, we deal with the lack of real human data annotated with ground truth body
measurements required for training and evaluation, by generating a synthetic dataset of various human body
shapes and performing a skeleton-driven annotation.
Analyzing human body and motion has been an im-
portant field of research for decades. The related tasks
attract attention of many computer vision researchers,
mainly due to the wide range of applications, which
includes surveillance, entertainment industry, sports
performance analysis, ergonomics, human-computer
interaction, garment manufacturing, etc.
Human body analysis covers a number of differ-
ent tasks, including body parts segmentation, pose es-
timation and body measurements estimation; while
capturing human body in motion brings up additional
tasks, such as pose tracking, activity recognition and
classification, and many more. All of the topics are
closely related, thus are often treated as associated or
complementary tasks.
Anthropometric human body measurements
gather various statistical data about human body
and its physical properties. They are generally
categorized into two groups: static and dynamic mea-
surements. Static, or structural, dimensions include
circumferences, lengths, skinfolds and volumetric
measurements. Dynamic, or functional, dimensions
incorporate link measurements, center of gravity
measurements, and body landmark locations. In this
research, we will focus mainly on body circumfer-
ences, widths and lengths of particular body parts or
limbs, and other distances within a human body. One
of the issues in context of anthropometry is the lack
of standardization in body measurements. For this
reason, we clarify the definition of each annotated
measurement in Section 3.1.2.
For the purpose of the anthropometric body mea-
surements estimation, there has been very few data
with ground truth annotations made publicly avail-
able. Up to our knowledge, the only large-scale
dataset of real human body scans along with the
manually measured body dimensions is a commer-
cial dataset CAESAR (Robinette et al., 2002), which
has not been released for public usage. Since annotat-
ing real data using tape measuring is rather exhausting
and time-consuming, considering the potentially large
set of different human subjects; the usual workaround
is to make use of synthetically generated data. How-
ever, at the cost of the relatively fast data annotation,
there is a need for establishing a robust method to ob-
tain the accurate body measures on the body surface.
The main contribution of this paper is fourfold:
(1) we examine various 2D and 3D input human body
data representations, along with their impact on the
Škorvánková, D., Rie
cický, A. and Madaras, M.
Automatic Estimation of Anthropometric Human Body Measurements.
DOI: 10.5220/0010878100003124
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2022) - Volume 4: VISAPP, pages
ISBN: 978-989-758-555-5; ISSN: 2184-4321
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ability of a neural network to extract the important
features and process them to estimate true values of
a predefined set of body measurements on the out-
put; (2) to deal with the insufficient amount of pub-
licly available data annotated with ground-truth body
measurements, we generated a large-scale synthetic
dataset of various body shapes in standard body pose,
using parametric human body model, along with cor-
responding point clouds, gray-scale and silhouette
images, skeleton data, and 16 annotated body mea-
surements; (3) to obtain the ground-truth for the 16
measurements on the body models, we established a
skeleton-guided annotation pipeline, which can eas-
ily be extended to compute more complex and task-
specific body dimensions, and finally, (4) we present
a method for an accurate automatic end-to-end hu-
man body measurements estimation from a single in-
put frame.
The anthropometric body measurements estimation is
an emerging problem in the context of various appli-
cations, such as garment manufacturing, ergonomics,
or surveillance. An automatic estimation of accu-
rate body measures would prevent us from having to
manually tape measure the human bodies. Also, the
automated pipeline would bring consistency in body
measuring, which is often hard to maintain when tape
measuring different human subjects. Aside from nat-
ural human error, or inaccuracies caused by tape mea-
suring, there is an ambiguity across various different
body measuring standards.
There have been numerous algorithmic strategies
presented to tackle the task of human body measure-
ments estimation over the years (Guill
o et al., 2020;
Anisuzzaman et al., 2019; Ashmawi et al., 2019;
Song et al., 2017; Dao et al., 2014; Tsoli et al., 2014;
Li et al., 2013). However, they often proved not to
satisfy the accuracy of the estimations, nor meet the
desired efficiency, or computational and complexity
requirements. One of the main problems when pro-
cessing data representing human body is the irregu-
larity and complex structure of the human body sur-
face. In theory, there are no predefined vertices on
the surface of human body to guide the processing;
as it is when analyzing standard 3D objects with cor-
ners and edges. Considering the theoretical and prac-
tical issues with the algorithmic approaches, in many
environments, they have been replaced with machine
learning techniques, such as random forests (Xiaohui
et al., 2018) or neural networks (Yan and K
2021; Wang et al., 2019).
In order to sufficiently train a machine learning
model, a large amount of human body data annotated
with ground truth body measurements is essential.
In general, there are no such large-scale benchmark
datasets publicly available for research purposes at the
moment. The main reason for this is the exhausting
process of manual tape measuring of real human bod-
ies. Therefore, most researchers have made use of the
synthetic data instead of the real human data. Tejeda
et al. (Gonzalez-Tejeda and Mayer, 2019) focused on
the annotation process of three basic body measure-
ments: chest, waist, and pelvis circumference on 3D
human body model. Our annotation method presented
in this paper is inspired by their approach, while we
optimized and adjusted the conditions in computa-
tion of the particular measurements, and extended the
set of measurements by thirteen additional body mea-
2.1 1D Statistical Input Data
Regarding the human body measurements estimation,
several existing approaches formulate the task as esti-
mating an extended list of advanced body measures
from a set of predefined basic body measurements
on the input, thus having the 1D statistical input
data (Wang et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2017). Usually,
the estimation is based on an end-to-end learning neu-
ral network, mapping from the input easy-to-measure
body dimensions to the detailed body dimensions on
the output. However, these methods still require man-
ual tape measuring of the few basic attributes, which
may be inconvenient in certain application scenarios.
2.2 Image Input Data
Methods inferring from 2D input images were pro-
posed to estimate the body measurements from visual
data to avoid the need for manual measuring in de-
ployment. Most frequently, the input data are in a
form of RGB images (Yan and K
ainen, 2021;
Anisuzzaman et al., 2019; Shigeki et al., 2018), al-
though the three color channels may not be very
beneficial in context of this particular task, at the
cost of processing the three-channeled data. Thus,
several other approaches settled for gray-scale im-
ages (Tejeda and Mayer, 2021) as input data, while
achieving competitive results.
Binary silhouette images of a human body were
also used in some of the strategies (Gonzalez-Tejeda
and Mayer, 2019; Song et al., 2017), suggesting the
contours of the body shape are the most important fea-
ture for the stated task.
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Figure 1: Human data representations included in the generated synthetic dataset: binary silhouette images, gray-scale images,
3D models, skeleton data, 3D point clouds and 16 annotated body measurements.
2.3 3D Input Data
Furthermore, there has been a number of methods
proposing the engagement of 3D input data (Guill
et al., 2020; Xiaohui et al., 2018; Tsoli et al.,
2014). In (Yan et al., 2020), the authors are fitting a
Skinned Multi-Person Linear (SMPL) body model to
a scanned point cloud, using a non-rigid iterative clos-
est point algorithm as a part of their pipeline. Then,
they run a non-linear regressor to estimate the body
measures on the fitted body model from multiple mea-
sured circumference paths. There also have been few
attempts to compute the body dimensions on 3D body
point clouds (Dao et al., 2014) using analytical ap-
proaches, although the idea has not been developed
much further.
One of the main contributions of this paper are ex-
periments with 3D input data, where we suggest us-
ing 3D point clouds directly on the input, and training
a neural model in an end-to-end fashion to avoid the
need for an expensive alignment of the point cloud
and 3D body model.
In this section, we present our proposed strategy to ac-
curately estimate the anthropometric body measure-
ments from visual data. In our work, we exam-
ine various input data types, including binary silhou-
ette images, gray-scale images and 3D point clouds.
Another contribution of our research is an estab-
lished framework for a skeleton-guided computation
of 16 ground-truth body measurements on a 3D body
model. We have produced a large-scale database of
synthetic human body data relevant for various hu-
man body analysis-related tasks and we publish the
for further research.
3.1 Data Acquisition
We consider generating a large-scale collection of
synthetic human body data one of the contributions
of this paper, while containing multiple correspond-
ing data representations, categorized into male and
female body data. It includes 3D body models,
point clouds, gray-scale and binary silhouette images,
skeleton data as well as a set of 16 annotated body
measurements, as illustrated in Figure 1. We present
the details of the database in the subsequent sections.
3.1.1 Synthetic Data Generation
The synthetic human body data were generated us-
ing a SMPL parametric model (Loper et al., 2015)
with high variety of different body shapes. It includes
50k male and 50k female body models. The gray-
scale and binary images were generated by capturing
the rendered body model from a frontal-view. Fur-
thermore, each rendered body model was virtually
Automatic Estimation of Anthropometric Human Body Measurements
Table 1: Definition of annotated anthropometric body measurements. Note that the 3D model is expected to capture the
human body in the default T-pose, with Y-axis representing the vertical axis, and Z-axis pointing towards the camera.
Body measurement Definition
Head circumference circumference taken on the Y-axis at the level in the middle between the head skeleton
joint and the top of the head (the intersection plane is slightly rotated along X-axis to
match the natural head posture)
Neck circumference circumference taken at the Y-axis level in 1/3 distance between the neck joint and the
head joint (the intersection plane is slightly rotated along X-axis to match the natural
Shoulder-to-shoulder distance between left and right shoulder skeleton joint
Arm span distance between the left and right fingertip in T-pose (the X-axis range of the model)
Shoulder-to-wrist distance between the shoulder and the wrist joint (sleeve length)
Torso length distance between the neck and the pelvis joint
Bicep circumference circumference taken using an intersection plane which normal is perpendicular to X-
axis, at the X coordinate in the middle between the shoulder and the elbow joint
Wrist circumference circumference taken using an intersection plane which normal is perpendicular to X-
axis, at the X coordinate of the wrist joint
Chest circumference circumference taken at the Y-axis level of the maximal intersection of a model and the
mesh signature within the chest region, constrained by axilla and the chest (upper spine)
Waist circumference circumference taken at the Y-axis level of the minimal intersection of a model and the
mesh signature within the waist region – around the natural waist line (mid-spine joint);
the region is scaled relative to the model stature
Pelvis circumference circumference taken at the Y-axis level of the maximal intersection of a model and the
mesh signature within the pelvis region, constrained by the pelvis joint and hip joint
Leg length distance between the pelvis and ankle joint
Inner leg length distance between the crotch and the ankle joint (crotch height); while the Y coordi-
nate being incremented, the crotch is detected in the first iteration after having a single
intersection with the mesh signature, instead of two distinct intersections (the first inter-
section above legs)
Thigh circumference circumference taken at the Y-axis level in the middle between the hip and the knee joint
Knee circumference circumference taken at the Y coordinate of the knee joint
Calf length distance between the knee joint and the ankle joint
scanned from two viewpoints, thus producing a cor-
responding 3D body point cloud containing 88 408
distinct points. Also, Gaussian noise is added to the
virtual scans, following (Jensen et al., 2021; Rako-
tosaona et al., 2019; Rosman et al., 2012), to bring
the resulting data closer to the real data captured by
a structured-light 3D scanner. The body scans are
originally structured in 2D grid, similar to standard
image, where the grid contains 3 real world coordi-
nates at indices containing a valid point of the point
cloud, and zeros (representing an empty grid index)
otherwise. However, to merge scans from two cam-
era viewpoints and thus incorporate more information
into a single point cloud, we discard the grid struc-
ture, and use unorganized point clouds directly as an
input. Another reason to prefer the unstructured point
clouds would be to save the computation time and
memory, related to the large number of empty points
in the grid-structured scans. Nonetheless, the struc-
tured point cloud representation might be useful in
certain cases, and we plan to incorporate this data for-
mat in the future steps of this research, as we suggest
in Section 5.1.
3.1.2 Annotation Process
In this section, we describe the process of annotating
the synthetically generated data with various body di-
mensions measured on the body model surface. Our
annotation method is inspired by CALVIS (Gonzalez-
Tejeda and Mayer, 2019). While we used the same
mesh signature approach, intersecting the model ge-
ometry; we extended the list of body measurements
and adjusted the three original measures (chest, waist
and pelvis circumference) to make them consistent
with the real measures obtained by manual tape mea-
suring. In particular, we optimized the vertical axis
conditions on the body region, where each of the cir-
cumference is measured. We propose, that the vertical
range of each region should be relative to the stature
of the specific body model. Moreover, we mark thir-
teen additional measurements (as described in Fig-
ure 1), which are often used mainly in garment manu-
facturing. In Table 1, we define each of the measure-
ments, to avoid any ambiguities considering different
anthropometric measuring standards.
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
3.2 Baseline Models
Here, we present the baseline models used in our ex-
periments to regress the anthropometric body mea-
surements. Our research is focused on examining var-
ious input data types, including both 2D and 3D hu-
man body data representations.
3.2.1 2D Input Data
For 2D input data, namely gray-scale images and
binary silhouette images, we employ a baseline
model for Convolutional Body Dimensions Estima-
tion (Conv-BoDiEs). The model takes a single gray-
scale or silhouette image of size 200 × 200 pixels as
input, same as in (Gonzalez-Tejeda and Mayer, 2019;
Tejeda and Mayer, 2021); and regresses the values of
16 predefined body measurements. The network ar-
chitecture is described in Figure 2, while all of the
convolution layers are followed by ReLU activation.
3.2.2 3D Input Data
In contrast to some of the previous approaches, in-
stead of the exhausting process of fitting a body scan
to a predefined body model, we aim to directly regress
the body measurements from a single unorganized 3D
point cloud merged from two camera viewpoints, or
even a grid-structured point cloud in the future (as ex-
plained in Section 5.1). One of the effective methods
to process the unstructured 3D body scans is to ex-
tract both global and local features in the network,
and aggregate these features to maintain the infor-
mation on the overall context as well as the local
neighbourhoods, as formulated in (Qi et al., 2016)
and the follow-up research. Therefore, we propose a
baseline neural architecture for Point Cloud Body Di-
mensions Estimation (PC-BoDiEs) based on stacked
multi-layer perceptron (MLP) convolutions to regress
the lengths of 16 stated body measurements. Details
of the model architecture are shown in Figure 3. Each
of the MLP layers is followed by ReLU activation.
To lower the density of the body scans and thus
lower the time and memory requirements of the
model, the input point clouds are sub-sampled using
farthest point sampling to match a fixed number of
points before being fed to the network. In experi-
ments, we validate two different point cloud densities
and show the trade-off between the number of points
present and the estimation accuracy of the model.
In this section, we illustrate the conducted experi-
ments using the purposed neural models on the gen-
erated dataset.
4.1 Training Setup
Prior to training, the whole set of gray-scale images
was normalized to zero-mean and one standard devi-
ation. The point clouds were globally normalized to
fit the range of [1, 1]. While sub-sampling the reso-
lution, we conduct experiments with two settings: us-
ing 512 and 1024 points per point cloud (as reported
in Table 3). During the training stage, the loss func-
tion used for both stated networks was mean absolute
error. All results are reported after training the mod-
els for 300 epochs. For both models, the learning rate
was gradually decreased using a cosine decay, with
the initial value set to 10
and 5 × 10
, for the im-
age and point cloud network respectively. The models
were trained using AMSGrad variant of the Adam op-
timizer, with batches of 32 samples. The experiments
were conducted on Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060.
4.2 Evaluation
For evaluating the models, we use k-fold validation
with k = 5. Each time, the dataset containing a total
of 100k samples was split to train and test set with
ratio 80:20.
We report three evaluation metrics: (1) mean ab-
solute error (MAE) denotes the average error between
the ground truth and the predicted measurements in
millimeters; (2) average precision (AP) for each mea-
surement marks the percentage of samples where
the particular measurement was estimated within the
specified threshold from ground truth; and (3) mean
average precision (mAP) marks the percentage of
samples estimated with MAE under the stated thresh-
In Table 2, we present the performance of our
models Conv-BoDiEs and PC-BoDiEs which use var-
ious input data representations to estimate the value
of 16 pre-defined body measurements. As shown in
the table, the lowest MAE of 4.64 mm was achieved
using gray-scale input images. The MAE obtained
using unorganized point cloud input data is not far
behind, with the value of 4.95 mm. In both cases,
all of the 20k test samples were estimated with MAE
(averaged over all body measurements) within 20 mm
from ground truth. The biggest error among par-
ticular body measurements in all scenarios was re-
ported on neck circumference, head circumference
Automatic Estimation of Anthropometric Human Body Measurements
Figure 2: The architecture of Convolutional Body Dimensions Estimation (Conv-BoDiEs) network. The model takes a single
200 × 200 gray-scale or binary image as input, and returns 16 estimated body measurements on the output.
Figure 3: The architecture of Point Cloud Body Dimensions Estimation (PC-BoDiEs) network. The model takes an unorga-
nized 3D body scan merged from two viewpoints as input, and returns 16 estimated body measurements on the output. Note,
that the number of points in the body scan is a hyperparameter.
Table 2: The quantitative results of Conv-BoDiEs and PC-BoDiEs. G means gray-scale, B means binary input image. Mean
absolute error (MAE) is reported per each body measurement over all k = 5 folds, as well as averaged over all measurements
and all folds. Average Precision (AP) is displayed with two thresholds: at 20 mm (AP@20) and at 10 mm (AP@10). For each
measurement, it illustrates the percentage of samples, where the particular measurement was estimated within the threshold
from ground truth. In the last row, mean average precision shows the percentage of samples estimated with MAE under stated
threshold (note, that in this case, it is not equal to the average of the above rows).
Body measurement MAE (mm) AP@20 (%) AP@10 (%)
Conv-BoDiEs PC-BoDiEs Conv-BoDiEs PC-BoDiEs Conv-BoDiEs PC-BoDiEs
Head circumference 8.38 16.22 8.06 94.09 67.56 94.87 66.12 37.70 68.44
Neck circumference 8.82 17.39 9.07 93.08 64.54 91.76 63.81 35.57 62.46
Shoulder-to-shoulder 7.54 12.41 8.21 96.37 80.36 94.57 71.28 48.06 67.43
Arm span 5.32 7.45 6.95 99.63 96.82 97.75 86.77 71.88 75.57
Shoulder-to-wrist 3.90 6.00 5.18 99.97 99.14 99.66 95.81 81.67 87.63
Torso length 6.51 10.13 7.85 98.46 88.48 95.68 78.10 56.99 69.23
Bicep circumference 4.60 6.66 5.79 99.87 98.37 99.40 91.46 77.05 83.16
Wrist circumference 2.23 3.28 2.48 100.00 99.99 100.00 99.80 98.11 99.79
Chest circumference 2.57 5.24 3.29 100.00 99.71 100.00 99.57 87.22 98.31
Waist circumference 1.65 3.11 2.29 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.98 98.96 99.96
Pelvis circumference 3.51 4.92 5.11 99.89 99.57 99.66 97.09 89.52 88.17
Leg length 2.65 3.69 3.48 100.00 100.00 100.00 99.63 96.97 97.77
Inner leg length 4.16 5.80 2.76 99.67 98.51 99.99 94.10 83.89 98.92
Thigh circumference 2.46 3.31 2.80 99.99 99.97 99.99 99.75 97.98 99.41
Knee circumference 2.76 5.47 3.45 99.98 99.47 99.98 99.33 85.38 97.67
Calf length 7.27 10.56 7.90 96.08 87.39 95.20 73.23 53.68 69.11
Mean 4.64 7.60 4.95 100.00 99.99 100.00 99.84 88.70 99.86
VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications
Table 3: Performance of the PC-BoDiEs model using various input point cloud density.
Body measurement MAE (mm) AP@20 (%) AP@10 (%)
512 pts 1024 pts 512 pts 1024 pts 512 pts 1024 pts
Head circumference 8.06 7.54 94.87 100.00 68.44 100.00
Neck circumference 9.07 8.44 91.76 100.00 62.46 100.00
Shoulder-to-shoulder 8.21 7.93 94.57 100.00 67.43 100.00
Arm span 6.95 6.45 97.75 99.98 75.57 99.97
Shoulder-to-wrist 5.18 4.65 99.66 100.00 87.63 100.00
Torso length 7.85 7.51 95.68 100.00 69.23 100.00
Bicep circumference 5.79 5.51 99.40 100.00 83.16 100.00
Wrist circumference 2.48 2.32 100.00 100.00 99.79 100.00
Chest circumference 3.29 2.96 100.00 100.00 98.31 100.00
Waist circumference 2.29 2.16 100.00 100.00 99.96 100.00
Pelvis circumference
5.11 4.80 99.66 100.00 88.17 99.97
Leg length 3.48 3.23 100.00 100.00 97.77 99.99
Inner leg length 2.76 2.43 99.99 100.00 98.92 100.00
Thigh circumference 2.80 2.57 99.99 100.00 99.41 100.00
Knee circumference 3.45 3.15 99.98 100.00 97.67 100.00
Calf length 7.90 7.48 95.20 100.00 69.11 99.99
Mean 5.29 4.95 100.00 100.00 99.77 99.86
and shoulder-to-shoulder distance; while the models
performed best on waist and wrist circumferences.
In this paper, we examined various human body data
representations, including 2D images and 3D point
clouds, and their impact on a neural network per-
formance estimating anthropometric body measure-
ments. As a part of the research, we generated large-
scale synthetic dataset of multiple corresponding data
formats, which is publicly available for research pur-
poses, and can be used in many human body analysis-
related tasks. We introduced an annotation process
to obtain ground truth for 16 distinct body measure-
ments on a 3D body model. Finally, we presented
baseline end-to-end methods for accurate body mea-
surements estimation from 2D and 3D body input
data. The results of our experiments have shown that
both the grid structure and the depth information in
the input data hold an important additional value, and
have positive effect on final estimation. Approaches
engaging grid-structured gray-scale images, as well
as unstructured 3D point clouds both yield competi-
tive results, reaching the mean error of approximately
5 mm.
5.1 Future Work
In the next step of our research, we plan to incorporate
structure into the 3D body scans, merging the bene-
fits of grid-structure and the depth information, and
examine its impact on the model inference. In this
type of data, the 3D points are organized in a 2D grid,
analogously to the image grid structure. However, in
structured point clouds, instead of RGB or intensity
values, the three channels for each point preserve its
3D coordinates. Besides, we aim to further extend the
experiments with stated data representations, and cap-
ture relevant real human data using 3D scanners, an-
notated with tape measured body dimensions to eval-
uate the models accuracy in real-world scenarios.
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VISAPP 2022 - 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications