The aim of the study was to investigate the influence
of texture fidelity on spatial perception of a Virtual
Environment (VE). An experiment was conducted
with participants assessing distance in two different
VEs: one environment having convincing textures
and one having paper textures, both with the same ge-
ometry. The experiment was split into two sub exper-
iments investigating whether the location from where
you enter the VE has an influence on the assessments,
with one of the locations being the real life equivalent
of the VE.
The findings suggested that the environment with
convincing textures had higher precision than the one
with paper textures. However, there was no signifi-
cant difference between the accuracy of assessments
in neither the texture fidelities nor the entering loca-
tions. The entering locations also did not have any
influence in accuracy, while the precision of assess-
ments were higher for participants entering from an
unrelated location than the real life equivalent of the
VE. Both of these findings contradict previous re-
search into transitional environments.
A more interesting finding was the consistent
overestimations in distance assessments which con-
tradicts previous studies, which we hypothesize could
be caused by the evaluated VE being smaller in size
than those used in previous research. We suggest
that this is researched further by evaluating distance
perception in VEs of various sizes, using either the
method used in this paper, or a variety of those pre-
sented in Table 1.
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Influence of Texture Fidelity on Spatial Perception in Virtual Reality